In response to a “test” from a Pharisee (a leading sect of Jews in New Testament times who were focused on countless rules) Jesus said “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.” Matthew 22:37-38.
The bit that intrigues me is “all your mind.” I think that there is an idea out there that says in order to be a Christian, you have to turn off your brain and refuse to grapple with issues such as evolution and metaphysics. Another passage in Matthew (18:2-4) says that we will never enter the kingdom of heaven unless we become like little children, and this is sometimes used as a reason for settling for blind faith.
But I don’t think kids have blind faith. They are curious, they ask questions – any parent of a 4-year-old will tell you that “Why?” is their little one’s favourite sentence starter. Kids soak up learning and want to grow up as quickly as possible to be more like their Mum, Dad, or older sibling. I do think that they are trusting and accepting of their parents and teachers, and are likely to believe what they are told. But occasionally, you can almost hear the cogs grinding away in their heads as they absorb their new nuggets of information and work to fit them in with their existing knowledge and experience.
So I reckon that loving God with all our minds involves engaging the brain he created in us to work through issues and challenges to our faith. I want to know what Charles Darwin, Stephen Hawking, Bertrand Russell, Richard Dawkins, and many others say about our world and about my faith. And like the kids, I would like to go away and let the cogs whir away until everything falls into place. Occasionally, my brain hurts! Occasionally, I encounter an issue that I cannot reconcile with my faith. When this happens, I am comforted by a story told by Paul Little in his book “Know Why You Believe.” He relates that in 1861 the French Academy of Science published 51 scientific facts that controverted the Word of God. But today, no scientist in the world believes a single one of those “facts.” I believe that one day, maybe on the last day, every scientific fact or theory that currently casts doubt on the existence of God will be explained.
However, “all my mind,” an intellectual assent to the evidence for the Christian faith, is important but not sufficient. I have to also love God with all my heart and all my soul. My heart is a metaphor for my emotional engagement with God – relationship building, awe, adoration, love, worship. My soul as used in the Bible is really my whole being. My body, my intellect, my emotions, my sociality, my spirit, all need to be aligned in an active full-on faith, a willingness to grow and learn, and a determination to hold on in the face of strong challenges. And like the kids, trust The Teacher when He answers my questions.
My report card says “Christopher could do better and needs to improve. He should pay more attention in class and work harder to apply learnings in his daily life. Luckily, he does not have to pass this test in his own strength.”
God bless,
“Fear God” the cry of the 144000
The 144000 appear not only before the tribulation but before the fall of Babylon the Great. Who are they, are they to come, or are they already here? Revelations says they are Israelites. The Israelites were scattered over much of the world, so it could be anyone. But let us have a brief look at what happened to them. They were taken into exile around 800 BC by the Assyrian’s. The bible says they went to the northern regions of the Assyrian Empire. The records of the Assyrian's say the majority were sent to a northern region that was unpopulated. The mountainous area around where Georgia is today. A bit farther north than what the bible says. At this stage, people were just settling into Italy, as Rome was founded at the same time. They had not spread far. There were probably 60 million people total at that time, and around 4 million were Israelites. As the nations spread out, this 6 odd percent of the world's population was a reasonable number and would have led to large areas of the world population today tracing their heritage back to Israel. They were still God's people and would have been blessed beyond others. There could easily be 20% or more of the world's population with Israelite heritage. Using old records and linguistics, they have been able to give us some idea as to concentration areas. Ephraim and England, Manasseh and the USA, Nathalie and Scandinavia. There are stories handed down through generations how Ruben went east and ended up in the China/ Korea/Japan area. The twist is there is no one from the tribe of Dan. Dan has been replaced by Manasseh, while Ephraim comes under Joseph. Why that is does that not fit into the criteria of this essay. However, there is plenty of information on the net. In conclusion, you can see that the whole world has the potential to provide saints for the 144000. They appear in Revelations 7 and 14, and we can glean some information. I cannot find any other reference to the 144000 except in Revelations.
The Great calm happens, in Revelations 7-1. What is the great calm? Is this to do with the weather? Rev 7\1 says After this, I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth, that no wind might blow on earth or sea or against any tree. The weather is partly from the rotation of the earth, but mainly caused by the sun's energy hitting the Earth. If you hear the sun's activity has never been as quiet as this in some news report, that will be an event that could fit into the great calm. But it just doesn't seem possible. It is most likely to have some spiritual meaning. This calm is the signal that the 144000 are to appear. These saints are to receive a seal on their foreheads.
What will they preach?
Rev 6. Then I saw another angel flying directly overhead, with an eternal gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on earth, to every nation and tribe and language and people. And he said with a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory because the hour of his judgment has come, and worship him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the springs of water.”
