Holocaust Deniers. Hero’s or villains.
Ursula Haverbeck (born November 8, 1928, died November 20, 2024) recently passed away at the age of ninety-six. She became well-known, or rather infamous, in Germany for her willingness to question the mainstream narrative of the Jewish Holocaust, which states that six million people perished. Throughout her life, she frequently clashed with German authorities over charges of ‘Holocaust denial’ and ‘incitement to hatred,’ offences that usually lead to heavy fines or incarceration. Her purported crime was her belief that Auschwitz functioned as a labour camp rather than a death camp. In a speech delivered in 2016 in Lichtenrade, a district in southern Berlin, Ursula referred to the Holocaust as one of history’s greatest fabrications, asserting that the gas chambers at Auschwitz were not genuine.
Ursula was one of many holocaust deniers. The numbers and logistics did not allow for it. The number of deaths being six million was a propaganda number produced by the Russian for some reason known only to them is well established. Although, it was suspected as cover for the amount of Jews killed by the communists. That there was never enough cyanide produced to kill all those people. That the railways had been mostly destroyed and there was no way to get them to the camps. Even if there were gas chambers, there were not enough hours in a day to kill that many people. The Jewish worldwide population census showed around 13 million Jews worldwide in 1938. In the next census, there were slightly more than 13 million Jews in 1948. The increase in the population would have increased by around 1.3 million or 1% per year. That would likely have only been 300,000 to die in the camps. Many Jews died in Russia and elsewhere from general fighting. The holocaust did take place, it was still a huge number, just not six million. In fact, the six million was a ridiculous number. This led to people like Ursula saying that no Jews died. This is the sad resulting story.
Her Wikipedia page indicates that in November 2015, when she was 87 years old, she received a ten-month prison sentence for Holocaust denial. Further convictions in late 2016 resulted in additional prison terms. Despite her attempts to appeal these sentences, she was taken into custody by German police on May 7, 2018, to begin serving her latest two-year sentence. After being released from a prison in Bielefeld at the end of 2020, she was again charged, subsequently undergoing a new trial in March 2022, which concluded with a one-year prison sentence. On June 26, 2024, she faced yet another conviction, resulting in an additional 16 months behind bars.
Ursula’s multiple imprisonments uncover a disturbing aspect of our adversaries. They reveal an intense desperation to uphold the Holocaust narrative that has been ingrained in society for the last sixty years, indicating how fundamentally fragile this narrative is if they feel compelled to incarcerate a nonagenarian simply for holding a different view on Auschwitz. Essentially, Ursula's offences were thought crimes; she held views that diverged from the official perspective of the German authorities regarding the historical events from 1939 to 1945, leading to her arrest, fines, sentencing, and imprisonment.
Ursula could have been permitted to harbour her 'heretical' opinions without facing any legal repercussions had she chosen to keep them to herself. However, by openly discussing her 'heresy' and associating with the political dissidents on Germany's 'far right,' she crossed a line. Authoritarian regimes like that of Germany cannot tolerate their citizens questioning or even recognizing Jewish narratives about the events at Auschwitz; such beliefs must be accepted wholeheartedly. Any deviation from this is seen as a threat, prompting the possibility of exploration, alternative viewpoints, or even scepticism regarding the entire Holocaust narrative. As a result, it is deemed necessary to silence any dissenting voices or even the slightest objections, to prevent the collapse of the established narrative.
If Ursula had considered challenging or doubting the occurrence of the Cambodian genocide (1976-1980) committed by the Khmer Rouge, would she have faced fines or imprisonment? Would voicing disbelief in certain aspects of the Holodomor genocide (1932-1933), which resulted in millions of Ukrainian deaths, have led to charges of ‘incitement to hatred’? What consequences might have befallen Ursula for denying the Armenian Genocide perpetrated by the Turks (1915-1923), which saw around a million Armenian's killed? Alternatively, if her views on the Rwandan genocide (1994) differed, where nearly a million Tutsis were murdered, would she have faced arrest or penalties? If she proclaimed that Joseph Stalin’s regime (1929-1953) never resulted in the deaths of approximately 50 million people or denied its connection to the Great Purge targeting political opponents, would authorities have acted against her? And what if Ursula attempted to convince her fellow Germans that Mao Zedong’s regime (1949-1976) was not responsible for the mass extermination of an estimated 40 to 70 million individuals? What are the chances she would be called in by the authorities for such claims?
