From the ancient tales woven into the fabric of fairy stories to the detailed accounts of giants in archaeology Regrettably, discussing this subject often leads to immediate dismissal, as the term 'giant' evokes images from fairy tales, like the giant from 'Jack and the Beanstalk' or the 'Giant of Despair' found in the allegorical narrative of 'Pilgrim's Progress.'ants in the Bible. The enigmatic legends echoing through the valleys of Afghanistan to the detailed accounts of US soldiers in Afghanistan, seeing and fighting with giants have captivated humanities imagination. These towering figures, often shrouded in myth and mystery, bridge the gap between the sacred texts of old and the modern world, where 3000 skeletons of giants have been found in the USA alone. Sparking curiosity and debate among scholars, historians, and adventurers alike. In this exploration, we will unveil the giants that populate both biblical narratives and contemporary folklore, delving into their cultural significance and the clear and enduring facts that surround them.
The slogan "In the valley of the Jolly. Ho! Ho! Ho! Green Giant!" originated from a well-known television commercial that was broadcast during the 1960s, promoting 'Green Giant' canned vegetables, featuring their mascot, the chant-loving Green Giant.
In addition, numerous deceptive articles filled with digitally altered images of archaeologists purportedly uncovering the remains of 80-foot giants contribute to a climate of scepticism regarding this topic. Creating photographic images with giants in ordinary situations became quite popular in the 1800s.
Join us on a journey that spans continents and epochs, as we connect the dots between ancient scriptural accounts and the intriguing stories that emerge from the landscapes of the South Pacific, Afghanistan, and America. Discover how these legends continue to shape our understanding of history. We will track the record of giants through history. That there is a real story to these beings that the religion of Scientism has tried to scrub from history.
Ancient Giants, tales and stories of giants are a universal phenomenon found in nearly every human culture throughout recorded human history. When these various accounts are examined, one common theme emerges, namely that the giants all look the same. 10 to 13 feet tall, red hair and relatively hairy. From Egypt to the USA, from Serbia to New Zealand.
Genesis 6-4/5
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterwards, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man, and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.
This scripture is often read as the angels fathered the giants and the internet is full of wild predictions about what they are, can do, and will do. Yet, it clearly states that Nephilim or giants were on the earth before the angels came down to women and after that happened. We will assume that these angels mated with women up to the time of the flood. If God had moved against them before that, some mention of that would have been recorded. The giants were separate and different from the children of the angels. The mighty men of renown. Gilgamesh, Hercules and other half man, half God characters of history.
The word Nephilim causes confusion. In Hebrew, it means, The Fallen/Falling Ones, the Extraordinary Ones, Cloud People. The name meaning fallen relates them to fallen angels. The pre-flood angels that did not keep their place and, as a result, got themselves locked up in the Abyss. The most famous of these was Abaddon. They are not the fallen angels of the Bible, The fallen angels are the angels that supported Satan and went to war against God and got thrown out of heaven. Nephilim name means (fallen), dumb, (extraordinary) very strong, (cloud people), tall.
There are no pre flood accounts of what these giants did or how they behaved. We know that they existed after the angels were thrown into the Abyss and the mighty men were swept away by the flood.
How did they survive the flood? Stories exist like there was DNA of giants in the wives of the sons of Noah and when they started having children some of them were giants. That would mean that they did not exist for a while and reappeared, which is not what the Bible says. They must have survived some other way. I doubt that the giants saw Noah building a boat and thought that looks fun and built one themselves. Maybe they were partially buoyant and floated around for all that time. No, there is only one way they survived. They were on the ark.
Genesis 6 18/19
But I will establish my covenant with you, and you shall come into the ark, you, your sons, your wife, and your sons’ wives with you. And of every living thing of all flesh, you shall bring two of every sort into the ark to keep them alive with you.
