
“If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink the wine of God’s wrath, poured full strength into the cup of his anger, and he will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.

Unveiling the Contradictions: Exploring John Calvin's Life and Ideas

John Calvin was a French theologian and pastor during the Protestant Reformation. His teachings have had a profound impact on modern Christianity and his ideas have been hotly debated for centuries. Calvinism, his theology, has been praised for its logical consistency and criticized for its emphasis on predestination. However, beyond these debates, there are many contradictions within Calvin's life and ideas that are worth exploring. In this post, we will delve into the contradictions of John Calvin's life and ideas. We will examine how he reconciled his beliefs in predestination with his ideas on free will, how his views on church and state were often at odds, and how his life story was filled with paradoxes. By exploring these contradictions, we can gain a deeper understanding of Calvin's impact on Christianity and how his ideas continue to shape our world today.

1. Introduction to John Calvin and his significance in history

John Calvin, a prominent figure in the Reformation movement, stands tall as one of the most influential theologians and thinkers in history. Born in Noyon, France, in 1509, Calvin's life and ideas have left an indelible mark on religious and intellectual discourse.

As we delve into the life and ideas of John Calvin, we uncover a complex and multifaceted individual. On one hand, Calvin's strict adherence to predestination and his emphasis on the sovereignty of God earned him a reputation for being stern and rigid in his beliefs. However, on the other hand, his commitment to social justice, education, and the establishment of a theocratic society in Geneva showcased a compassionate side that aimed to create a harmonious community.

In this exploration, we aim to unravel the contradictions within Calvin's life and ideas, shedding light on the nuances and complexities of his theological framework. By examining his impact on the Reformation, his views on governance and church-state relations, and his views on salvation and predestination, we hope to gain a deeper understanding of this enigmatic figure and his enduring legacy.

Join us on this journey as we navigate the life and ideas of John Calvin, a man whose thoughts continue to shape theological discourse and inspire scholars and believers alike.

2 . Early life and influences on Calvin's thinking

To truly understand the ideas and beliefs of John Calvin, it is crucial to delve into his early life and the influential factors that shaped his thinking. Born on July 10, 1509, in Noyon, France, Calvin grew up in a time of tremendous religious and political turmoil.

One of the significant influences on Calvin's early life was his father, Gerard Cauvin, who worked as a registrar for the local Catholic bishop. Gerard had ambitious plans for his son, envisioning him to become a priest. Thus, Calvin received an extensive education in Latin, philosophy, and theology, laying the foundation for his future intellectual pursuits.

However, the winds of change were blowing across Europe during Calvin's formative years. The Protestant Reformation, spearheaded by figures like Martin Luther, challenged the authority and practices of the Catholic Church. These movements sparked debates and discussions about religious doctrine and the nature of salvation.

Intriguingly, during his time at the University of Paris, Calvin encountered these reformist ideas. It was here that he began to question the prevailing Catholic teachings, embracing the emerging Protestant theology. The works of influential thinkers such as Erasmus and Luther undoubtedly played a significant role in shaping his evolving beliefs.

Moreover, the socio-political atmosphere in France also contributed to Calvin's intellectual development. The French monarchy and the Catholic Church exerted immense influence and control over the population, stifling dissent and promoting conformity. These circumstances likely fueled Calvin's desire for religious reform and his commitment to questioning the existing religious structures.

By examining these early influences, we gain insight into the intellectual journey of John Calvin. It becomes clear that his ideas were not formed in isolation but were shaped by a complex interplay of personal experiences, educational opportunities, and the broader historical context. Understanding these factors is essential to comprehending the contradictions that may arise when exploring Calvin's life and ideas.

3. The development of Calvin's theological ideas

The theological ideas of John Calvin, the influential French theologian and pastor of the Protestant Reformation, underwent a fascinating and complex development throughout his life. Calvin's journey towards establishing his unique theological framework can be traced back to his early years as a student in Paris, where he began studying law before eventually turning to the study of theology.

During this formative period, Calvin encountered humanist scholars who emphasized the importance of studying the original biblical texts in their original languages. This exposure to humanist thought would shape Calvin's approach to biblical interpretation and lay the foundation for his later theological contributions.
Calvin's theological ideas took a significant turn when he experienced a profound spiritual conversion, which led him to embrace the teachings of the Reformation. This transformation fueled his passion for reforming the church and seeking a return to the biblical principles he believed had been obscured by the traditions and practices of the Catholic Church. Calvin's conviction in the authority of Scripture and his emphasis on the sovereignty of God became central pillars of his theological system.
As Calvin's theological ideas continued to evolve, he gradually developed a comprehensive theological framework known as Calvinism or Reformed theology. This framework encompassed various doctrines, including predestination, the sovereignty of God, the depravity of humanity, and the perseverance of the saints. Calvin's meticulous exegesis of Scripture, combined with his logical and systematic approach, resulted in the formulation of a robust theological system that continues to shape the beliefs of many Christians to this day.
It is important to note that Calvin's theological ideas were not without controversy, and they sparked vigorous debates and disagreements among his contemporaries and subsequent theologians. Nonetheless, his contributions to theology, particularly in the areas of systematic theology and biblical interpretation, have left an indelible mark on the Christian faith and continue to generate scholarly interest and exploration.
In unraveling the development of Calvin's theological ideas, one can gain valuable insights into the historical and intellectual context that shaped his thinking and better understand the enduring legacy of his theological contributions.

4. The concept of predestination and its controversial nature

The concept of predestination is one of the most controversial aspects of John Calvin's theology. It is a doctrine that asserts that God has preordained everything that will happen, including the eternal destiny of every individual. According to Calvin, before the creation of the world, God chose certain individuals to be saved and others to be condemned to eternal damnation, irrespective of their actions or choices.

This idea of predestination has sparked intense debate and disagreement among theologians, scholars, and believers throughout history. On one hand, Calvinists argue that predestination is a biblical doctrine that emphasizes God's sovereignty and absolute control over human affairs. They believe that God's choice to save or condemn individuals is based solely on His divine will and not on any merit or effort on the part of humans.

On the other hand, critics of Calvin's doctrine of predestination argue that it raises troubling theological and ethical questions. They raise concerns about the fairness and justice of a God who would predestine some individuals to eternal punishment without any opportunity for salvation. This concept challenges the traditional understanding of free will and there being no need for grace. Why did Jesus tell the parables about making right choices? Calvin's idea of predestination conflicted with plenty of other scriptures. His views came mainly from Romans 9. Let's have a brief look to see what Romans 9 14-18is saying.

14What shall we say then? Is there injustice on God’s part? By no means! 15For he says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” 16So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy. 17For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I might show my power in you, and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” 18So then he has mercy on whomever he wills, and he hardens whomever he wills.

Predestination is saying that salvation is by God's whimsy. Critics say that Calvin is taking these verses out of context and meaning comes from the preceding verses in Romans 9. There, the narrative is about who inherits the promises.

8 This means that it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God, but the children of the promise are counted as offspring.

They promise salvation through the Messiah. That turned out to be Jesus. Those who have faith in Jesus gain their salvation. Paul is correct when he says, So then it depends not on human will or exertion. Those are not required at the beginning. It is by God's mercy with the sacrifice of his son on the cross. It is God's power to choose sons by the flesh or sons by the promise.

Calvin's doctrine of predestination is taken out of context and is in serious conflict with numerous scriptures. The controversy surrounding predestination extends beyond theological debates and has implications for how individuals perceive their own lives and relationship with God. The idea that humans have the ability to choose their own destiny. Some find comfort and assurance in the belief that their salvation is predetermined, while others struggle with the idea that their fate is predetermined and beyond their control.

Despite its controversial nature, the concept of predestination remains a central tenet of Calvinism and continues to shape theological discussions and debates to this day. It is a topic that invites deep reflection and introspection, as individuals grapple with the profound questions of God's sovereignty, human responsibility, and the nature of divine grace.

5. Calvin's role in the Protestant Reformation and his impact on religious thought

John Calvin, a prominent figure in the Protestant Reformation, played a pivotal role in shaping religious thought during his time and continues to influence theological discussions to this day. Born in France in 1509, Calvin emerged as a key figure in the 16th century as he championed the idea of predestination and the sovereignty of God.

Calvin's ideas and teachings, outlined in his seminal work "Institutes of the Christian Religion," challenged the prevailing beliefs of the Catholic Church and sparked a wave of reform in Western Europe. His emphasis on the authority of Scripture and the need for personal faith in salvation resonated with many individuals disillusioned by the corruption and excesses of the Catholic Church.

One of the most significant contributions Calvin made was his establishment of a theocratic system in Geneva, Switzerland. Under his leadership, Geneva became a model Protestant city, where strict adherence to biblical principles and moral conduct was enforced. This experiment in religious governance to served as a blueprint for future Protestant communities and influenced the development of various denominations. However, the populus became very unhappy and the leaders the town had him fired. He left town in the middle of the night in a very secretive manner. There is more to this part of Calvin life than history records.

Calvin's influence was not without other controversies and contradictions. While he championed religious freedom and the right to establish a pure church, he also advocated for the persecution of those who deviated from his strict interpretation of Christianity. His involvement in the execution of Michael Servetus, a Spanish physician and theologian who held different theological views, remains a dark stain on his legacy.

