
“If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink the wine of God’s wrath, poured full strength into the cup of his anger, and he will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.

King Charles the Antichrist? How can that be?

Why is King Charles the Antichrist?

How can this be? When the Antichrist of the movies is this diabolical evil genius and King Charles is this foolish old, out of touch duffer.

Well, let us see how. We will look at Charles heritage and his relationship with Satan and his angels, his cherubim.

Firstly, we have to look at the beast of Revelations 13 and the beast that rises from the earth. This beast has seven heads and ten crowns. Beasts are spiritual beings, heads are nations or kingdoms, and horns are people. People with royal lineage get to wear crowns. Taking this wearing of crowns at face value, we have to look for seven countries with king and queens and three places that have royalty, but they are not kingdoms. Principalities and the like. Of these horns, three fall and only one rises in its place, and this horn represents the Anti Christ. This Antichrist has a special relationship with Satan.

There are twelve sovereign monarchies in Europe. Andorra and Vatican City are overseen by priests and not by families. That leaves seven kingdoms: England, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Spain. There are Luxembourg and Liechtenstein, and Monaco, royalty, but not kingdoms. When the French Revolution occurred, many of the French royalty were killed, and a lot of property was confiscated. Napoleon Bonaparte then conquered most of Europe, and he was not part of the royal elite. There were already revolutions in Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Greece. He was eventually defeated, but this was a sign of things to come. Fearing the same fate, these royals approached the Rothschild’s, and together they created a financial system to control their assets. Resulting in the establishment of a banking system, so it did not matter whether they were kings or not, they still owned most things. The European cabal was established in the 1820s with Swiss banks. The Holy Roman Empire was being disestablished with little trouble to enable this new royal rule. Russia wanted to avoid being involved with the Jews, which was odd because they were direct descendants of the same families. The Rothschild's are often accused of ruling the world, but they are only bankers, the frontmen, and it is not their money. These days, companies like the Blackrock Hedge Fund have the royals' money. The vast fortune that they used to manipulate the world is the money of the old royals and, in turn, Satan's. Frequently, you can trace the money from the banks to them. All major US news outlets are owned by six companies. Look into the six companies, and you get back to hedge funds using royal money. The ten banks that own the Federal Reserve are mostly the property of European royals. There are many stories of political intrigue that bump up against one of the royal families. When Joe Bidden started using the globalist catchphrase "Build Back Better," he was not the first person to use it. King Charles used it first at the opening of a World Economic Forum meeting a year earlier, where they announced that the world needed a great reset. He also is often the first speaker at WEF events. Karl Swabb from the World Economic Forum had regular conferences with Otto von Habsburg and, recently, his son Karl von Habsburg, the current Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. He is also known as the Black Emperor, as his father was. In fact, Swabb is just the frontman for the Habsburgs and other royals. It was them who set up the World Economic Forum.

The European Royal Houses. The Black Royals, a name that has its origins with Charlemagne and the Holy Roman Empire, and not the black bankers of Venice.
We have been talking about the faces of the royal families and the nations under them. These are for the public to see, but the real power lies behind them. The families, or royal houses, have been intermarrying for centuries. At some stage, they had kings and queens of every country in Europe. There are twelve main families, and none of them come from Britain. Ironically, the most influential of the royal families are foreigners in the country in which they reign. These families are from Savoy and Ivrea (Spain/Southern Italy/Sicily). Capet, the oldest and most stable of the houses (France). Wittlebach (Sweden), Nassau, (Netherlands, Luxembourg), Hohenzollern, Welf, Wettin, (Belgium German), Oldenburg (Denmark, Greece, England, Monaco, Germany, Norway), Wurrtenburgs, Bavarian and Habsburg (Liechtenstein, Holy Roman Empire, Germany, Austria). These twelve families will pop up again when we look at the cherubim.

Queen Victoria was from Hanover, a branch of the house of Welf; Queen Elizabeth was from Sax Coburg, the house of Wettin. King Charles is from the House of Oldenburg. These lines always go through the males. These houses are run by men, and they are the most powerful people on the planet. They have absolute rule and are above the law. Many years ago, the Queen recorded a Christmas Queen's speech. She revealed several things that had happened and were about to happen. She said she was sorry she could not stop these things, but they were being done by incredibly powerful people. These are the people she was referring to. Charles got the speech, rewrote it, and made his mother read it out word for word. The Oldenburg's, who now have the British throne, were also the Romanov's of Russia. It is one giant family, and in the 1810s they started a scheme that would protect their wealth and status for all time. These people set up the EU, with Otto von Habsburg (King of the Holy Roman Empire) as the driving force behind it. They call it the European Union, but its true name is the Third Holy Roman Empire. They are the power behind George Soro’s Open Society and the World Economic Forum. Their agenda is to bring about a Neo-Feudalism society. But it goes wrong. The Bible says their arrogance has made them fools. If you look closely at the things King Charles has said over the years, he truly is a fool. The first of these Black Royals was Otto von Volger, or Otto the Great, the first Emperor of the second Holy Roman Empire. Charlemagne was the first holy Roman Emperor. Charlemagne means Charles the Great. However, Otto was the one who turned it into a family affair.
If you think that the male intertwining of this family (and they are really one family) is scary. Look at the female side, and it is truly stunning just how much this is just one family. Stunning and quite disturbing.