Rev 14 is about the 144000 and the message of the angel must also be their message. The desire to start preaching the message that the first angel declares. That is three things. Fear God, this is a fundamental problem of the world today. We have lost the fear of God. There is the fear in the sense of awe and wonder, and there is a fear of God because he is a judge who will punish you for wicked behaviour. This has happened because of the new Gospel that is preached. A Gospel that only looks at the good things of the Christian walk and avoids at all cost there are consequences for what we do. Do you fit the criteria and have this desire to preach “Fear God” and “give glory to God and Judgment is here”? The cry fear God is here to keep us safe from being deceived. Secondly, we are to give glory to God and worshipping him keeps us close to him. Thirdly, they are to preach the hour of judgment has come. This is something we can place a time for. In the 1970s, we had a shape increase in the preaching and books on the second coming of Jesus is about to happen. Hal Lindsay’s The Late Great Planet Earth was a bestseller. Hal still preaches much the same things. Most of it wrong, but that is not relevant as all he had to was preach Jesus's return, which he has done diligently. Hal is one of the 144000 as is the likes of Rick Wiles and his team at Tru News. Furthermore, many others preaching the second coming of Christ.
Now the third angel cries out. “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink the wine of God’s wrath, poured full strength into the cup of his anger, and he will be tormented with fire and sulphur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and they have no rest, day or night, these worshippers of the beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name.” Once the Babylon falls, the preaching will change from repent, do not receive the mark of the beast. This will be preached until the day of the Lord or Jesus's return. That preaching will be from the fall of Babylon or the USA (strictly speaking it is not Babylon but the seventh head the woman rides on). Through the rise of the beast until it turns into the fully blown Beast and during the reign of the Antichrist.
This is a very hard thing they have to do, and the Lord well be training them. Does injustice seem to be following you, or do you feel that you are receiving an unnatural number of problems? You are being turned into men of steel to have victory in a seemingly impossible task. You will be rejected by the established church, who preach the new gospel and have rejected the concept of repenting. On the bright side, you likely will get to speak face to face with Jesus. On the harder side, fellow saints will help you at the cost of their lives. If you think your spirit is calling you need to put it before the lord. Your time could be as little as one year away, or even sooner.
USA in Revelations
Revelations is a book for the end of the age, as is Daniel 7. In fact, Daniel is told to close up the book, for it is for the end of the age. The suggestion is that it will not be fully understood until then. People over the ages have tried to interrupt it and looked at what was around them and then extrapolated out. It is just not possible, but now we are here at the end of the age, we can look at what is in front of us. No fancy codes or mysteries are to be applied, I use the words as they are meant today in today's language. After all, it is written for us in the end times, and I am confident that my God would be able to make it plain. For example, when the prophets of old said Jesus was going to ride into Jerusalem on a donkey, he actually rode into town on a donkey. So today lions are England, bears are Russia and eagles are the USA. In Revelations and Daniel 7 there are no aliens, giants, mystery plants, lizard men, rapture or secret codes. So I have placed the USA in the place of the Eagle, but not when it is a face of an angel. The other place the USA is talked about is that it is the last head of Babylon the Great. It is not hard to see that the USA is the last head, and there are many good explanations. Follow this link to one of the best. However, I will go over it again quickly to clear up a common misunderstanding. The vision John saw consisted of four parts. The woman riding the beast, and it is her name which is BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF PROSTITUTES AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. Then there are the heads, the horns, and the beast itself.
In Revelation 17 we see this picture of the woman on the beast with seven heads. First, the woman is called by different names. The great harlot, the woman, the prostitute, the Mother of Harlots and the great city. The last description of the woman is the great city. Is this a particular city, say New York, or is it a generic city with a large population. The first heads or nations had only one city that ruled, like Phoebes and Egypt, Nineveh and Assyria, Babylon, and Persia, but Greece is starting to change, and Rome has many big cities. I think that Babylon was the first head because it is described as a city of merchants in Jeremiah. A place of trade and the creation of wealth and money. Love of money is the root of all evil. The line goes to Babylon, Greece, the generals of Alexander made another three and Rome. It makes no real difference. As Rome changed into the Holy Roman Empire and into Europe, there became many large cities at the same time. Rome as the sixth head continued in many forms until the role was passed on to the seventh head. What made Rome any more wicked than Paris or Amsterdam or Berlin? It is the wickedness and not the location that makes it evil. I can only conclude that the great city is a name for all large cities within a country also they sit on many waters, which suggests many locations. The cry goes out “fallen fallen is Babylon the great” but it can never truly be destroyed until all large cities are destroyed. The woman is the large cities of a country, the heads are the countries, the horns are people and the beast is the spiritual being that has dominion over particular areas. The beast itself is the angel of the bottomless pit, called Abaddon.
The list of cities and countries above is also a list of the heads of the beast. There are six, including Rome's, but I am talking about the USA being the seventh head. It is an important point to grasp that the USA is not Babylon the Great but the seventh head of the beast. The Roman Empire never really went away. It just transformed over time into new empires, but its roots are always from the Roman Empire. In fact, you can say Australia, Canada, and Brazil all have their roots in the Roman Empire. However, the meaning of a country is geographical. Even though you may have the heritage, you also need the physical. The new head required a new geographical area.