Nevertheless, Calvin's impact on religious thought cannot be overstated. His theological system, known as Calvinism or Reformed theology, has shaped numerous Protestant traditions worldwide. Concepts such as the sovereignty of God, total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, and perseverance of the saints continue to generate theological debates and discussions among scholars and believers alike.

Calvin's life and ideas are a fascinating study of contradictions. While his commitment to reform and his contributions to Protestantism are commendable, his intolerance towards dissenting views raises important questions about the nature of religious authority and the limits of religious freedom. Exploring Calvin's complex legacy allows us to gain a deeper understanding of the Protestant Reformation and its ongoing impact on religious thought.

6. The contradiction between Calvin's emphasis on God's sovereignty and his belief in human responsibility

One of the most intriguing aspects of John Calvin's theological framework is the apparent contradiction between his strong emphasis on God's sovereignty and his simultaneous belief in human responsibility. On one hand, Calvin firmly asserted the absolute sovereignty of God, declaring that every aspect of the world, including human actions and decisions, is under divine control. This concept, known as predestination, suggests that before the creation of the world, God has already determined the fate of every individual.

However, Calvin also maintained a strong belief in the responsibility of humans for their actions. He argued that although God predestines everything, humans are still accountable for the choices they make and the consequences that follow. Calvin believed that God's divine sovereignty did not negate human agency but rather worked through it. He asserted that God's providence operates in such a way that humans freely choose to act according to their sinful nature, while God, in His wisdom, ultimately uses these actions to accomplish His larger purposes.

This apparent paradox in Calvin's theology has generated considerable debate and discussion among scholars and theologians. Some critics argue that Calvin's emphasis on predestination undermines human freedom and moral responsibility, while others contend that his understanding of God's sovereignty and human responsibility is a coherent and balanced theological framework.

Regardless of one's perspective, it is undeniable that this tension between God's sovereignty and human responsibility was central to Calvin's theological system. It reflected his deep reverence for God's authority and power, while also acknowledging the complex and mysterious nature of human existence. Calvin's ability to navigate and reconcile these seemingly contradictory concepts is a testament to his intellectual rigor and theological insight.

By exploring this contradiction in Calvin's thinking, we gain a deeper understanding of the complexity and nuance inherent in theological discourse. It challenges us to grapple with profound questions about the nature of God, the human condition, and the interplay between divine sovereignty and human agency. Ultimately, the exploration of these contradictions encourages us to engage in thoughtful dialogue and reflection as we seek to deepen our understanding of Calvin's life and ideas.

7. Calvin's views on governance and the separation of church and state

John Calvin, the influential theologian and reformer of the 16th century, held a profound influence not only on religious matters but also on political and social spheres. One of the most intriguing aspects of Calvin's life and ideas is his stance on governance and the separation of church and state.
While Calvin is often associated with the idea of a theocratic state, where religious leaders hold significant power over political affairs, his views on governance were more nuanced than commonly portrayed. Calvin emphasized the importance of civil authorities in maintaining order and promoting justice within society. He believed that civil rulers had a divine mandate to govern, and their role was to protect the welfare of their subjects.

However, Calvin also acknowledged the need for a clear separation between the church and the state to prevent corruption and abuse of power. He advocated for a distinct role for each institution, with the church responsible for spiritual matters and the state for temporal affairs. This separation was crucial to ensure the purity of the church and to avoid undue political interference in matters of faith.

Interestingly, Calvin's views on governance were shaped by the specific historical context in which he lived. Geneva, the city where he exerted significant influence, was undergoing a period of political and religious upheaval. As a result, Calvin sought to establish a system of governance that maintained order and promoted the moral and spiritual well-being of the community.

It is essential to recognize the contradictions and complexities inherent in Calvin's views on governance and the separation of church and state. While he advocated for a theocratic model in which religious principles informed political decisions, Calvin also emphasized the need for checks and balances and the importance of limiting the church's power in political affairs.

Exploring Calvin's ideas on governance and the separation of church and state allows us to gain a deeper understanding of his influential legacy. It highlights the intricate interplay between religion and politics during the Reformation era and offers valuable insights into the development of modern concepts of governance and the relationship between religion and the state.

8. The legacy of Calvinism and its influence on various aspects of society

The legacy of Calvinism, rooted in the teachings and ideas of John Calvin, has had a profound influence on various aspects of society. Calvin's theological doctrines and emphasis on the sovereignty of God have impacted not only religious institutions but also political, social, and economic systems.

In the realm of politics, Calvin's belief in the separation of church and state laid the foundation for the development of modern democratic principles. His idea of a "godly commonwealth" contributed to the establishment of representative government and the idea that rulers should be accountable to both God and the people. This concept of limited government and the importance of individual rights had a lasting impact on the formation of democratic societies.

Socially, Calvinism promoted a strong work ethic and a sense of duty and responsibility in individuals. The belief in predestination, that salvation is predetermined by God, led Calvinists to seek signs of their election through hard work, discipline, and moral behavior. This emphasis on personal responsibility and self-improvement had a profound impact on the development of capitalist societies and the Protestant work ethic.

Economically, Calvinism's teachings on stewardship and the proper use of wealth contributed to the rise of capitalism and the accumulation of wealth. The idea that success and wealth were signs of God's favor encouraged Calvinists to engage in commerce and entrepreneurship. This mindset fostered an environment conducive to economic growth and innovation, leading to the prosperity of many Calvinist regions.

Furthermore, Calvinism's influence extended to education and intellectual pursuits. Calvin believed in the importance of education for all individuals, regardless of social status. The establishment of schools and universities in Calvinist communities helped elevate literacy rates and fostered a culture of intellectual inquiry and critical thinking.

While Calvinism has left an indelible mark on various aspects of society, it is not without its contradictions and controversies. The strict moral codes and intolerance towards dissenting views associated with Calvinism have been criticized for stifling individual freedoms and promoting a rigid moral framework. Additionally, the doctrine of predestination has sparked theological debates and raised questions about free will and human agency.

Nevertheless, the legacy of Calvinism remains a significant force in shaping the cultural, political, and economic landscapes of many societies. By exploring the life and ideas of John Calvin, we can gain a deeper understanding of the contradictions and complexities inherent in this influential theological tradition.

9. Conclusion: Reflecting on the complexities and enduring relevance of John Calvin's life and ideas.

As we conclude our exploration of John Calvin's life and ideas, it becomes evident that his legacy is one of great complexity and enduring relevance. Calvin was a man of contradictions, embodying both progressive and conservative ideals, and his ideas continue to shape theological discourse and religious practices to this day.

One of the key takeaways from our journey into Calvin's life is the importance of understanding historical figures in their entirety, rather than reducing them to simplistic labels or caricatures. Calvin's contributions to theology and his role in the Protestant Reformation cannot be dismissed or ignored, but neither can his involvement in the execution of Michael Servetus, which raises questions about religious tolerance and the limits of authority.

Furthermore, Calvin's emphasis on predestination and divine sovereignty has had a profound impact on the development of Reformed theology and has sparked theological debates that persist to this day. His ideas, while not universally accepted, have undoubtedly shaped the landscape of Christian thought and continue to be studied, critiqued, and interpreted by scholars and believers alike.

Despite the controversies and contradictions surrounding Calvin, his ideas have left an indelible mark on religious and intellectual traditions. The enduring relevance of his work lies in its ability to provoke thought and inspire discourse on topics such as human nature, the role of God in human affairs, and the nature of salvation.

In conclusion, exploring John Calvin's life and ideas reveals a rich tapestry of complexities. While it is essential to critically engage with his legacy and acknowledge the contradictions within his life, it is undeniable that Calvin remains a significant figure in the history of Christianity. His ideas continue to stimulate intellectual inquiry and shape theological discussions, reminding us of the ongoing relevance of his contributions. As we reflect on his life and ideas, we are reminded of the importance of embracing complexity and seeking a nuanced understanding of historical figures and their enduring impact.

We are coming to the end of the age, and we need to be able to recognise what it is going to look like. The kings of the East, the USA, or the seventh head of the Mystery Babylon beast, and of course Europe. Much has been written about Europe and a revived Roman Empire, and most of it is nonsense. There are numerous variations out there from people who have every complex reasoning to get to their conclusions. Nearly all these explanations have their origins in the eighteen hundreds. They had to extrapolate out from long ago. Now that we are at the very door and much of the end is right in front of us, let’s look at what we can see now. Everything changes a bit. I will not be complicated. I am just going to use Revelations and Daniel 7. Before we get into the heart of this article, I want to establish a few things that will make understanding easier. What are the beasts the heads and the horn’s? If we can understand these, we can see what is happening around us. When the word talks about horns, it is talking about people. When it talks about heads it is talking about counties or Kingdoms and if you look closely at most verses, heads and horns are clear. Talking about beasts, it is talking about Demonic angels or spiritual being’s. These beings are given specific authorities and have control over cosmic geography. There is a lot more about this in Revelations, the repeated story.

