
“If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink the wine of God’s wrath, poured full strength into the cup of his anger, and he will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.

Paris, the Last Olympics

The inaugural modern Olympics took place in Athens in 1896. It was a modest event featuring some unusual sports. The true Olympic Games, however, were hosted in Paris in 1900.

With the end of times seemingly approaching, one wonders if these will be the final games. The last Pope, number 111, has arrived. Charles the Great (Charlemagne), was the first king of Europe, and now Charles the Third, the last reigning king in Europe.

The conclusion of the games revealed an event marked by oddities. Prior to the commencement, Russia faced a ban seemingly without justification, rooted more in political motives than any real infractions. They were accused of doping, despite their medal tally being commensurate with their population size, which would suggest they are among the least likely to cheat with drugs.

The opening ceremony set a controversial tone, offending Christians and anyone with spiritual beliefs. A particularly shocking portrayal of the Last Supper by a group of drag performers was undeniably unsettling. Additionally, they enlisted a heavy metal band with satanic themes during the proceedings. One striking image involved a woman with her head resting in her arms. This grand event, intended to unify people, instead featured an appalling affront to a quarter of the global population. No wonder when Macron made his opening speech the crowd loudly booed him.

The issue of male boxers participating in women's boxing sparked further debate, as these men physically overpowered their female competitors. A notable revelation was that one of these male boxers hailed from Algeria, a predominantly Muslim nation. You would have thought this would never have happened.  This raises questions about whether men can physically assault women simply by donning skirts. This is not a matter of opinion, as both boxers had previously faced disqualification for being male.

Then there was the Australian break Dance who did not know what Break Dancing was. Truly bazaar.

In another instance, the USA accused Chinese swimmers of doping. In response, the Chinese highlighted that the US testing board had previously allowed several athletes who tested positive for drugs to compete unpunished. Ultimately, it turns out that the USA itself was implicated in the doping scandal.

Determining individual instances of cheating can be challenging, but it is easier to identify nations that ignore the issue altogether, as evidenced by their disproportionate success in winning medals. Countries such as New Zealand and Australia provide excellent support for young athletes, which can offer them a slight competitive edge. Occasionally, a nation may excel in less popular sports, although this occurrence is becoming rarer.

So, which nations stand out for having a high number of doping violations? France, as the host nation, is likely to secure more medals than average. Smaller countries, with populations under ten million, can achieve skewed medal counts with just a handful of victories.

The USA is already well-known for this.
Australia: 54 medals at a rate of 2.16 per million
New Zealand: 20 medals at 4.0
United Kingdom: 65 medals at 1.12

Canada and Italy exhibit expected figures, with a medal count per million of .65.

The issue of doping seems rampant among English-speaking Commonwealth nations. Conversely, it is encouraging to note that drug use in the Caribbean has significantly decreased. With female athletes, tell-tale signs of doping include unnatural muscle development, particularly in the neck area. While this is not definitive proof of cheating, it is a common indicator. For example, some female sprinters from the USA and a New Zealand canoeist raise suspicions.

In the past, during the Soviet Union era, the signs of illicit drug use were overt. Observers could easily identify athletes who were likely using performance enhancers. The sophistication of the substances available has only increased since then.

These Olympics may very well be referred to as the “empty Olympics” due to the surprisingly low turnout of spectators. The haunting image of a high jumper on the field while the stands remained sparsely filled was striking. In contrast, during the London Games, securing a ticket was nearly impossible, with every venue brimming with fans.

The closing ceremony ended with a display that many considered to be dark in nature. A figure resembling a dark angel or even Satan hovered over indistinct figures. Russia's foreign ministry criticized a key element of the Paris Olympics closing ceremony, labelling it as “obvious Satanism.” Maria Zakharova expressed her views on her Telegram channel, referring to the “Golden Voyager” segment, which was meant to symbolize the gold-coated vinyl record launched aboard the Voyager spacecraft in 1977. However, Zakharova did not share that sentiment. She stated, “The only thing worse than the opening of the Olympic Games in Paris could be their closing. France did not miss this chance.”

‘Everything is in plain text: a fallen angel turns people into zombies, subjugates humanity to his will, which has less and less time left.