
“If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink the wine of God’s wrath, poured full strength into the cup of his anger, and he will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.

Christian Jews

The Forgotten Faithful: Uncovering the Plight of Israeli Christians and their Prophetic Significance for the Holy Land.

In the midst of the swirling vortex of Middle Eastern politics and religious tensions, a small yet significant community has been quietly enduring, often overlooked and underreported. The Israeli Christians, a faithful remnant of the earliest followers of Jesus, have been living in the shadows of the Holy Land, their stories, struggles, and triumphs largely unknown to the Western world. Yet, as the prophetic landscape of the region continues to unfold, the plight of these forgotten faithful takes on a significance, weaving together the threads of history, faith, and destiny. In this blog post, we embark on a journey to uncover the hidden narratives of Israeli Christians, exploring the challenges they face, the hopes they hold, and the prophetic importance of their presence in the land of Israel, a land that has been the epicentre of divine revelation and redemptive history for millennia.

1. Introduction to the often-overlooked story of Israeli Christians

As the sun rises over the ancient stones of Jerusalem, a vibrant tapestry of cultures and faiths comes alive. Yet, amidst the bustle of tourists and pilgrims, a quiet, yet profound, story remains hidden from the world's gaze. The story of Israeli Christians, a community that has called the Holy Land home for centuries, yet remains shrouded in obscurity. There are the descendants of the earliest followers of Jesus, the very same people who walked alongside the apostles, and witnessed the birth of Christianity. Together with the Palestinian Christians, who paths parted for some historical reasons. They are joined by Jewish Christians who have migrated to Israel and who have converted. Today, they number many thousands, scattered throughout the land, their voices whispering in the wind, the Jewish Christians are waiting to be heard.

Despite being the original inhabitants of the land, Israeli Christians have been relegated to the periphery of history, their stories, struggles, and triumphs largely overlooked by the world. They are the forgotten faithful, living in the shadows of the Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and the Jordan River. Theirs is a narrative of resilience, of faith, and of an unwavering commitment to the land of their ancestors. It is a story that has been waiting to be told, and one that holds the key to unlocking the prophetic significance of the Holy Land.

2. A brief history of Christianity in the Holy Land

The Holy Land, a region steeped in rich history and spiritual significance, has been the cradle of Christianity for centuries. For Christians, the Holy Land is not just a geographical location, but a spiritual hub that connects the past, present, and future. It is the land of prophecy, where the ancient scriptures come alive, and the promises of God are fulfilled. The prophets of old, from Isaiah to Jeremiah, spoke of a time when God would restore His people to the land, and Jesus would reign supreme. This land that the Arch Angel Michael is given charge to look after.

From the earliest days of Christianity, the Holy Land was a hub of vibrant faith, with Jerusalem serving as the epicentre of the nascent Church. The apostles, including Peter, John, and James, preached and ministered on this sacred soil, establishing a thriving community of believers. As the centuries unfolded, the Holy Land became a beacon of Christian pilgrimage, attracting devout followers from far and wide. The Crusades, though marked by bloodshed and violence, and faithfulness. For 150 years, Israel was a Christian nation for the Crusaders, and most Israeli Christians trace their heritage back to these times. When Israel was declared a nation in 1948, one third of the population was Christian.

Despite this storied past, the modern era has seen a decline in the Christian population of the Holy Land. Once a thriving majority in places, Christians now comprise a mere fraction of the population, their numbers dwindling in the face of persecution, emigration, and political instability. It is against this backdrop of neglect and marginalization that we must rediscover the forgotten faithful of the Holy Land, and re-examine the prophetic significance of this sacred region in the grand narrative of Christianity.

3. The current state of Israeli Christians: Challenges and struggles

As the sun rises over the ancient stones of Jerusalem, a sense of history and spiritual significance permeates the air. Yet, the most important people of Israeli society, a quiet yet resilient community, often goes unnoticed—the Jewish Christians. Despite their deep roots in the Holy Land, they face a myriad of challenges that threaten their very existence. Today, Israeli Christians comprise a mere 2% of the population, with many struggling to maintain their identity, culture, and faith in the face of overwhelming adversity.