Firstly, we will start with Rev 12 with the woman clothed with the sun and the moon at her feet and the great red dragon. When Jesus first appeared, there was a star that the wise men saw and followed. God always starts these things with a sign in the heavens. Now who is this woman? The only thing I have found that does not give contradictions is the world or Earth. The earth is clothed with the sun and has the moon at her feet. The earth is about to give birth to a son or the second coming of Jesus is about to happen. There will be a sign in the heavens that matches this in September 2017. If this timing is the same as when Christ was born, then this new beast will arise within two years. When Herod wanted to kill the baby Jesus, he killed all children two years old and younger. He obtained the period from the answers that he got from the wise men. Hence, the wise men saw the sign in the heavens two years before Jesus's birth.  Not that I am saying this is the sign, but there is a sign then that matches Rev 12 very well. However, the sign for the red dragon is more obscure. The great dragon Draco a constellation of stars, is always in the northern sky's but is at its most prominent in late August and September. It sits low in the sky and could be thought of as waiting for the woman's child. I suspect that it being red has to do with its look in the sky, being low in the sky. The beast of Rev 17 or the scarlet beast of Rev 17 is to do with Babylon and is already existing, so cannot be rising. Draco has a long tail, and a third of the stars in heaven sit below it at that time of year. The great red dragon only gets one mention in the Bible, and that is here. Satan is never called this. It also has the same picture form as the beast from Revelation 13 except for one important point. It has seven heads and ten horns but only seven diadems or crowns. Later it is describing as ten horn and ten crowns. When the beast first appears, it is not formally the beast of Rev 13. It has the seven nations and their leaders have crown, but three others acting in a leadership role without crowns. This is like the present European Union with a President of the European Council, a President of the European Commission and a President of the European Bank. We can see this now, but it would have been hard to grasp one hundred and fifty years ago.

Let’s move on to Rev 13 “And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, with ten diadems on its horns” The last three horns are given crowns and the Beast has formally arrived.  Now to get a more in-depth understanding of this beast, I am going to Daniel 7 for help. Why is Daniel 7 and the beasts that pictured here? In Daniel 11 and 12 it reads 11“I looked then because of the sound of the great words that the horn was speaking. And as I looked, the beast was killed, and its body destroyed and given over to be burned with fire. 12 As for the rest of the beasts, their dominion was taken away, but their lives were prolonged for a season and a time. This says clearly that the first three beasts live on after the destruction of the fourth beast. They may arise in order, but they exist together. They must be all existing now.

Daniel 7 there is a description of beasts that come out of the sea, with the sea being an important cross-reference, so we do not get confused with other beasts. Daniel declares, “And four great beasts came up out of the sea, different from one another. The first was like a lion and had eagles’ wings. Then as I looked its wings were plucked off, and it was lifted from the ground and made to stand on two feet like a man, and the mind of a man was given to it. And behold, another beast, a second one, like a bear. It was raised on one side. It had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth, and it was told, ‘Arise, devour much flesh.’ After this, I looked, and behold, another, like a leopard, with four wings of a bird on its back. And the beast had four heads, and dominion was given to it.” The first three beasts we are told in Daniel 7;11 are going to live on after the fourth beast is killed. These beasts cannot be Babylon, Medes and Persians and Greece. They did not live on, they have no historical connect with these animals, and Babylon already existed. So, there are three beasts that arise out of the sea. Notice they come out of the sea. The first beast-was like a lion and had eagles’ wings. Then as I looked its wings were plucked off, and it was lifted from the ground and made to stand on two feet like a man, and the mind of a man was given to it. The Eagle's wings represent the USA and the Lion the UK. That has been very much the relationship of these countries. The Lion standing on two feet is on the British flag. Not only the British flag but on many countries flags of the British Commonwealth. This beast gives Briton its own cosmic geography. (Why Britain never used the Euro.) The beast itself has a spiritual authority. It is never going to be fully involved in the EU, which is the third beast.

The second beast- And behold, another beast, a second one, like a bear. It was raised on one side. (most of the population on one side) It had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth (Kerensky, Trotsky, and Lenin), and it was told, Arise, devour much flesh. Russia is the bear. It is to devour much flesh. During WW2, around 50 million people died from military action and half of them were Soviet or caused by Soviet forces. Moreover, untold millions killed by Stalin.

Third beast-After this I looked, and behold, another, like a leopard, with four wings of a bird on its back. And the beast had four heads, and dominion was given to it. This beast is a union of six countries. Four heads and two pairs of wings. That Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and West Germany signed the Treaty of Rome in 1957. This was the beginning of the EU. The Treaty of Rome developed into the EU of today. This is the third beast and Germany is the biggest economy and the German war machine has always been associated with the name of big cats. The Tiger and Panther tanks of WW2 and the current tank, the Leopard. The German concept of blitzkrieg is that of a Leopard. Dominion was given to it is a description of the wider EU. Because it is a spiritual dominion, countries like Greece and Catalan of Spain will not be able to escape. Today we are seeing the demise of the third beast. Britex, Italy’s problem and the coming elections in Holland and France will result in the next beast

The fourth beast. Daniels' description is “After this I saw at night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, terrifying and dreadful and exceedingly strong. It had great iron teeth; it devoured and broke in pieces and stamped what was left with its feet. It was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns.” Revelations 13 is far more informative. “And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, with ten diadems on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads. And the beast that I saw was like a leopard; its feet were like a bear, and its mouth was like a lion’s mouth.” This is a combination of the first three beasts of Daniel 1 that is why it is different. If heads are countries and horns are people, then it will not be a ten nation group but a seven nation group. With three people managing it. The main person will be British because he is the spokesperson. That is, the mouth of the beast was like a lion’s mouth.

What countries constitute the Beast of Rev 13? It looks like a leopard (Germany/France) feet like a bear (Russia) and the mouth of a lion (England).  One of its head seems to have a mortal wound that was healed (West/East Germany). It is given the power (spiritual) and the throne (physical).  The Throne of Satan is in Munich, Germany. The Seat of Satan and the Pergamum temple were moved to Munich in the eighteen eighties. I put France with Germany because of the Holy Roman Empire connection. For more understanding of the Holy Roman Empire, there are many good resources and interesting. This beast lasts forty-two months. Its behaviour is very wicked towards the saints and is already making war on the saints before the Antichrist arrives. It well likely cause the physical destruction of the USA. We might know it is evil, but the world and many Christians will turn to it for the stability and peace that it promises. When the 144000 point out it is evil, they will be hated. They cannot touch them, but they will go after the saints. The Beast rises out of the sea and is the beast being talked about when the sea is mentioned. This well be a certain sign that when the three leaders fall and get replaced by two.  It has authority for 1260 days in this form. The Beast will still have authority, but the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet will arise, and three horns will fall. They will then make the beast super strong. The saints are then given into his hands for three and a half years.

It says who can fight against the beast and if it were Europe then the answer would be the USA, Russia, and China. The beast can't be Europe alone. This beast is different because it's three beasts combining to form a fourth beast. The first three beasts of Daniel 7 have the same characteristics as the single beast arising in this chapter of Revelations.

The Antichrist must come out of these European counties. The Antichrist and the False Prophet are not historical figures, so it is a bit hard to work it out. The chances of either person being the Pope is next to zero. Not to say that the last Pope will not be incredibly wicked. The chances that they are currently minor politicians in Europe are highly likely. What is this Antichrist? He is the opposite of Jesus. Jesus is God come down to earth in Physical form. This Antichrist will be Satan incarnate.  Probably a copy of what Jesus did. Because he has the demonic nature of Satan, he gets to be called a beast. The other beasts are actual powerful demonic beings. The number 666 being that of the beast but also a man.  It is not two individuals but one individual with the nature of a man and that of Satan. An Antichrist. The beast cannot be completely Satan because Satan is cast into the bottomless pit while the Beast from the earth (Antichrist) get thrown into the lake of fire.

There is a head that has been wounded. This means that it is a nation and not a person. This wound is done by the sword or by war. This mortal wound is healed. The only nation that fits this is East/West Germany. The wound is mentioned three times, 13-3 13-12 13-14. Twice when talking about the beast from the earth. This suggests that there is a close tie between the Antichrist and Germany. One of the names of the Antichrist is the Assyrian. The people who try to trace the movement of the nations through linguistics place Assyria in Germany. The throne of Satan is also in Germany. The Antichrist will be German.

The last beast will only be a seven nation union and not the commonly thought ten. It will consist of Great Briton, Russia, France, Italy, Germany and two others. These two should be Holland and Belgium, but could be someone entirely different. Any country from the old Soviet Union or the British Commonwealth and current EU are eligible.

It will have the ten horn form for three and a half years. Then the Antichrist and the False Prophet will arise, and the Beast will have a nine-horn form. The tribulation will begin when the Antichrist gets here. The ten horns will be putting in place all the things that the Antichrist will need to kill the 100 million saints. In fact, most of it is in place right now. The mark of the Beast will not be done by chipping people as this requires a certain technological level that worldwide is hundreds of years away if ever. It will be done using cell phones, with money being transferred using your smartphone abilities and fingerprints and facial recognition. If you travel the world, you will find cell phone coverage everywhere. They could introduce the system within three months of wanting to proceed. I hope I am not going to give you nightmares by what I am pointing out, because I want to do that with my next blog, “The 100 million before the throne”.



The Age of Laodicea

The letters to the churches have led to some debate. Are they just letters with no other meaning apart from their face value, or are they the different states that any church can fall into if the relationship with Jesus falls away? Could it be the ages of the churches through time, or some combination of all three? Revelation 3:14 is where you will find the letter. At that time, the city of Laodicea was a wealthy trading and medical city. Ideal for the vision of riches and the problems of riches. The name Laodicea means “people’s rights,” and has there ever been a time when people’s rights have been an issue? It is sometimes translated as “the people judged”. The industrial revolution is well under way when the Age starts. Worldwide trade is making many rich, and that is reflected in the church, with the congregations also becoming wealthy. This Age of widespread wealth started in the 1800s. We see that 1844 is an essential date, but it is more accurate to say the Age of Laodicea starts in the 1840s.