The giants are not men, they were peaceful, even though they can be violent if needed. They did not suffer the same punishment as man. They are part of ‘every living thing of all flesh’. We do know they have some level of intelligence above the beasts of the field. They can also speak. The animals were saved in pairs, but some were saved in seven pairs. There were fourteen giants on the Ark. I suspect that not only were they on the Ark, they helped tend the animals and probably helped Noah build the Ark.
You have probably never heard this argument put forward before. It is not very exciting, but just plain common sense.
If they are not the children of the watchers, then where did they come from? Were they created in the beginning on the fifth day with the various animals? Adam had to tend the garden. The garden ran between two rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates. The rivers of those names that exist today were named after those rivers and are not them. We are talking of an area of hundreds of square kilometres. One man could not tend that, so who helped? Were the giants these early gardeners, who could speak with Adam and get instructions. To have a language, they had to be intelligent far beyond animals. Much closer to humans.
The earliest records or folk stories have giants being the progeny of Gaia and Tartarus. These ancient tales often have a reality to them that gets distorted over time. Gaia being the earth goddess. The earth produces and gives life to everything. Therefore, this goddess is given female characteristics. This is not an actual goddess but the characteristics of a being. This is just the dirt. Giants were created out of the earth or dirt. That fits the gardener theory. Tartarus is connected to the underworld. It is both the name of a person and a place. We would call him Hades these days. He is a form of cherubim or seraphim and does not have the ability to create life. Now we have a problem if we think of it in today's terms. If we think of it as of what existed in the beginning, where there were only two realms that were occupied. The heaven with the father, Jesus and the angels and paradise where man walked. The underworld would have been the land of soil. Jesus would have had the roll of that Tartarus had in his underworld.
Jesus created the giants in the beginning on the fifth day. There is a chance that it may have been the sixth day because we are so much alike, and as we will see, could cross-breed with humans.
2. Historical Context: Giants in other Biblical texts.
When the Israelites turn up back at the land of Canaan, they discovered that there were giants there. It was this fear of giants that caused them to roam the wilderness for forty years.
Numbers 13 32/33
And they gave the children of Israel a bad report of the land which they had spied out, saying, “The land through which we have gone as spies is a land that devours its inhabitants, and all the people whom we saw in it are men of great stature. There we saw the giants (the descendants of Anak came from the giants), and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.”
They are saying how strong the people were who lived in the land and the sons of Anak were living among them. That is not saying that giants were some kind of monsters, but social beings who could live at peace with their neighbours. As the Israelites travelled the wilderness they came across giants and mentioned them, King Og they will come across again and kill him.
These giants are not only mentioned in the Bible. They have Egyptian texts talking about the land of Canaan, saying that there were giants there. In ancient Egypt, it was customary to inscribe the names of their adversaries from other nations onto pottery bowls or figurines. After completing this task, they would destroy the items, believing that doing so would place a magical curse upon their foes. A particular shard of broken pottery contains the names of three individuals who were leaders of the Iy-'anaq, likely referring to the Anak or Anakim. The translation provided below comes from James Pritchard's publication, 'Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament,' which includes references to men specifically identified in the Bible as descendants of the Anakim, Emin and the Rephaim, noted for their notable stature.
In the Bible there is a bit more information about two of the Giants.
The first of these is King Og among a number of kings who were defeated. He had been earlier mentioned in Deuteronomy. The size of his bed being 13.5 feet. The last of a family of giants of Rephaim. There are often references to places where the giants used to live. Goliath and his brother Lahmi are both mentioned as being killed by the Israelites. Goliath was 6 cubits and a span tall. That is 9.5 feet tall or 290cm. Sounds tall, but we will see that is relatively small for a giant. Among men, he was a towering character, however among giants he was a runt. King Sauls son Johnathan is also recorded as killing a giant.
Goliath, his brother, another giant, were warriors for the Philistines. The Philistines being part of the Phoenicians Who’s greatest king, Hiram, was Satan himself.
Initially, when the Israelites dispatched spies, they discovered many giants residing in the land. Upon their return, it seemed that this number had significantly diminished. By the time King David emerged, these giants were confined only to the Philistine territory. The final reference to them appears in Chronicles 20, which records the death of Goliath's brother.
