
“If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink the wine of God’s wrath, poured full strength into the cup of his anger, and he will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.

The False Prophet and the Woman

If King Charles is the Antichrist, then who is the False Prophet and the Woman riding the beast of Revelation 17.

Who is the False Prophet?

The False Prophet does not get much of a mention in the Bible. Daniel and Matthew do not mention him at all. He does use his power to send out demonic spirits to all nations and gather them together for Armageddon. He is most likely one of the two horns that are on the Beast from the Earth from Rev 13. Furthermore, he is the person dealing with heads of nations to get them to take their countries to war. The False Prophet will be a leader in politics, and otherwise he could not get countries to go to war. He is one of the three that gets thrown into the lake of fire. A truly evil character.
In Revelations 19, who does what is made a little clearer as far as the False Prophet goes.
Rev 19 20 “And the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who in its presence had done the signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast”
This is the face of the beast from the earth that we will see. Many Christians will declare that he is the Antichrist, but they will be wrong. He is just the frontman. He does not have to be German or one of the royals. In fact, it is highly unlikely that he is one of the royals. Furthermore, he has to have a close relationship with the Antichrist.

In Daniel, the situation is described as a horn rising and three falling before it. In Revelations, it is described as a new beast rising and it has two horns. The Antichrist is the one who forces everyone to get the mark, and the False Prophet is the one who deceives those who receive the mark. One is the power behind the scenes, the other a person who is seen by everyone.

The Antichrist being British, it is not possible for the False Prophet to be European. To clear that up, we will have a brief look at the beast of Rev 13 and the fourth beast of Daniel 7. The picture of the Beast of Rev 13 shows that it is made up of the first three beasts of Daniel 7. That is the UK(lion), Russia(bear) and Europe(leopard). Russia is out, so that leaves the UK or Europe. The relationship with Europe is not close enough. Europe is too divided as nations for this close connection. The False Prophet will need to be British as will. Rev 19 says ‘false prophet who in its (Antichrist) presence had done the signs ‘ So very close relationship. Currently, things are looking awful in the UK. Look for a sudden change and things to start to go very well.

We have just seen the election of a man called Keir Starmer. As we will see a truly evil character.

The Jimmy Savile affair. This is the story of a high-profile paedophile whose long series of crimes was covered up by the British legal system. There had been many complaints about his sexual abuse of children, yet there were no prosecutions. Savile famous for his close relationship with Prince Charles, remained free. Because there were so many complaints, the cover-up could only have come from the very top of the Crown Prosecution Service. The person at the top was Keir Starmer, it had to be him.

The Julian Assange affair. Originally, Assange was falsely accused of rape by some Swedish women. Knowing this was just a set-up, he took refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy. Eventually, the Swedish took back their accusations and Assange should have been let free. This was ignored, and his political persecution was carried on with no just cause. This was done by Keir Starmer.

The policies of the new labour government are evil and Draconian. Open persecution of Christians is plain for all to see. This is the rise of a stunningly evil person.

With his close ties to King Charles through the Savile affair, the title of the False Prophet is sitting squarely on this character's shoulders.

Keir Starmer, the False Prophet.

Who is the woman riding the beast.

Who is the woman that rides the beast? I am going to try and show you that this woman is a particular person. This woman is a person and also a representative of wickedness. Called the woman, the great Harlot.

Fallen fallen is Babylon the Great. That is the name of the whole picture. A system of control. It is run by Abaddon from the bottomless pit. Not just the beast, the kings, the horns or the woman. In fact, the horns despise the women. Whether it is them that eventually attack her is another story. No financial collapse, no fire yet, just fallen. When will it fall? What is fallen, what has fallen? First, we get fallen fallen, Then, her plagues will come in a single day, and then we get destroyed by fire in an hour. Who has fallen, the USA? The Ace in the hand for the US has been having the world reserve currency. It meant that no matter how incompetent the management, they could just print more money. The USA was officially made the world's reserve currency when the IMF was set up in 1946. In December 1946 USA became the seventh head. It was to last for a short time, and the shortest time is one generation. That would have been 70 years, or until 2016. However, a reprieve was given for four years when Donald Trump won the 2016 election. There was massive cheating taking place to steal the country, but they were surprised by the overwhelming vote for Trump. They weren’t going to make that mistake again. The USA is a constitutional Republic. By using election fraud that has been taken away. Through this fraud, the Republic has fallen and has lost sovereignty to non-constitutional international criminals. The wicked men who have stolen the USA from its people by using deception are being exposed to the rest of the world. As a result, the world is turning away from the manipulations that have been caused by the USA. The USA was defeated and the country stolen with Trumps defeat in November 2020. November 2020 is 400 years from the Mayflower setting up the first colony, almost to the day. In 2015, Russia entered Syria in confrontation with the USA and the USA backed down. A military defeat. In 2015, China surpassed the USA GDP in manufacturing, a financial defeat.

The streets of the cities were to become the home of every foul and unclean spirit, and as we watch the collapse of the USA it is certainly true. Every foul and vile sin is being promoted as good, and good is being pushed as evil. There is nothing left now but their destruction.
Revelations 18-2
She has become a dwelling place for demons,
a haunt for every unclean spirit,
a haunt for every unclean bird,
a haunt for every unclean and detestable beast.
For all nations have drunk
the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality,

There is hardly a country where Joe Biden and Kamala Harris go where they are not mocked. Fallen fallen has taken place, and we have seen the streets of the cities become the home of every foul creature. Next there is a call by a voice from heaven for the saints to come out of her. Or come out of the Great Cities. The voice calls for his people to come out of her, least you take part in her sins and punishment. We are talking about the great cities, not all the US. This may include the USA proxy controlled countries. They are Japan, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. This is a call for the saints to be vigilant because of what is about to happen. There was, recently, a major headline on Brighteon TV saying ’ Get out of the cities’.

When I read the statement from Revelations 18 that says;
As she glorified herself and lived in luxury,
so give her a like measure of torment and mourning,
since in her heart she says,
‘I sit as a queen,
I am no widow,
and mourning I shall never see.’
For this reason, her plagues will come in a single day,
death and mourning and famine,

I could not help thinking that was said by a person. In Isaiah 49, which also covers this, it gives more details and confirmed my thoughts. This is the woman speaking who rides the beast. This is not only a symbol, but a particular person. Then I came across a prophecy by William Barnham. Wiiliam Barnham was an American Christian minister who initiated the post-WW11 spiritual revival, and was a prophet with the anointing of Elijah who had come to prelude Christ's return.

“And I saw a WOMAN, lying, vulgar as she was, and she dominated the country. And I predict that a WOMAN will either be President, or come into great power of some sort in the United States before the total annihilation of the world. Keep that in mind, and I have said it. I saw a WOMAN stand in the United States like a great queen or something (Rev. 18:7). A great WOMAN will rise up in the United States, well-dressed and beautiful, but cruel in heart. She will either guide or lead this nation to ruination.”

Watch for this. She certainly is beautiful and well-dressed. She is already infamous for her cruel heart. A woman dressed in purple.
This woman does not have to be President, but just the effective leader of the country.
Kamala Harris has now, for all intents and purposes, taken over from Biden. Nearly all dealing with heads of states are now completed by Harris. Her history is littered with acts of cruel and dishonest behaviour. The main reason she is so unpopular. If you look at Harris's images on Google, you find she is nearly always dressed in purples, blues or mauve's. She certainly fits the profile like a hand in a glove. When Kamala appeared on the scene, I looked at her picture on Google. Every picture on the first page had her dressed in purple or shades of purple. Three and a half years ago I was pointing to her as the woman.

Kamala Harris the woman who rides the beast.