It was also renowned for the Council of Laodicea, which changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday to avoid prosecution.

Why is it the age of the church and not something else? In Revelation 4, John sees a door to heaven open, and what is said is, “After this I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven! And the first voice, which I had heard speaking to me like a trumpet, said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this. What will take place after this, giving it a time component? After what? It must be the letters, for that is what proceeds before it. If it is after, then the proceeding must be a timeline, which makes the letters a prediction of the future of the church. Not that these are mutually exclusive. But we will look at the timeline. Laodicea is the last letter and will run through the second advent of Christ. When did it start? There is a famous picture of Jesus standing at a door and knocking. The door has a handle only on the inside. This was painted in 1851. It is called The Light of the World. By Holman Hunt. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock is written under it. Rev 3.20 Another clue to this age starting in the mid-1800s is Daniel 8–14. Daniels talks about 2300 days, which, when converted to a day, is a year. 2300 years from when the temple started to be rebuilt. That takes us up to 1844. There were movements to claim that Jesus would return. It was felt that if the arrival of the messiah had a seventy-week prediction and that proved to be accurate, then the 2300 days would be accurate as well. The movement was called Millerism, but it was also called Adventism. It caused a great deal of embarrassment when it proved to be wrong. Why was their interpretation wrong? Let us look a little closer at Millerism and what was believed at the time.


William Miller was a lay preacher and student of the Word. He saw that the seventy-week prophecy was exactly right, and there was another period in Daniel 8. He worked out a timeline based on some dates. So the only start date he could come up with was the one that started the seventy-week period. When he calculated it out, the date was 1844. He started to preach this and started a magazine called Signs of the Times. This spread around the world. However, it proved to be wrong. There were many reasons given for why it did not occur. The scripture read, “And the giving over of the sanctuary and host to be trampled underfoot?” 14 And he said to me, “For 2,300 evenings and mornings. Then the sanctuary shall be restored to its rightful state.” They took it to be an instant event, but it was the start of a process. The end of the age in Revelation and Matthew is a series of events. So, not the Second coming, but the beginning of the events that would result in the second coming.

There were numerous other events that took place in 1844. The Bahá'í faith The history of the Bahá'i faith goes back to 1844, when a young Iranian man who called himself the Báb said that God would soon send a messenger who was to be the latest prophet. Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon faith, was murdered. But more impotently, Bingham Young, the real driving force behind the religion, took over. The rise of false religions is covered more in The White Rider, which will be in the next instalment. Furthermore, the YMCA started.

Charles Darwin

Even though The Origin of the Species was published in 1857, it was written before that date. On January 11, 1844, Darwin mentioned his theorising to the botanist Joseph Hooker, writing with melodramatic humour, “It is like confessing a murder”. Hooker replied, “There may, in my opinion, have been a series of productions on different spots and also a gradual change of species. I shall be delighted to hear how you think that this change may have taken place, as no presently conceived opinions satisfy me on the subject.”

By July, Darwin had expanded his “sketch” into a 230-page “Essay”, to be expanded with his research results if he died prematurely. In November 1844, the anonymous author published the sensational bestseller The Natural History of Creation.

Karl Marx

Karl Marx was a writer for various radical magazines and an activist. In 1844, he met with another activist named Friedrich Engels. Engels had just spent two years in England and had written The Condition of the Working Class in England. This greatly influenced Marx. They worked together, and then Marx worked alone. By the end of the year, he had written in great detail all the major components of what we today call the Communist Manifesto. People's rights, the name of Laodicea. Interestingly, the main funder of Karl Marx was also the main funder of Charles Darwin. The Rothschild's.

Samuel Morse

The first electronic transmission was sent in Morse code. The beginning of electronic communication and the age of computing. What is needed for the mark of the beast? The first message was “What has God wrought”. Truly profound statement.

Pope Pius XII

Pope Pius XII became the new Pope, taking over from Gregory XV1. This did not happen in 1844, but in 1846. Understanding what happened here is important to understanding the age of Laodicea and the next chapter, The White Rider. I will remind you that Laodicea means “people’s rights”. Pope Pius was the first of the so-called liberal popes. Pope Gregory, being an orthodox pope, believed in the divine hand on the pope and that he had ultimate authority. Under Pope Pius, new rights were given to various groups and committees. Gregory's authoritarian power was based on the model given by God and his authority. Now, groups of men were given the right to make judgements on what God really meant. This is where the role of the White Rider takes over until, finally, today we have a non-Christian Pope (Jesuit).

The three most profound events that affect our modern time all came about in the same year, 1844. The year that the Age of Laodicea began. Within two years, the last of the four had occurred.

It was the end of the ages that Daniel covered and the start of Revelations. Except for Daniel 7, Revelations takes up the end of the age. The first thing that happens in Revelations is the arrival of the White Rider in Rev. 6.

Let’s look at the white horseman. This is what I write about in the next chapter, and it will be controversial.


Fallen fallen is Babylon the Great

This event is about to come upon us. So, I thought I would dig up some scriptures and see what we can glean to give us a better idea of how this is going to unfold. I wonder which, if any, of the videos on YouTube are accurate. This event is mentioned twice in Revelations 18-2 and 14-8. Fallen fallen is Babylon or something close to it, is mentioned in Isaiah 21. That's the same passage to line up with. However, before we look at these scriptures, let us look at who and what Babylon is.

What is Babylon the Great?

Rev. 18 is a good place to start.

“Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great!
She has become a dwelling place for demons,
a haunt for every unclean spirit,
a haunt for every unclean bird,
a haunt for every unclean and detestable beast.

For all nations have drunk
the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality,
and the kings of the earth have committed immorality with her,
and the merchants of the earth have grown rich from the power of her luxurious living.”

The highlighted section provides relevant information. Foremost is sexual immorality, which is backed up with descriptions of it as the great whore, the harlot, and the mother of prostitutes. Secondly, it is a city of merchants and great wealth (bankers), created by an immoral lifestyle. One of its names in Rev. 17 is the great city. It does not say it will be military-based wickedness.

In Revelations 17, it describes there being seven heads, with Rome being the sixth. The usual list of names for the seven includes Assyria, Nineveh, Egypt, Phoebes, etc., which were before Babylon. These are included as they were the most dominant nations of their time. It does not make sense to me, and it is because they miss the point of what Babylon is. Nineveh was the largest city until that time, and its population was 120,000, but it was not a city of merchants. Babylon's population was 250,000, and it was a new kind of city that the world had not seen before. Furthermore, in Zechariah 5, there is a picture of a woman in a sealed basket. This basket was taken to the land of Shinar. Shinar is another name for Babylonia, whose capital is Babylon. The woman in the basket was wicked. This is why the name Babylon is used to describe this entity. Military dominance often goes with financial dominance, but is not an essential part of being Babylon. So to be Babylon, you must be the most immoral nation and be financially dominant. These nations that become dominant are described as heads, with Rome being the sixth head. Rome morphed into the Holy Roman Empire, which ended with the Third Reich. Reich is a German word for the Holy Roman Empire. A change happened with the Second World War. The Breton Woods meeting started the change, but the actual change from Europe being Babylon to the USA was signed in to being on a single day when, on the 27th of December 1945, the IMF was signed in to being, but at the same time the US dollar was made the reserve world currency. The moral collapse had happened from the roaring twenties through the prospect of war. People did things that they would not have done normally, but once the line was crossed, there was no turning back. That makes the USA the same age as King Saul when he died. The USA is Babylon, or more correctly, the seventh head of the Beast that Mystery Babylon (the woman in the basket, wickedness) rides on. Zechariah 5 gives us another look at the characteristics of Babylon. The flying scroll is a curse that goes out against the thief and against a false witness. That is dishonest gain with no justice. With the way banks and multinationals operate these days, this is rampant.

Revelation 14 has to do with the 144,000 and the change in what is being preached. Until the fall, they preach, Fear God and give him glory because the hour of his judgement has come, and worship him.” We have seen that start in the 1970s and get more pronounced to become a common ministry today. In Rev. 18.2, the cause of the fall is described next. “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the Great, she who made all nations drink the wine of the passions of her sexual immorality.” This reinforces the fact that the fall has to do with immorality and not military strength.

Revelations 18

Most Revelations are events with a short timeline. Following that precedent, let us look at Rev. 18 as a timeline. Firstly, a powerful Angel lightened the whole earth with its glory. We have seen that over the last couple of years in the USA with the rise of Donald Trump. All kinds of revelations have come out about corruption in the government of the USA. Some know what has been going on, but all will know soon. There will be an attack on sexual wickedness, the double standard of justice, which is mind-boggling in the USA (Hillary and Bill Clinton's endless scandals), and thieves. What the banks have been doing.

Fallen Fallen is Babylon the Great.

We will see the exposure of high-profile people involved in paedophilia. There will be some high-profile preachers going to jail for a long time. We are going to see former Presidents go to jail, and there may even be a hanging. Do not be surprised to see Barack Obama hanging from a rope. The theft of vast sums of money is being exposed. There will be major scandals in the FBI, DoJ, and CIA. The corruption is so widespread and profound that there are far too many to list. The main ones to look for are sexual wickedness, theft, and justice.

The future.