The Giant of Bamiyan is a legendary figure steeped in Afghan folklore and history. Towering above the ancient city of Bamiyan, once stood two monumental Buddha statues carved into the cliffs, believed to have been constructed in the 6th century. These colossal figures, measuring 55 and 37 meters in height, not only served as impressive works of art but also as a testament to the region's significance along the Silk Road.
According to local legends, the Giant of Bamiyan was a 15 foot tall benevolent protector of the valley and its people. With unparalleled strength and wisdom, he was said to have roamed the rugged mountains and lush valleys, ensuring the safety of the villagers from invading forces and natural disasters. The stories often depict him as a figure of profound compassion—helping those in need and ensuring prosperity for the land.
In recent years, excavations around the ancient city of Bamiyan, known for its striking Buddha statues, have revealed artefacts that hint at a bygone era where extraordinary beings may have walked the earth. Among these findings are oversized skeletal remains unearthed in remote cave systems, leading archaeologists to wonder whether these remnants could belong to a race of giants described in religious texts.
However, the Giant's presence was not merely one of protection but also of mystery. Local tales recount how he could communicate with the elements, harnessing the winds and the rivers to aid his people. Some legends suggest that the shadow of the Giant could be seen at twilight, casting a protective aura over Bamiyan. A good example of how legends grow.This benevolent giant was blessed by God that his descendants would live to the end of the age. When the USA sent forces to Afghanistan, there were a number of occurrences of soldiers coming across giants. The most famous being the Giant of Kandahar.
In 2002, a group of soldiers disappeared in a secluded mountainous area of Kandahar, located in southern Afghanistan. Following a prolonged loss of radio contact, the military sent a special operations unit to conduct an investigation.
During their search, the team encountered a cave situated high in the mountains, where they found scattered Army gear but no signs of the missing troops. This led to the discovery of what is now known as the Kandahar Giant. Some sources asserting that the creature stood at an astonishing 13 feet (3.96 metres) tall. Described as having red hair, wearing leather moccasins, and exuding a stench reminiscent of “dead corpses,” the giant reportedly emerged from the cave and fatally speared one of the soldiers before being shoot dead. There are interviews with the soldiers on YouTube. Plus statements from the helicopter pilots saying they took the body to an airbase. The Giant of Uruzgan was recorded as being 13 ft (3.96 m) tall. He was spotted by an Australian soldier on sentry duty. There were half a dozen times they came across giants with radio-controlled planes. The Afghan peasants often warned soldiers not to go places because there were giants there. It is highly likely that Afghanistan is the last place on earth where, the giants roam.
The Chinese giants.
The history of giants has been wiped clean by the communists. However, Some ancient Chinese texts, such as the Shan Hai Jing (《山海经》, Classic of Mountains and Seas), describe giant-like creatures or people. These texts, which blend geography, mythology, and mention beings of extraordinary size and strength. There are some modern discoveries as well. In 2016, a giants' graveyard was discovered in Jiaojia, a village in China's Shandong province. Several hundred bodies, with children about 1.8mtrs tall and the adults around 3 to 4mtrs tall. There is an area in China with people over 2mtrs is regular. They were taken to places all across China over the generations for work and in modern times for sporting purposes.
Kublai Khan ruled the eastern Tartarian empire and China. When war closed the Silk Road, he promoted sea exploration and trade. Great Chinese fleets travelled the world. Especially the Pacific. The seafaring boats were just giant junks. They were not very agile and tended to be blown by prevailing winds. We often call them the trade winds. There are giant circles of wind that covered the North and South Pacific. All the peoples of the Pacific are Chinese in origin. On some of these huge ships they used the giants of Shandong to do the tasks ordinary men found very difficult. Other times they were taken to do special tasks that took great strength. To work with the Kauri trees of New Zealand. These ships would be communities with wives and families. If the ships were wrecked, an event not uncommon, they would simply settle where they were. The remains of these boats have been found in the USA, Australia and New Zealand. Carrying with them giants to all the Pacific. These fleets stopped suddenly in the late 1400s when a new government became isolationist. Returning fleets had to give up sailing or leave and settle somewhere else. Many left and settled in the Pacific region, with the largest of twelve ships ending up in New Zealand.