The Antichrist is described as the beast of the earth, this head that rises and three fall before him. These heads come from the royals and, in turn, the royal families of Europe. One person from each of these families. From Savoy, Ivrea. Capet, Wittlebach, Orange/Nassau the family that started the Bilderburg Group, Hohenzollern, Welf, Wettin, Oldenburg, Württemberg, Bavaria, and Habsburg.

In 2022, Queen Elizabeth died and Charles became King of England. When the King of Greece died in January 2023, Charles became the most senior member of his family, the Oldenburg's. He also became the most senior member of his mothers' family, the house of Wettin. The other Wettin contender, a man called Rudiger Malgrave who would be the current King of Saxony, also died in 2022. We are now looking at a third line of German-based royalty, where Charles is the King. We are looking at the German lines because the Antichrist was called The Assyrian. The Assyrians ended up in German, the Arians. The Württemberg’s. The Germans did not let you become King if they thought you married below your rank. That has now changed, and who would the title of King of Württemberg go to when a King dies. He died in 2022. It would not go to Duke Wilhelm but to King Charles, despite what Wikipedia says. Three horns have fallen and one has replaced it.

The Roman Empire, which still ruled the world until there was a transfer to the USA. Some even argue that the USA is just a lapdog of the European royals and does not really make decisions for itself. Rome fell and was ransacked in 476. Their rule lasted for fifty years until armies from the Eastern Rome Empire drove them out. Eastern Rome loosely ruled from then until Charlemagne took control and Europe became the Holy Roman Empire. Thereafter, Europe was always Roman but in an evolving from. Rome never truly fell and has never gone away since Charlemagne or Charles the Great. If you trace through history, who would be the heir to the Holy Roman Empire. Who would be King of Europe today. That would be King Charles the Third. There is an excellent YouTube channel called Useful Charts you can check all this out on.

What are the ties to Satan and his fallen angels.

Revelations 12 says the most. Now war arose in heaven, Michael, and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back, but he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. Michael, the leader of God's army, defeats Satan, and Michael started it. I wonder what the actual offence was that Satan committed that finally caused it. In this part, he is called the dragon, and he has fellow angels supporting him. There was no longer any place in heaven for them. This is the original heaven. That leaves five places where he could have gone. The Second Heaven of demons and principalities, or the earth or ground. Paradise, Sheol, and the Lake of Fire are clearly out. Sheol has gates and is the abode of dead humans, with rulers likely more powerful or at least on the same level as Satan. The bottomless pit is a prison. That means Satan was cast to the earth. By this, I mean he lives on earth and has a physical address. 2B Veryevil Street, Hellshum, for example. I am in the process of writing a book tracing him through history.

Rev 12-9 And the great dragon was thrown down; that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world, he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.

We have Satan and his angels, which are cherubim like Satan. It was not a third of all angels but of the cosmic angels or the cherubim. There were at least 313 cherubim cast out, and that is made up of Satan his twelve evil apostles. They are called the twelve families, many who can be traced from Venice to their current homes in Switzerland. Four will be the same families already mentioned. I do not know which. The three hundred other cherubim are divided into three groups. The Luciferians who control royalty and politics. The Satanists who control banking and industry. The Mollochians who control religion, medicine and education. Each consisting of one hundred cherubim.

We are interested in the Luciferians. The Luciferians like all cherubim, can change shape. Many of these cherubim have been king and queens of different countries. Just as Satan was called the kings of Tyre (Haram) and Babylon (Xerxes the Great). Whether Charles is one of these cherubim, I am unsure. I think there must be something different about him to be the Antichrist. His real wealth goes into the hundreds of trillions. There is a reason why he appears to be a bit dumb. It is not much to do with the story, however, it is interesting. We can see this when we are first introduced to Satan in the Garden of Eden. The serpent is described as wiser than any of the beasts of the field. Rather than comparing him to the wisdom of man. Inferring a lower intellect and the reason they were resentful of man. Until man came along, the cherubim were the number one beings of God. Man came along, and we were smarter, and this shows up in the dumb things that the ruling elites do these days. Why Charles appears thick because of his relationship with the cherubim. He may even be a cherubim or part cherubim. There we have it, Charles meets all the requirements of being the Antichrist. They have been at this enslave or returning to the feudal world for a while now. The first of these fifteen minute towns/gulags was presented by Charles back in the 1980s.

We have the Antichrist and have identified him. Who is the False Prophet and who is the woman dressed in purple riding the beast in Revelations 17. These will be revealed in my next blog. They are here and they are stunningly wicked people.