There are many stories about Fallen Babylon being destroyed in one hour by fire. This is in Rev. 18, and it is true that this will happen. However, if you are reading Rev. 18 as a timeline, then there are two things that happen in between. Firstly, the call for God's people to come out of the cities. As mentioned before, that is every city with over 250,000 people in it. Secondly, the President said that she has suffered no harm and that the USA is as great as ever. On that statement, just about instantly, KaPow. A lot has to happen in Europe before that takes place, so it would be a minimum of seven years but more likely fourteen years.




Earthquakes and natural disasters

New Zealand's coming disaster.

Do earthquakes and other natural disasters mean there is God's judgement happening, or is it just for the Old Testament. A question that has come into prominence in New Zealand recently. A well-known pastor has claimed that the earthquakes in Christchurch and other major earthquakes have been just that. He pointed out the statistics for Christchurch for numerous crimes was very high. That homosexuality and liberal humanism was also rampant. So I asked myself a question. Does God use these kinds of events since Jesus and the New Testament or do we just live in a world of time and chance, and it is inevitable that we will get hit by an earthquake in New Zealand. The islands have numerous fault lines running through them. We don't get many scriptures from a historical standpoint in the New Testament about earthquakes. We have, when Jesus died and gave his last breath, there was a great earthquake and the curtain in the temple was ripped. An angel came down from heaven and when his foot touched the earth, there was an earthquake and the stone blocking the door of the tomb rolled away. In Acts 16;26 there was an earthquake when Paul was in prison and the prison doors all opened. So, does God used earthquakes since Jesus came? The answer is yes. But is every earthquake an acted of God, probably not, but it is wrong to believe it never is. When an earthquake strikes, we need to search to see if God is saying something. There are several principles that transcend the old and new testaments. Leviticus 18;24-30 is one of them. If you practice wickedness, then the land will vomit you out when you make it unclean. A scripture used by the Pastor to back his statements.

What do we look for? To start with, why did the whole of New Zealand get to hear this warning. This pastor has a very checker past and should have been ignored. However, for some reason the entire of New Zealand heard it as it made the secular news. I do not think the devil would like this made public. It has the hand of God written all over it. As we rush headlong into the end of the age, there are numerous scriptures that say there will be a great increase in wickedness in the last days. 2 Timothy 3;2-5 is a perfect example. The result of which will lead to a great increase in natural disasters, and, of course, earthquakes is one of them. New Zealand has no exemption from this horrendous increase in wickedness that all other countries are suffering. In fact, we are probably worse than most countries. For nine years we had a gay Prime Minister who attacked the moral standards of New Zealand with her social engineering. Once she was ousted, we got what, we thought, would be a better government. However, we did not look at the principles of wickedness properly. Things like murder and adultery etc. are listed many times, but these are the result of the turning away from a more basic principle. Which is, love your neighbour as yourself. In the Old Testament it is spelt out a bit more and that is to look after the weak and poor, the widow and the orphan. Now, for the last eight years, New Zealand has suffered a government that has attacked these very foundations of God's purpose. As a nation, we have done very will financially, but this money has not got down to the poor, and we have large numbers of people living in poverty. We have seen recently this battle between the globalist elite and nationalism. New Zealand is totally controlled by the globalists, and we have seen our government follow a wicked Globalist agenda time and time again. The rich both in New Zealand and overseas are asset striping the wealth of the country. The result of this murderous agenda is tens of thousands of Kiwis suffering and dying before their time. Christianity in New Zealand has seen the collapse of faith in the mainstream churches. We have also seen the rise of the Mega church and the preaching of the new gospel. The 'all you need is love' or 'what you need is to enjoy everyday life'. Very few churches are full of life and power. The bible says this wickedness will result in natural disasters. Are the earthquakes striking New Zealand the result of wickedness? The answer is a great big fat YES.

 So the question is not “is this the result of God's punishment” but why Christchurch? Did Christchurch draw the short straw, and it was just bad luck, or was there more to it. The Pastor described the wickedness of Christchurch with a list of the main sins. But Wellington has far more people supporting liberal humanism and the Utopian agenda that goes with it. Auckland has a far greater Gay community, violence and other religions than Christchurch. The two things I see as the main reasons that Christchurch was chosen ahead of other cities are, The Wizard of Christchurch and his being made an official representative of the city. This is not just the one man but an organisation that has official pixies going all over the city casting spells and the Christians there have just stood by and did nothing. The formal worship of another God. B The appointment of a woman bishop to the largest congregation in Christchurch. This appointment is open rebellion to the word of God by most Christians in the city. They also had several court cases that resulted is unjust convictions of weak and defenceless people. These are real disaster resulting sins.

So where to from here. We have a Pastor being used by God to give us a warning for which he has been attacked. Not only by the secular media but by Christians and Christian media up and down the country. Now, to add more to this story, there is another way you can bring disaster onto your country. This is to do harm to Israel. Recently, a remit was put forward in the United Nations to split Israel up. To take away land and to split Jerusalem, and the country that put forward this remit was New Zealand. You would think that New Zealand would be friends with Israel, and you would be right for the people. However, our Government has been abducted by Globalist lapdogs who do what they are told. They have no idea of the calamity they can bring upon New Zealand.

Have the people listened to the warning, NO. Has the church listened to the warning, MOSTLY NO. Have we continued to act in an increasingly wicked manner, YES? There will be another major disaster. To date, we have been blessed with very little lose of life. If we do not turn dramatically back to God, the next disaster will result in massive loss of life.

Warwick Frederikson


The theory that the universe had a beginning, as opposed to just an eternal existence, is now mainstream cosmology. Mathematical models in the 1920s, derived from Einstein’s theories, predicted an expanding universe. Then Edwin Hubble explained that the red shift of light coming to us from other galaxies was caused by those galaxies moving away from us. Then in the 1960s it was discovered that the background temperature of the universe was exactly that which would be explained by a “very early and very dense state of the universe, which was predicted by the Big Bang model.” No less a person than Stephen Hawking says, “Almost everyone now believes that the universe, and time itself, had a beginning at the Big Bang.”

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1.

The Big Bang, this immense explosion of energy into matter, included photons – “Let there be light” – Shazam!

The fact that there was a beginning has significant repercussions, because of something called the Kalam Argument. This originated with a Christian philosopher and was then taken up by some Muslim scholars in North Africa at the beginning of the 12th century. The argument has three parts:

1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause.

2. The universe had a beginning.

3. And therefore, the universe had a cause.

The first part of the argument is not the kind of thing that can be proven one way or the other. However, in our observations of how the world works, the premise is constantly confirmed and never falsified, meaning that we have better reason to believe it is true, than to believe that it is false. As explained in the book, if we hear a loud bang, and you ask me what made that noise, and I say “Nothing, it just happened,” you’d think I was a raving loony.

And with The Big Bang accepted by most cosmologists as the theory that best fits the evidence as it is known today, it would seem that a cause for the universe is a very plausible theory.

Of course, a cause by itself does not automatically lead to a personal Creator, although apparently the Kalam Argument does argue for one. In my next post, I’ll cover some things that do indicate the likelihood of intelligent design.

None of the above constitutes proof of the existence of God. I don’t believe we will ever receive proof in this life, and I don’t want us to. As noted in a previous post, I believe that certain knowledge of the existence of God would give us the same status as Satan – who knew God, still rebelled, and has no way back. As it is, our rebellion is forgiven through our faith.  “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith.” Ephesians 2:8.


A bit more from the book I read recently – “The Case for a Creator” by Lee Strobel. In my last post, I quoted some scientific evidence contained in the book for the universe being caused by something.

 In the arena of physics, something called the Anthropic Principle points to not only a cause, but to intelligent design of the universe. The book says, “all the seemingly arbitrary and unrelated constants in physics have one strange thing in common – these are precisely the values you would need if you want to have a universe capable of producing life.” The probability of all these values occurring by chance is so huge that they boggle the mind.

For example, the force of gravity is precisely set to allow life – a breathtaking image given in the book, is that of a massive ruler that is the length of the whole universe, and is marked out in inches. The length of the ruler represents the range of force strengths existing in nature. Gravity is quite weak, while the strong nuclear force is 10 thousand billion billion billion billion times stronger. Increase the force of gravity by just one of those gazillions of inches on the intergalactic ruler, and life would not be supportable.

The cosmological constant, or the energy density of empty space, has to be fine-tuned – too strong, and matter would be repulsed so strongly that galaxies, stars, planets could not be formed – too weak, and the big bang would have been quickly reversed as all matter became subject to an immense attractive force. The fine-tuning is estimated to be 1 part in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000!!!

In physics, a phase space is a space in which all possible states of a system are represented, with each possible state of the system corresponding to one unique point in the phase space. The original phase space is the phase space for the properties of the universe immediately after The Big Bang. Eminent physicist Roger Penrose estimates that the accuracy required to fine tune the original phase space to the conditions that actually existed (and which went on to support life) is 1 part in 10,000,000,000^123. He goes on to say you can’t even write that number out in full – there are more zeroes in it than there are particles in the universe!

There are many more constants that need to be precisely tuned to an accuracy that, even taken isolated, seriously challenge the idea of our universe being created by random chance.

As I mentioned previously, there is no proof of the existence of God. Personally, having read this book and others by both Christian and atheist authors, neither do I see any proof of the non-existence of God. I am fascinated by the wonder of our universe and the beauty of our planet, and reading about all these conditions that need to be set just so, strengthens my faith. The apostle Paul wrote: “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” Romans 1:20.