In reality, Ursula would likely face no ramifications. No German court would prosecute her for holding different beliefs regarding various genocides, or for expressing those views to others. However, the topic of the Holocaust is perceived quite differently; not solely due to its extensive historical accuracy or numerical correctness upon careful scrutiny, but also because of the considerable power, wealth, and influence wielded by Jewish interests across Europe. Any deviation from the established figure of six million deaths in the Holocaust is not tolerated.
They insist on recognizing Auschwitz exclusively as a death camp designed solely for the extermination of Jewish prisoners. Additionally, they exert significant pressure on German officials to prevent any deviation from the established narrative.
I can somewhat relate to their stance, as every marginalized group believes itself to be the ultimate victim of historical injustices. Thus, the Jewish community is acting similarly to other groups who feel they have faced unjust persecution.
However, a crucial distinction exists.
The Jewish community employs legal strategies and criminal charges to uphold their views, thereby compelling non-Jewish individuals to conform, with the threat of potential legal consequences. Currently, 17 European nations, including Canada and Israel, have made denying the Holocaust a criminal offence. In their media, Jews frequently criticize those who challenge the established narrative, striving to depict any dissenters in an unfavourable manner. This tactic is not employed by any other ethnic group globally.
This explains why Jewish people often resist acknowledging the genocidal suffering of other groups as being equivalent to or surpassing their own experiences. This reluctance is one of the reasons behind their determination to penalize any form of Holocaust denial. A similar situation could arise in the U.S. if the First Amendment were to be weakened or completely abolished. Currently, Jewish groups in America are actively pursuing efforts to undermine this amendment, as it obstructs their attempts to criminalize all speech labelled as ‘anti-Semitic.’
What appears to be a significant fear among Jews is the power of language. Abe Foxman, the former national director of the ADL, has pointed out, “The Holocaust didn’t start with gas chambers or Auschwitz. It started with words.” It's understandable, then, why they exert so much effort to regulate the thoughts and expressions of others. They only support free speech when it aligns with their interests; ultimately, their goal is to restrict speech rather than promote true freedom.
Our adversaries claim that prosecuting dissenters of the Holocaust narrative is justified on the grounds that the atrocities carried out by the Nazis were unparalleled in all of history. They argue that it is essential to preserve the historical accuracy of these events, particularly the role of Germany in the deaths of millions of Jews, which should never be overlooked. Consequently, they believe that it is the responsibility of the German government to impose fines or even prison sentences on those who ‘incite hatred’ towards Jews to prevent the recurrence of such events.
By far the worst outcome from the use of the Holocaust as a weapon against those who would speak out. This leaves the Jewish elite, the Khazarian Jews, able to commit heinous crimes against humanity without consequences. These Jews who are not Jews as Revelations warns us about. They are and have always been the high priests of Satan himself. When they start wars in Ukraine, and genocides in Israel. When they destroy society in Europe and turn the Europeans back into surfs. Nobody speaks out and calls them out as villain because of the anti-Semitism label.
Such reasoning is fundamentally flawed from the beginning. When discussing genocides or the number of human lives lost, the Holocaust does not stand as an unparalleled event in history.
Moreover, has prohibiting speech and freedom of inquiry ever promoted the advancement of truth? If the narrative surrounding the Holocaust holds factual accuracy, why is there a need to enforce it through legal penalties and punishments for those who express differing thoughts? Why can't its supporters engage in a debate within the realm of ideas and open inquiry, rather than frequently resorting to threats of legal action and substantial fines? Does the behaviour of Jews in this context reflect a commitment to truth, or does it indicate a willingness to uphold falsehoods to the extent of imprisoning a 96-year-old woman simply for holding an opposing viewpoint?
Ursula Haverbeck exemplified courage by standing firm in her beliefs, willing to face the consequences. I hope that more individuals of her background will display the same unwavering conviction. This wonderful old lady stood up and fought for freedom when so many have hidden under their beds and waited for their turn to die.