The Solomon Islands
This arises from the Second World War. The story is told by the Japanese soldiers. When the Americans landed on the Solomon Islands, the Japanese were driven into the depths of the jungle. Then soldiers started to disappear or be torn apart. The beings hunting the Japanese became bolder and started to be seen. They were 10 to 13 feet (3.96 m) tall with red hair. When the locals were asked about the creatures, they confirmed that there were large people who lived in the jungle. Not only in the jungle, there was another group that lived in the cave system. The Solomon Island giants add another twist to the story of giants. There were claims by women that the babies they were carrying were because they were impregnated by giants. When the children were born, they did grow into very tall people. Giants and humans can cross-breed.
The Giant of Uluru, Northern Australia.
The story of the giant of Uluru is a little different. This giant was discovered by a team of archaeologists from the University of South Australia. Uluru formally known Ayers Rock, a giant rock in the middle of Australia. A place of great spiritual importance to the Aboriginals. The unusual thing about this giant was it is the largest giant ever found. This giant was 18 feet (5.49 metres) tall.
There have been many thousands of graves found of giants. Generally, they are 10 to 13 feet (3.96 m) tall.
Giants of New Zealand.
The first Maori arrived in New Zealand in the early 1200s the same time Kublai Khan sent out his fleets. The great fleet of twelve ships arrived in the late 1400s when China became isolationist.
In his book, The Old Frontier, James Cowan shared the Legend of Kiharoa, a formidable chief of the Ngāti-Raukawa and Ngāti-Whakatere tribes who stood twice the size of a normal man. He described a notable feature close to the village of Whenuahou referred to as the "Giant’s Grave."
Measuring between 12 and 14 feet (4.27 m) in length and 4 feet (1.22 m) in width, this grave sparked Cowan's curiosity. Upon inquiring about it, he discovered the story from two warriors belonging to the Ngāti-Maniapoto tribe. Cowan noted that it appeared there had indeed been a genuine giant, a man with extraordinary size and reach, wielding the hand-weapons of his era, dating back six generations.
There was another giant of these parts long ago, one Matau; like Kiharoa, he was a man of the Ngati-Raukawa tribe, and, too, his favourite weapon was the taiaha. He lived on a hill above the Wairaka River. His home was in a palisaded hole in a cliff above the cave called Te Ana Kai-tangata (“The Cannibal’s Cave”). A name generations old.
Abel Tasman described very tall people when he sailed close to the Three Kings Islands near Cape Reinga. He noted that “Upon the highest mountain of the island they saw 35 persons, who were very tall, and had staves or clubs. When they walked, they took very large strides.” A picture drawn by a sailor showed them to be 12 feet tall. This gave rise to the stories among early navigators that New Zealand was inhabited by giants. This account is not dissimilar to Magellan's account of meeting giants in Patagonia or southern Argentina.
This was an earlier group of Maori that lived in New Zealand when the great fleet arrived. Descendent of the Chinese and giants that arrived in New Zealand in the twelve hundreds. They had fairer skin and many had red hair. Clearly descendants of giants. After early conflicts, they settled in together and intermarried. As a child living in New Zealand, you would occasionally come across a Maori who had fair skin and red hair. While never strikingly tall, they were never short.
Numerous North American Indian tribes, including the Iroquois, Osage, Tuscaroras, Hurons, and Omahas, recount tales of enormous beings that inhabited and wandered through the lands of their ancestors. More than two thousand reports of skeletons measuring seven feet or more have been discovered in ancient burial grounds across North America during a span of two hundred years. These findings have been documented in newspapers, local and regional histories, correspondence, scholarly journals, and personal diaries. In the book, Giants on Record, they have a map of where these giants skeletons were discovered. While they were found all over the country, there was a much denser number around the old Tartarian cities of Chicago and San Francisco.