God bless,



In response to a “test” from a Pharisee (a leading sect of Jews in New Testament times who were focused on countless rules) Jesus said “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.” Matthew 22:37-38.

The bit that intrigues me is “all your mind.” I think that there is an idea out there that says in order to be a Christian, you have to turn off your brain and refuse to grapple with issues such as evolution and metaphysics. Another passage in Matthew (18:2-4) says that we will never enter the kingdom of heaven unless we become like little children, and this is sometimes used as a reason for settling for blind faith.

But I don’t think kids have blind faith. They are curious, they ask questions – any parent of a 4-year-old will tell you that “Why?” is their little one’s favourite sentence starter. Kids soak up learning and want to grow up as quickly as possible to be more like their Mum, Dad, or older sibling. I do think that they are trusting and accepting of their parents and teachers, and are likely to believe what they are told. But occasionally, you can almost hear the cogs grinding away in their heads as they absorb their new nuggets of information and work to fit them in with their existing knowledge and experience.

So I reckon that loving God with all our minds involves engaging the brain he created in us to work through issues and challenges to our faith. I want to know what Charles Darwin, Stephen Hawking, Bertrand Russell, Richard Dawkins, and many others say about our world and about my faith. And like the kids, I would like to go away and let the cogs whir away until everything falls into place. Occasionally, my brain hurts! Occasionally, I encounter an issue that I cannot reconcile with my faith. When this happens, I am comforted by a story told by Paul Little in his book “Know Why You Believe.” He relates that in 1861 the French Academy of Science published 51 scientific facts that controverted the Word of God. But today, no scientist in the world believes a single one of those “facts.” I believe that one day, maybe on the last day, every scientific fact or theory that currently casts doubt on the existence of God will be explained.

However, “all my mind,” an intellectual assent to the evidence for the Christian faith, is important but not sufficient. I have to also love God with all my heart and all my soul. My heart is a metaphor for my emotional engagement with God – relationship building, awe, adoration, love, worship. My soul as used in the Bible is really my whole being. My body, my intellect, my emotions, my sociality, my spirit, all need to be aligned in an active full-on faith, a willingness to grow and learn, and a determination to hold on in the face of strong challenges. And like the kids, trust The Teacher when He answers my questions.

My report card says “Christopher could do better and needs to improve. He should pay more attention in class and work harder to apply learnings in his daily life. Luckily, he does not have to pass this test in his own strength.”

God bless,


“Fear God” the cry of the 144000

The 144000 appear not only before the tribulation but before the fall of Babylon the Great. Who are they, are they to come, or are they already here? Revelations says they are Israelites.  The Israelites were scattered over much of the world, so it could be anyone. But let us have a brief look at what happened to them. They were taken into exile around 800 BC by the Assyrian’s. The bible says they went to the northern regions of the Assyrian Empire. The records of the Assyrian's say the majority were sent to a northern region that was unpopulated. The mountainous area around where Georgia is today. A bit farther north than what the bible says. At this stage, people were just settling into Italy, as Rome was founded at the same time.  They had not spread far. There were probably 60 million people total at that time, and around 4 million were Israelites. As the nations spread out, this 6 odd percent of the world's population was a reasonable number and would have led to large areas of the world population today tracing their heritage back to Israel. They were still God's people and would have been blessed beyond others. There could easily be 20% or more of the world's population with Israelite heritage. Using old records and linguistics, they have been able to give us some idea as to concentration areas. Ephraim and England, Manasseh and the USA, Nathalie and Scandinavia. There are stories handed down through generations how Ruben went east and ended up in the China/ Korea/Japan area. The twist is there is no one from the tribe of Dan. Dan has been replaced by Manasseh, while Ephraim comes under Joseph. Why that is does that not fit into the criteria of this essay. However, there is plenty of information on the net.  In conclusion, you can see that the whole world has the potential to provide saints for the 144000. They appear in Revelations 7 and 14, and we can glean some information. I cannot find any other reference to the 144000 except in Revelations.

The Great calm happens, in Revelations 7-1. What is the great calm?  Is this to do with the weather? Rev 7\1 says After this, I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth, that no wind might blow on earth or sea or against any tree. The weather is partly from the rotation of the earth, but mainly caused by the sun's energy hitting the Earth. If you hear the sun's activity has never been as quiet as this in some news report, that will be an event that could fit into the great calm. But it just doesn't seem possible. It is most likely to have some spiritual meaning. This calm is the signal that the 144000 are to appear. These saints are to receive a seal on their foreheads.

 The Lord and the 144000 stand on Mount Zion. Mount Zion can be seen as Jerusalem or the temple mount. In reality, Mount Zion is a concept and because it is a concept, it is not necessarily in Israel. They are to be blameless and have not defiled themselves with women. You do not defile yourselves in marriage. The blood of Christ makes you blameless. These are requirements that must be met. Now these saints are walking among us at this very time. You may be one, but how do you know? Have you met the above requirements? Lastly, there is a song that only you can learn. This is the test that you can apply that finds out false witnesses. What is the song? Only the 144000 will know it because it will be on their hearts. In fact, the 144000 are walking around right now.

What will they preach?

Rev 6. Then I saw another angel flying directly overhead, with an eternal gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on earth, to every nation and tribe and language and people. And he said with a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory because the hour of his judgment has come, and worship him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the springs of water.”

Rev 14 is about the 144000 and the message of the angel must also be their message.  The desire to start preaching the message that the first angel declares. That is three things. Fear God, this is a fundamental problem of the world today. We have lost the fear of God. There is the fear in the sense of awe and wonder, and there is a fear of God because he is a judge who will punish you for wicked behaviour. This has happened because of the new Gospel that is preached. A Gospel that only looks at the good things of the Christian walk and avoids at all cost there are consequences for what we do. Do you fit the criteria and have this desire to preach “Fear God” and “give glory to God and Judgment is here”? The cry fear God is here to keep us safe from being deceived. Secondly, we are to give glory to God and worshipping him keeps us close to him. Thirdly, they are to preach the hour of judgment has come. This is something we can place a time for. In the 1970s, we had a shape increase in the preaching and books on the second coming of Jesus is about to happen. Hal Lindsay’s The Late Great Planet Earth was a bestseller. Hal still preaches much the same things. Most of it wrong, but that is not relevant as all he had to was preach Jesus's return, which he has done diligently. Hal is one of the 144000 as is the likes of Rick Wiles and his team at Tru News. Furthermore, many others preaching the second coming of Christ.

The change in what is being preached.

Rev 14/8. Now we do have an event to align the 144000 with.  Revelations 14-8 says, “fallen fallen is Babylon the Great”. You will see that this is the economic change of the USA. It does not have to be an economic collapse but a change in its relationship with the rest of the world financially. A change in its wickedness. If Donald Trump is successful at cleaning up the swamp and paedophilia rings. The US dollar has already lost it status as the reserve currency at only 47% of trade in dollars. The vast amount of military equipment is useless now they can turn off all modern electronics. It will no longer be dominant but just a smaller player. If you go to Revelations the repeated story concept in the blog and look at Revelations 17, this is explained. First we get the financial collapse and then the physical attack, they are two different events. The physical attack is done when there are ten horns or ten leaders on the heads of the beast. Rev 17-16. So the destruction happens before the Antichrist has arisen. When the beast first appears, it is just a loose seven nation group. The Great Red Dragon has ten horns, seven heads and seven crowns on the heads, showing this is before the beast is fully established because there are only SEVEN crowns.  The Rev 13 picture is slightly different, there are seven heads, ten horns and TEN crowns. It looks like the initial agreement will be among these seven nations will not have a strong leadership.  When the Antichrist arises, three of these horns will fall. Now the Antichrist is here, the mark of the beast will be placed on people. I speculate that the fall of Babylon will cause the Antichrist to arise. So the cities destroyed in an hour are many years away. Fallen Fallen is Babylon the Great is at hand.

Now the third angel cries out. “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink the wine of God’s wrath, poured full strength into the cup of his anger, and he will be tormented with fire and sulphur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and they have no rest, day or night, these worshippers of the beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name.” Once the Babylon falls, the preaching will change from repent, do not receive the mark of the beast. This will be preached until the day of the Lord or Jesus's return. That preaching will be from the fall of Babylon or the USA (strictly speaking it is not Babylon but the seventh head the woman rides on). Through the rise of the beast until it turns into the fully blown Beast and during the reign of the Antichrist.

This is a very hard thing they have to do, and the Lord well be training them. Does injustice seem to be following you, or do you feel that you are receiving an unnatural number of problems? You are being turned into men of steel to have victory in a seemingly impossible task. You will be rejected by the established church, who preach the new gospel and have rejected the concept of repenting. On the bright side, you likely will get to speak face to face with Jesus. On the harder side, fellow saints will help you at the cost of their lives. If you think your spirit is calling you need to put it before the lord. Your time could be as little as one year away, or even sooner.