From discrimination in the workplace to social and economic marginalization, Israeli Christians are regularly forced to live in the shadows of their Jewish and Muslim counterparts. The lack of recognition and support from the Israeli government has led to a dearth of resources, leaving many to fend for themselves in a society that seems to have forgotten their significance. Moreover, the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict has created a sense of unease, with many Israeli Christians feeling caught in the crossfire of political and religious tensions.

Despite these struggles, the Israeli Christian community remains steadfast in their faith, clinging to

the rich heritage of their ancestors who walked alongside Jesus and Richard the Lion Heart in the very same land. As they navigate the complexities of modern Israeli society, their plight serves as a poignant reminder of the prophetic significance of the Holy Land. Any look to the rebuilding of the temple as their prophetic future. More believe Paul's words that our bodies are the third temple. That the Holy Spirit dwells in us and will never dwell in a building again. The reason the temples of old were holy was not because they said so, but that the presence of the Holy Spirit dwell in the Holy of Holy part of the temple. Because the COVID-19 vaccine changed our DNA, it can be regarded as the Abomination that causes desolation. When they see that happening, they are to flee to the wilderness. Leave Israel, and many have done so.

4. The prophetic significance of the Holy Land in Christianity

The Holy Land, a sacred terrain that has been the epicentre of Christian faith, holds a profound prophetic significance that resonates deeply within the hearts of believers. It is the land where the Messiah walked, preached, and performed miracles, leaving an indelible mark on the fabric of human history. From the birthplace of Jesus in Bethlehem to the site of His crucifixion and resurrection in Jerusalem, the Holy Land is a testament to the divine plan of redemption, a living embodiment of God's promise to His people.

Christians worldwide also have this call for Israel. Huge numbers travel and visit the sites every year. The conferences are well attended and moves of God are told of by the people at these events.

The Holy Land is the stage upon which this grand drama of redemption is unfolding, a reminder that God's plans are not mere fantasy, but a tangible reality that will soon come to pass. It will be 2000 years on April 7th 2030 when Jesus rose from the grave and started this age. The penultimate age in the ages of atomic structure.

As the end times approach, the spotlight shines brighter on the Holy Land, a beacon of hope in a world torn apart by conflict and strife. The prophetic significance of the Holy Land is a clarion call to Christians, reminding them of their responsibility to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, to stand with the faithful remnant, and to prepare for the imminent return of the King.

5. The role of Israeli Christians in the modern state of Israel

As the descendants of the earliest followers of Jesus, Israeli Christians bring a unique perspective to the table, one that is deeply rooted in the land and its people. They have lived alongside their Jewish brethren for centuries, fostering a sense of community and cooperation that is essential to the nation's survival. Many Israeli Christians serve in the Israeli military, just like their Jewish counterparts, and have fought bravely to defend the land they call home.

Moreover, Israeli Christians have been instrumental in promoting tourism, education, and humanitarian initiatives that benefit the entire nation. Their churches, monasteries, and cultural institutions are a testament to the rich cultural heritage of the Holy Land, attracting visitors from around the world and injecting vital revenue into the economy.

Despite these significant contributions, Israeli Christians often face discrimination, marginalization, and even persecution. They are caught in the midst of a complex web of political, religious, and social tensions, struggling to assert their identity and claim their rightful place in the modern state of Israel.

The harsh realities faced by Israeli Christians are a far cry from the picturesque landscapes and sacred sites that regularly come to mind when thinking of the Holy Land. Behind the biblical scenery, a stark reality exists, where Christians are subjected to persecution, discrimination, and marginalization. With Israel's descent into secularism, those of a religious background are typically viewed as the enemy. For the Ashkenazi Jews and their Satanic background, they are a mortal enemy. This can manifest in various ways, from subtle social exclusion to overt violence and intimidation.

In some cases, Israeli Christians have reported being denied access to education, employment, and healthcare, simply because of their faith. Others have been victims of vandalism, arson, and even physical attacks on their churches and homes. The atmosphere of fear and intimidation is palpable, with many Christians feeling forced to keep their faith hidden, lest they face retribution from their neighbours.