One of the giants was the second tallest recorded at nearly eighteen feet (5,4m).
In the rolling hills of America, where Native American folklore speaks of the “Si-Te-Cah” giants who once inhabited the land, the remains being found all over North America. There destruction and the efforts to wipe giants from history by the worshippers of the religion of scientism.
In the heart of the American wilderness, tales of giant creatures echo through the canyons and forests, drawing on centuries of folklore while intertwining with contemporary encounters. From the towering peaks of the Rocky Mountains to the dense thickets of the Appalachian Trail, witnesses have come forth with astonishing reports of colossal beings that challenge the very fabric of reality as we know it. Some stories speak of explorers being badly injured and being nursed back to health by these gentle giants. Indian stories of seeing these gigantic people running down bison on foot and killing them with clubs.
Many of these sightings describe enormous humanoid figures, often standing over ten feet tall, with broad shoulders and an imposing presence. These modern-day giants were frequently reported in remote areas, alas as time went on these stories became less and less. It has been sixty years since a believable sighting. Campers and hikers have recounted chilling experiences, claiming to have glimpsed these giants in the shadows or felt their ground-shaking footsteps long before they ever saw anything. Coming across them by chance face to face in some remote corner of the planet.
In other regions, such as the remote deserts of the Southwest, reports of giant beings have taken on a more cynical tone, with tales told by Native American tribes for generations. The stories often describe massive beings with supernatural abilities, guardians of the land who can blend seamlessly into their environment. These narratives had a large community of giants that kept to themselves. The Indians kept their distance, as they would become aggressive if approached. When the Europeans arrived, there were several violent clashes reported. Suddenly, they disappeared. The caves where they lived were searched, but no one alive or dead was found. Eighty giants walking off to some other place would not have gone unnoticed. Their disappearance was a mystery. Then several years later, a soldier told a story of how they were ordered to surround the giants and kill every last one. None were to escape. The bodies were put in carts and taken away.
The Smithsonian Museum used to display giant bones and artefacts, now they deny everything. The finger is pointed at them as to who murdered the last of the American giants.
Giants have loomed large in folklore and mythology across cultures, serving as powerful symbols of strength, chaos, and the boundaries of human understanding. From the towering Nephilim in the Bible, whose very existence sparked debates about divine and earthly realms, to the frost giants of Norse mythology, these colossal beings embody themes that resonate with humanity's deepest fears and aspirations. In many narratives, giants are depicted as guardians of ancient knowledge, wielders of nature’s fury, or formidable adversaries that heroes must confront to achieve greatness.
In contemporary culture, the notion of giants continues to captivate our imagination, evolving into metaphors for larger-than-life challenges or obstacles that individuals must confront. Whether in literature, film, or art, the portrayal of giants serves as a bridge between ancient wisdom and modern dilemmas, urging us to reflect on the giants we face in our own lives—be they societal issues, personal struggles, or the allure of the unknown. Thus, the role of giants in folklore transcends mere storytelling; it invites us to explore our fears, confront our limitations, and ultimately, to seek understanding within the vast, mysterious expanse of our existence.
While all the time being stories of real being with real problems. Finding shelter, raising families and so on.
The tales of giants—colossal beings of immense power and stature—have woven their way through culture across continents and centuries. From the towering Nephilim of biblical lore to the enigmatic legends preserved in the oral traditions of indigenous tribes, these stories resonate deeply within the collective psyche. The psychological impact of giant legends on society is profound, shaping our fears, aspirations, and understanding of the human experience.
At their core, these legends often reflect humanity's struggle against overwhelming odds. Giants symbolize not just physical strength, but also the daunting challenges and adversities we face in life. The very act of confronting a giant—be it a literal creature or a metaphorical obstacle—serves as a powerful narrative device that empowers individuals and communities. These stories encourage us to find courage in the face of adversity, to rise above our limitations, and to challenge the giants in our own lives, be they societal issues, personal fears, or existential threats.