USA in Revelations

Revelations is a book for the end of the age, as is Daniel 7. In fact, Daniel is told to close up the book, for it is for the end of the age. The suggestion is that it will not be fully understood until then. People over the ages have tried to interrupt it and looked at what was around them and then extrapolated out. It is just not possible, but now we are here at the end of the age, we can look at what is in front of us. No fancy codes or mysteries are to be applied, I use the words as they are meant today in today's language. After all, it is written for us in the end times, and I am confident that my God would be able to make it plain. For example, when the prophets of old said Jesus was going to ride into Jerusalem on a donkey, he actually rode into town on a donkey. So today lions are England, bears are Russia and eagles are the USA.  In Revelations and Daniel 7 there are no aliens, giants, mystery plants, lizard men, rapture or secret codes. So I have placed the USA in the place of the Eagle, but not when it is a face of an angel. The other place the USA is talked about is that it is the last head of Babylon the Great. It is not hard to see that the USA is the last head, and there are many good explanations. Follow this link to one of the best. However, I will go over it again quickly to clear up a common misunderstanding. The vision John saw consisted of four parts. The woman riding the beast, and it is her name which is BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF PROSTITUTES AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. Then there are the heads, the horns, and the beast itself.

  In Revelation 17 we see this picture of the woman on the beast with seven heads. First, the woman is called by different names. The great harlot, the woman, the prostitute, the Mother of Harlots and the great city.   The last description of the woman is the great city. Is this a particular city, say New York, or is it a generic city with a large population. The first heads or nations had only one city that ruled, like Phoebes and Egypt, Nineveh and Assyria, Babylon, and Persia, but Greece is starting to change, and Rome has many big cities. I think that Babylon was the first head because it is described as a city of merchants in Jeremiah. A place of trade and the creation of wealth and money. Love of money is the root of all evil. The line goes to Babylon, Greece, the generals of Alexander made another three and Rome. It makes no real difference. As Rome changed into the Holy Roman Empire and into Europe, there became many large cities at the same time. Rome as the sixth head continued in many forms until the role was passed on to the seventh head. What made Rome any more wicked than Paris or Amsterdam or Berlin? It is the wickedness and not the location that makes it evil. I can only conclude that the great city is a name for all large cities within a country also they sit on many waters, which suggests many locations. The cry goes out “fallen fallen is Babylon the great” but it can never truly be destroyed until all large cities are destroyed. The woman is the large cities of a country, the heads are the countries, the horns are people and the beast is the spiritual being that has dominion over particular areas. The beast itself is the angel of the bottomless pit, called Abaddon.

The list of cities and countries above is also a list of the heads of the beast. There are six, including Rome's, but I am talking about the USA being the seventh head. It is an important point to grasp that the USA is not Babylon the Great but the seventh head of the beast. The Roman Empire never really went away. It just transformed over time into new empires, but its roots are always from the Roman Empire. In fact, you can say Australia, Canada, and Brazil all have their roots in the Roman Empire. However, the meaning of a country is geographical. Even though you may have the heritage, you also need the physical. The new head required a new geographical area.

In December 1945, the nations signed in to being the IMF, and they also signed an agreement making the US dollar the world reserve currency. At that point, the USA became the seventh head of the beast. It met the criteria of being the richest and the strongest militarily.   The USA's time as the last head was signed in to being in a day. The USSR lasted 70 years because that is a significant number in the Word for nations. The USA as the head turns seventy in December 2015. If the last head is to last only a little while, then you should see the demise of the USA some time in the next ten years from 2015. Psalm 90 – 10 says 'The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty;' and so it is with nations. I believe the USA is a type of King Saul. He believed in God and was a man of God, but could not stop himself doing his own will. Finally, the kingdom was given to another. Sounds like the USA. Saul lived for 72 years, so I strongly believe that the financial collapse of the USA will happen before December 2018. At that point, the USA as the head of the beast turns seventy-three. However, the next most likely time would be before The end of December 2016. The ace in the hole for the US has been having the world reserve currency. It meant that no matter how incompetent they got, they could just print more money. It is why they have been interfering in every country's affairs from Ghana to Germany to Jamaica. They need to retain it. But alas, it has turned out to be a poisoned chalice.

  Revelations 18 is the look at the fall of Babylon the Great in chronological order. First an angel appears with great authority and the earth is made bright by his presents. This is the revealing of things hidden by the darkness of deception. The wicked men who have stolen the USA from its people by using deception will be exposed to the rest of the world. We are really seeing this unfold with the 2016 Presidential elections. You could see this in other countries as well. There have also been many modern prophecies saying this is going to happen.

Second is Fallen Fallen is Babylon the Great. It is also in Rev 14 to do with the 144000, and we will come back to that.

This cry is the signal of financial collapse. It could be many things. A collapse in the value of the dollar or losing the reserve currency status, or some combination, is by far the most likely.

Three, when this happens, what does God say to the saints in the USA. Come out of her, my people, least you take part in her sins. The sins of Babylon the Great. Remember, this is not the USA, but the cities of the USA.

First the fall, then the call to leave the cities, and now the attack. Her plagues will come upon her in a single day. She will be burned with fire. This is what the angel says, but the merchants say she is destroyed in a single hour. So will Babylon the great city be thrown down with violence, and will be found no more. Once the cities are destroyed, they will never be rebuilt.

Before we get into how the cities are destroyed, I would like to make an interesting speculation about Hillary Clinton. The description in Rev 18 4-8 is a picture of the great city but also a description of Hillary Clinton. It says, “since in her heart she says, I sit as a queen, I am no widow, and mourning I shall never see.” These are words spoken in a person's heart. A symbol cannot say them, but an individual person's thoughts. This scripture is a repeat of what Isaiah 47 says. In Isaiah, it gives far more of an impression to it is an individual saying this.  If Clinton is president, and we know the last president will be a woman from a woman making these statements. The financial collapse has taken place, and she is saying the words, I am, and there is none besides me. I will never be a widow or suffer the loss of children, you need to run and do not look back if you live in a city. I am writing this on the 6th of March 2016, so this is speculation Trump is going to bring the corruption to light as Hillary gets to be President. However, it may be another woman, maybe Trump will have a woman Vice President. Trump is backed by organised crime, and the dirt that will come out will be mind-blowing. Much of the talk about Hillary is, that she is on the side of those running the world and cannot lose. However, if she does and the USA is given some sort of reprieve, and it could be up to eight years, the changes could sweep the world. Fallen fallen could still take place during a Trump Presidency, but not the attack.

  Now we have things revealed, financial collapse, the president says everything good we get to the physical attack.

All these years of arrogant disrespect for the other countries of the world by the wicked men who have stolen the USA. Countries were forced to pour their money into her and made her exceedingly wealthy. The hatred boils over. Destroyed in one hour by fire. All those who buy and sell, those who trade and have become wealthy. Fleets of boats, planes, and vehicles have lost their source of income. They will turn to someone to save them. Do you have any guesses who will be showing up soon? The Antichrist.

There are two combinations that I see could see the destruction of the cities. The first is at the end of 2016 where there are mass riots caused by Clinton cheating the election. The USA is already set to explode and this could trigger it. More likely is before the end of 2018. The destruction of the cities is likely done by nuclear weapons, but there are some other options. A coordinated attack by extremists could do it, but less likely. A general rebellion could cause the devastation in one hour, and a Yellowstone eruption could also cause it. An EMP attack would be second on the list. The problem is, how do you utterly destroy all the large cities by fire in one hour? The only way I can see is by nuclear attack. You may say that this will not work because the explosive area of a nuclear bomb is only around five miles, but it is not the blast that starts the fires, but the incredible flash that accompanies it. Most houses are full of plastic items and that will explode into flames from the flash up to 15 miles (ca. 24 km) away. That's a 30-mile diameter. The ensuing fire storms will be unstoppable.  The description of the level of destruction of the cities will probably be done by nuclear weapons.  So when you leave the cities, make sure you consider the drift of radiation. Even though modern nuclear weapons have far less radiation than the older ones, it is best to be safe.  The saints need to have a rough plan of what they are going to do. I assume most Americans are familiar with George Washington's dream. He said, “I had a dream that he saw three wars on American soil”. The first was a war of independence, the second was a war of brother against brother. Then there was a final conflict where he saw the large cities being burnt to the ground. The people in the country arose and to rebuild the country. The cities will never be rebuilt. If you do not want to believe me, believe your founding father. I did not fit Revelations 17 and 18 to the prophecy but discovered it after writing the repeated story view of Revelations. The victory at the end of the prophecy is not a physical one but a spiritual one. The reason Satan has so encouraged the Rapture concept is to make the Christians in the USA unprepared for the last battle against the Antichrist. If you are unfamiliar with the prophecy, go to YouTube and type in George Washington's dream. I believe a large city could be as low as 120,000 people. The population of Nineveh in Jonas time. It probably will be 250,000 as that was the population of Babylon, but it did go up and down. The USA will rebuild spiritually, but the cities will never be rebuilt ever. Who will your attackers be? Germany, UK, France, Russia, Italy and two others.  It will take too long to give an explanation, so go to the whatofthenight blog and 'Revelations repeated story' then down to Daniel 7's beasts. Germany just received twenty nuclear weapons from the USA, and they could end up destroying American cities. The scripture is Rev 17-16 And the ten horns that you saw, they and the beast will hate the prostitute. They will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her up with fire.  This is the horns of the beast from Rev 13 and not the beast from Rev 17. They sound the same, but if you look closely, you can see that they must be two beasts.

It is interesting that the merchants of the world get a mention. The current collapsing economies are caused by a few reasons. A big one is too much wealth getting into the hands of too few people. The problems caused by multi nationals or more precisely the people who own the multi nationals running unchecked and manipulating things out of natural balances. Politically and financially. They will be on the outer and greatly harmed.