Furthermore, the Israeli government's policies have been criticized for favouring the Jewish and Muslim populations, leaving Christians feeling like second-class citizens. The lack of representation and protection has led to a sense of powerlessness, as they struggle to make their voices heard in a society that seems determined to ignore their plight. It is a stark reminder that, even in the land of Christ's birth, followers of Jesus are not immune to the scourge of persecution.

6. The theological significance of Israel and the Jewish people in the End Times.

The Bible, the foundational text of Christianity, is replete with references to the chosen people of Israel, the covenant promises, and the prophetic destiny of the Jewish nation. The apostle Paul, a Jewish scholar and evangelist, penned epistles that underscored the inseparable bond between the Gentile church and the Jewish roots of faith. The early Christian community, comprised of Jewish believers, gathered in Jerusalem to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, and the apostles' teachings were rooted in the Hebrew Scriptures.
In this theological landscape, Israel and the Jewish people occupy a unique position, serving as a tangible connection to the biblical narrative and the fulfilment of ancient prophecies. The restoration of the State of Israel in 1948, the in gathering of exiles, and the remarkable resurgence of Jewish life in the Holy Land were all seen by many Christians as a manifestation of biblical prophecy and a harbinger of the Messiah's return. As such, the fate of Israel and the Jewish people are inextricably linked to the very essence of Christian theology, underscoring the imperative for

Christians to stand in solidarity with their Jewish brethren and support the welfare of the Holy Land.

As the Levites and the nation of Israel itself are linked with the will of God. That any attempts to wipe them out will lead to the enemies hurt. This protection from God also falls upon the Christians of Israel, both Jewish and Palestinians.

Even though people look for prophecies about Israel’s lot in the last days, there is, in fact, very little. They take prophecies about the end of the 1000-year reign of peace, Ezekiel 38 is a classic example. Other scriptures that are concerning Jesus’s first coming are often used. In many ways, Israel is just a bystander as the End time events play out.

Revelations does not mention Israel directly at all. You have to extrapolate out that the outer court is Israel and the inner court is Jerusalem. The plain of Armageddon is in Syria. The great battle that see’s Damascus wiped from the earth. If the outer court is given over to the nations, is there other scripture to back that up. Zechariah 12 and 14 talk about only half of Jerusalem remaining and the way God defends Jerusalem. The 1260 days that the outer court is given over to the nations started on October 7th 2023. It will end in April 2027. By that stage, just a half of Jerusalem will remain of Israel. It will end when Jesus returns. At the same time, the kings of the East are fighting the nations at Armageddon. What strange set of events brought this about? What we are going to see is that Israel’s position of strength is now going to get weaker and weaker. In the end, they will be desperately holding on. As its situation gets worse and worse, more and more nations will join the fight against them. There is a modern prophecy that says Turkey will be the first nation to attack. Quickly followed by Iran and Syria. Then the others will join in.

7. Conclusion: The forgotten faithful and the prophetic significance of the Holy Land

As we conclude our journey through the often-overlooked story of Israeli Christians, we are left with a profound sense of responsibility and urgency. The plight of these faithful brothers and sisters in Christ serves as a poignant reminder of the intricate tapestry of the Holy Land, where the threads of faith, history, and culture are inextricably woven together. It is a region where the sacred and the mundane coexist, where the whispers of ancient prophecies linger in the air, and where the very fabric of our collective spiritual heritage is woven.

As we reflect on the struggles, triumphs, and quiet perseverance of Israeli Christians, we are compelled to acknowledge the prophetic significance of the Holy Land. This land, often regarded as the cradle of Christianity, continues to hold a profound significance for believers around the world. It is a land where the Messiah walked, where the apostles preached, and where the very foundations of our faith were laid.

As we stand in solidarity with our Israeli Christian brothers and sisters, we are reminded of the importance of prayer, advocacy, and support for this oft-forgotten community. We are called to be the voice of the voiceless, to stand with the marginalized, and to uphold the dignity of all people, regardless of their faith, ethnicity, or nationality. In doing so, we not only honour the legacy of the early Church but also fulfil our sacred duty to be the salt and light in a world that often seems to have forgotten the very people who have given us so much.