Furthermore, the psychological impact of giants extends into the realms of community and identity. Shared stories of giants can unite people across cultural divides, providing a common ground where different backgrounds can converge. They become symbols of cultural resilience, embodying the values, struggles, and triumphs of the societies that tell their tales. As modernity continues to reshape our world, these legends help preserve a sense of heritage and belonging, reminding us of our shared humanity.
7. In Summary.
While the religion of Scientism has driven the modern world to think of giants in fairy tales terms, these people have lived very real lives that have been recorded through history.
They were created at the same time as man to be helpers in the garden. Had to leave at the same time as Adam. They did not get caught up in the same sins as man. Their daughters were not beautiful enough to attract the interest of angels. These angels did not keep their place because they wanted to rebel. It was the beauty of the daughters of man that led to their downfall. The giants escaped the flood on the ark.
There they lived with man. As man's numbers increased, man forgot the bond between them, and enmity grew between them. Sometimes there was peace, sometimes the giants were enslaved to do work for man. All over the world, there are stone structures that we have no idea how man was able to achieve. These were all done by twelve—foot tall super strong giants. Often they were just hunted for sport or to show feats of strength. They left living with man and set up communities away from where man lived. As the numbers of men grew, they spread out, diving the giants before them. Eventually, man went to all corners of the earth and there was no place left for them. North America was the last place where large numbers lived. By this stage, the Satanic religion of Scientism had become dominant. There was no place for Biblical giants to live in the scientism world. Therefore, the last of them were hunted and murdered, leaving no communities. Just the odd story of a hiker, coming across giant beings in the remotest places on the earth. That leads us to today where there are no giants left except in Afghanistan. There, a few remain because of a covenant made with God to Bamiyan and his descendants. That they will see the coming of Jesus the King. The story of the giants is one of shame on mankind. A story of man's best friend betrayed.
From ancient texts to contemporary investigations, the following recommendations span a variety of formats to cater to every explorer's preference.
1. **"Giants: Sons of the Gods" by Scott Nelson** - This engaging read delves into the biblical references to giants, piecing together historical narratives with archaeological findings. Nelson's thorough research provides a comprehensive overview that connects ancient myths to modern-day sightings.
2. **"The Nephilim Chronicles: A Biblical History of the Giants" by Fritz Zimmerman** - This book offers an extensive examination of the Nephilim, exploring their origins in scripture and their implications throughout history. Zimmerman's work is a must-read for those seeking a scholarly perspective on these enigmatic figures.
3. **"Giant Slayers: The Story of the Giants in the Bible" by Arthur J. F. Smith** - A compelling narrative that recounts the stories of those who confronted giants, this book combines historical context with a spiritual lens, making it a thought-provoking addition to your reading list.
**Documentaries and Films:**
1. **"Finding Bigfoot" (Animal Planet)** - While primarily focused on the famed cryptid, this series touches upon numerous giant legends and investigates claims from a variety of cultural backgrounds, blending folklore with modern exploration.
2. **"The Legend of the Giant of Kandahar"** - This short documentary explores the alleged encounter between U.S. soldiers and a giant in Afghanistan, showcasing firsthand accounts and speculation about the existence of such beings.
**Online Resources:**
1. **Ancient Origins** - This website is a rich source of articles and discussions about ancient myths, archaeological discoveries, and the intersection of history and legend. A search for "giants" yields fascinating insights into various cultures’ beliefs.
2. **YouTube Channels like "Mysteries of the Abandoned" and "The History Channel"** - These platforms frequently explore mysterious topics, including giant legends, offering visual storytelling that can complement your reading.
3. **Podcasts such as "Skeptoid" and "The Paranormal Podcast"** - Delve into episodes that tackle giant myths and legends, featuring expert interviews and discussions that provide a well-rounded view of the subject.