The Rev 13 Beast with 10 horns only lasts three and a half years, so that means there will be less than three and a half years before the Antichrist appears on the scene. Once the Antichrist appears, there are only eight horns. When the Antichrist appears, the tribulation starts and the great calamities that shake the world.

What will happen to the American Christians and alternative news media? If they have a plan, they can keep broadcasting. They will be the main news source and can have a dominant position in what the American public hears. They need to look at what will be the consequences of this attack with internet feeds and electricity. I would suggest they buy a boat or two together, or move some hardware to Canada or Mexico. This will need divine guidance.

Now the good news.


The USA in the tribulation. I am basing these thoughts on when the bible talks about an eagle it is a symbol, and we see the symbol for the US is an eagle. Now The USA has had its cities destroyed. The military will get destroyed if they attack, and because everything has got so high-tech, it would quickly lose all functionality without the logistical support. Because of corruption, most of the US military are for show and not for war. Russia, with a relatively small budget, has produced superior fighter aircraft. Hopefully, I will not be a lone voice, but the Lord will get this message out. Even though the USA will not be powerful, it will be the main opposition to the Antichrist and possibly a safe haven. I get this from where the eagle is mentioned, so let us have a look at where the eagle pops up. Rev 9 Then I looked, and I heard an eagle crying with a loud voice as it flew directly overhead, “Woe, woe, woe to those who dwell on the earth, at the blasts of the other trumpets that the three angels are about to blow!” That could be an American satellite or TV like Day star over the internet, but most likely radio transmissions or even a ship on the ocean broadcasting. I am suggesting that Christian radio from the USA will still be broadcasting at this point of the tribulation. The next mention Rev 12. The woman is given eagle wings to escape from what comes from Satan's mouth. This is the Christian Israelis escaping to somewhere safe. Do two or three American Aircraft Carriers send in planes and helicopters before Jerusalem is given over to the nations? The Antichrist is trying to hurt them and the Americans are rescuing them. This means they are enemies. If so, it is great news for them for of all the inhabitants of the world, only them and the 144000 are safe. A broken USA and a few other countries fighting the Antichrist to the end and the day of the Lord. This doesn't preclude a section of USA society is in the hand of the Antichrist and a battle is still in the land.

Now let's go back to the 144000 and Rev 14. The first angel flying over head says, “Fear God and give him glory because the hour of his judgment has come, and worship him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the springs of water.” This is what the 144,000 are preaching, and it must come before the fall of Babylon. The second angel cries “fallen fallen is Babylon the Great.” I am starting to see the fear God and repent and judgment has come being preached more and more. For more about the 144000, go to the blog “Fear God” the cry of the 144,000. If you have an overwhelming desire to preach “Fear God and give him glory because the hour of his judgment has come, and worship him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the springs of water.” You could well be part of the most select group of people that creation will ever see. The problem with knowing who they are is their lack of numbers. 144000 in a population of around 8 billion is one in every sixty thousand people. What they are saying will not be reported in the media or the vast majority of Mega churches. The Media these days is so controlled they could be active right now, and we are just not hearing it. This is a great worry to me as they are a key to times and dates. Keep an eye out for people teaching Fear God.

I often hear and read leave the USA, emigrate. But I am sure the USA is the place to be for Americans. Just make sure you can leave the cities and go to a place you have prepared. It is when the female president is saying I am no widow and have not suffered the loss of children.


So, in summary, we will look at the sequence of events.

Things will be revealed. We are seeing this in the current USA elections.

144000 cry Fear God and repent.

Financial collapse.

The queen declaring she will never be a widow or poor. Likely a female President. The last American President.

Violent attack.

Mega churches are in the large cities, so they will be no more.

The Christians in the country who lived there or fled there are going to have a move of God that will be indescribable. Never before and never again will such a thing happen in the flesh. This is not in the scriptures but a prophecy.

The USA becomes the nemesis of the Antichrist.

Christ's return.

There are some things in Revelations that are over a longer period, like the white and red horses. But there are some things that are the beginning of the end. The sign of the women in the heavens and the great calm before the 144000 appear.

This is happening now with the current USA elections. What we have seen with the Democrats and Republicans' corruption is mind-blowing. Because this is a spiritual thing, we are only just beginning and as the US heads to the November elections we will be shocked at what we will see.

The End is here now, we are living it, so be prepared.



Who are the hundred million in Revelations


You may be asking yourself what is the title about? They get a number of mentions in Revelations and once in Daniel 7.

 In Revelation 5 they just get mentioned as a number 10,000* times 10,000 sometimes called myriads of myriad  or one hundred million and as a great multitude. This number is also mentioned in Daniel 7. Let us pick out the scriptures that mention this group of people and put some light on them. The following is a list of scriptures that mention these saints. I feel a quick look will help clarify the subject.

Rev 6 9 When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained.

10They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” 11Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters, were killed just as they had been.

Rev 7 9 After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. All the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures. They fell down on their faces before the throne and worshipped God,

 saying:“Amen! Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honour and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever. Amen!”

Then one of the elders asked me, “These in white robes—who are they, and where did they come from?”

I answered, “Sir, you know.” And he said, “These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

Therefore, “they are before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple; and he who sits on the throne will shelter them with his presence.

‘Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat down on them, nor any scorching heat.

For the Lamb at the centre of the throne will be their shepherd; He will lead them to springs of living water. ‘And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes”

Rev 14 . There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name.”

This calls for patient endurance on the part of the people of God who keep his commands and remain faithful to Jesus.

Then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labour, for their deeds will follow them.”

Rev 15-2 And I saw what appeared to be a sea of glass mingled with fire—and also those who had conquered the beast and its image and the number of its name, standing beside the sea of glass with harps of God in their hands. 3 And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb,

Rev 20-4 Then I saw thrones, and seated on them were those to whom the authority to judge was committed. Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshipped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands.

They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. This is the first resurrection.

Blessed and holy is the one who shares in the first resurrection! Over such the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with him for a thousand years.

Daniel 7-10 A stream of fire issued and came out from before him;

a thousand thousands served him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him;

When you pull the scriptures out about these people you get to understand how honoured they are. This hundred million are the first resurrection. It is pretty obvious that this is going to be the very opposite of the rapture. If you are a big rapture fan you are not going like the outcome of this essay.

Why 100 million? This number gets mentioned twice, once in Daniel 7 and in Revelations. The multitude standing before the throne. In Rev 5 it is a little unclear as to who they are. It mentions angels and then two numbers. Thousands of thousands and 10000 time 10000. Elders, angels and others. It would not make sense to say millions of angels and a 100 million angels when other scriptures say an uncountable number of people.

Just to side track for a moment this give us some idea of how many angels there are. If we say this is the same description as Daniel 7 then it is only one million. He says one a thousand thousands. That this thousand thousands served him and the 10000 times 10000s stood before him. This description of standing before him is the same as Revelations 6-11. This is the saints coming out of the tribulation.

 The description of standing before the throne is also linked with standing beside the sea of glass. The picture of the sea of glass and before the throne means that they are no longer on earth, they have died on earth.

How do they die or why? These are they that have come out of the great tribulation. Not before and not after but during. This is saying that 100 million saints are going to die during the tribulation. But why? Rev 15 describes it as 'those who had conquered the beast and its image and the number of its name, standing beside the sea of glass with harps of God in their hands'. Rev 20 says 'those who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands'. When the tribulation has started and those who can stand and be killed for that stance will be regarded as having victory over the Beast. This is very similar to Jesus as they killed him and thought that they had won but it was Jesus that had the victory because his purpose was to save us. He saved us by dying for our sins. Are there going to be internment camps and gas chambers? Maybe, but I suspect that not being able to buy and sell well kill most people. Starvation no access to medication, no power for heating will kill tens of millions. But violent deaths will take its toll as will.

What is so important and so blessed about these saints. The first idea they they are something special is Rev. 14 Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labour, for their deeds will follow them.” Then we get the real story in Rev 20 Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. This is the first resurrection.

  On one hand you have the rapture story saying we are not going to go though the tribulation. That every thing is going to be lovely and happy and who knows where you will end up. On the other hand we have a hard death but staying true to Jesus during this time will result in you coming back to life and reigning with Jesus for a thousand years. I speculate that this will not only include the thousand years but when we enter the new earth as well. There is another group that well rise in the first resurrection.  Those who had their heads cut off in the name of Christ. We see horror stories from the Middle East of beheading. These people will rise again to reign with Jesus. We get a chance to apologise for not coming to their aid. According to legend, Paul was beheaded so you will get to met him.

The rapture is truly an evil doctrine. It is making people completely unprepared for what is about to take place over the next ten years. It is making the saint in the USA ill prepare to be the only country fighting the Antichrist. Making the saints in the rest of the world weak for fighting and dying but gaining victory over him.

So do you want to be part of the first resurrection or do you think that your calling is to go through the tribulation and be part of the new world. There are two different types of people left. I hope you will take my word on this because working through the word will take a lot of work. The scripture I will use is that there are two people working at a mill, one is taken and one is left. Firstly, there must be enough people to use the product produced from this industry. Secondly, the person left is an Israelite how is taken to Israel.  Then there are the other left to populate the world. The word says these people will be rare as gold but gold is not that rare. If you want to survive I will give you the only advice I know. That is to remove Google, Twitter and Facebook completely out of your life.

