
“If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink the wine of God’s wrath, poured full strength into the cup of his anger, and he will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.
Signs in the Heavens

In the coming 30 days, observers will have the opportunity to witness a "Blood Moon" eclipse, the "Comet of the Century," and a "Ring of Fire" eclipse. Over the next 30 days, the night sky will feature three remarkable astronomical events. This week, a lunar eclipse referred to as a “blood moon” is set to […]

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The False Prophet and the Woman

If King Charles is the Antichrist, then who is the False Prophet and the Woman riding the beast of Revelation 17. Who is the False Prophet? The False Prophet does not get much of a mention in the Bible. Daniel and Matthew do not mention him at all. He does use his power to send […]

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Paris, the Last Olympics

The inaugural modern Olympics took place in Athens in 1896. It was a modest event featuring some unusual sports. The true Olympic Games, however, were hosted in Paris in 1900. With the end of times seemingly approaching, one wonders if these will be the final games. The last Pope, number 111, has arrived. Charles the […]

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King Charles the Antichrist? How can that be?

Why is King Charles the Antichrist? How can this be? When the Antichrist of the movies is this diabolical evil genius and King Charles is this foolish old, out of touch duffer. Well, let us see how. We will look at Charles heritage and his relationship with Satan and his angels, his cherubim. Firstly, we […]

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The Smallpox Deception

The Greatest Ever Deception on Mankind The Smallpox Vaccine Not only did it not work, it made the infections worse. The medical profession holds a most false relationship to society. Its honours and financial rewards are measured, not by the good, but by the evil it does. The physician who keeps some member of the […]

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The Highway to Serfdom

As the world's attention was diverted to the Wars, EU leaders seized the opportunity to reform financial regulations, ultimately aiming to erode the European middle class. Behind the scenes, EU leaders convened to reassess their priorities, akin to rearranging the deck chairs on a sinking ship. As the world's attention was focused on their decisions […]

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Christian Jews

The Forgotten Faithful: Uncovering the Plight of Israeli Christians and their Prophetic Significance for the Holy Land. In the midst of the swirling vortex of Middle Eastern politics and religious tensions, a small yet significant community has been quietly enduring, often overlooked and underreported. The Israeli Christians, a faithful remnant of the earliest followers of […]

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New Zealand's Judgement

Is the Phantom Canoe Sighting That Foretold a Catastrophic Eruption in 1886 Happening Again? A local legend born from events surrounding a 19th century eruption of a New Zealand volcano continues to fascinate sceptics and folklorists alike. In New Zealand's North Island, a legendary volcanic eruption was preceded by an ominous apparition on Lake Tarawera […]

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The Jews Today

The Israel Conflict, part 3. Unravelling the History and Identity of Israel's Modern Jewish Population" Jewish identity is an intricate and fascinating topic, one that has been evolving for centuries. The modern State of Israel has played an important role in shaping Jewish identity, both in Israel and around the world. However, the history of […]

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