In December 1945, the nations signed in to being the IMF, and they also signed an agreement making the US dollar the world reserve currency. At that point, the USA became the seventh head of the beast. It met the criteria of being the richest and the strongest militarily. The USA's time as the last head was signed in to being in a day. The USSR lasted 70 years because that is a significant number in the Word for nations. The USA as the head turns seventy in December 2015. If the last head is to last only a little while, then you should see the demise of the USA some time in the next ten years from 2015. Psalm 90 – 10 says 'The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty;' and so it is with nations. I believe the USA is a type of King Saul. He believed in God and was a man of God, but could not stop himself doing his own will. Finally, the kingdom was given to another. Sounds like the USA. Saul lived for 72 years, so I strongly believe that the financial collapse of the USA will happen before December 2018. At that point, the USA as the head of the beast turns seventy-three. However, the next most likely time would be before The end of December 2016. The ace in the hole for the US has been having the world reserve currency. It meant that no matter how incompetent they got, they could just print more money. It is why they have been interfering in every country's affairs from Ghana to Germany to Jamaica. They need to retain it. But alas, it has turned out to be a poisoned chalice.
Revelations 18 is the look at the fall of Babylon the Great in chronological order. First an angel appears with great authority and the earth is made bright by his presents. This is the revealing of things hidden by the darkness of deception. The wicked men who have stolen the USA from its people by using deception will be exposed to the rest of the world. We are really seeing this unfold with the 2016 Presidential elections. You could see this in other countries as well. There have also been many modern prophecies saying this is going to happen.
Second is Fallen Fallen is Babylon the Great. It is also in Rev 14 to do with the 144000, and we will come back to that.
This cry is the signal of financial collapse. It could be many things. A collapse in the value of the dollar or losing the reserve currency status, or some combination, is by far the most likely.
Three, when this happens, what does God say to the saints in the USA. Come out of her, my people, least you take part in her sins. The sins of Babylon the Great. Remember, this is not the USA, but the cities of the USA.
First the fall, then the call to leave the cities, and now the attack. Her plagues will come upon her in a single day. She will be burned with fire. This is what the angel says, but the merchants say she is destroyed in a single hour. So will Babylon the great city be thrown down with violence, and will be found no more. Once the cities are destroyed, they will never be rebuilt.
Before we get into how the cities are destroyed, I would like to make an interesting speculation about Hillary Clinton. The description in Rev 18 4-8 is a picture of the great city but also a description of Hillary Clinton. It says, “since in her heart she says, I sit as a queen, I am no widow, and mourning I shall never see.” These are words spoken in a person's heart. A symbol cannot say them, but an individual person's thoughts. This scripture is a repeat of what Isaiah 47 says. In Isaiah, it gives far more of an impression to it is an individual saying this. If Clinton is president, and we know the last president will be a woman from a woman making these statements. The financial collapse has taken place, and she is saying the words, I am, and there is none besides me. I will never be a widow or suffer the loss of children, you need to run and do not look back if you live in a city. I am writing this on the 6th of March 2016, so this is speculation Trump is going to bring the corruption to light as Hillary gets to be President. However, it may be another woman, maybe Trump will have a woman Vice President. Trump is backed by organised crime, and the dirt that will come out will be mind-blowing. Much of the talk about Hillary is, that she is on the side of those running the world and cannot lose. However, if she does and the USA is given some sort of reprieve, and it could be up to eight years, the changes could sweep the world. Fallen fallen could still take place during a Trump Presidency, but not the attack.
Now we have things revealed, financial collapse, the president says everything good we get to the physical attack.
All these years of arrogant disrespect for the other countries of the world by the wicked men who have stolen the USA. Countries were forced to pour their money into her and made her exceedingly wealthy. The hatred boils over. Destroyed in one hour by fire. All those who buy and sell, those who trade and have become wealthy. Fleets of boats, planes, and vehicles have lost their source of income. They will turn to someone to save them. Do you have any guesses who will be showing up soon? The Antichrist.
There are two combinations that I see could see the destruction of the cities. The first is at the end of 2016 where there are mass riots caused by Clinton cheating the election. The USA is already set to explode and this could trigger it. More likely is before the end of 2018. The destruction of the cities is likely done by nuclear weapons, but there are some other options. A coordinated attack by extremists could do it, but less likely. A general rebellion could cause the devastation in one hour, and a Yellowstone eruption could also cause it. An EMP attack would be second on the list. The problem is, how do you utterly destroy all the large cities by fire in one hour? The only way I can see is by nuclear attack. You may say that this will not work because the explosive area of a nuclear bomb is only around five miles, but it is not the blast that starts the fires, but the incredible flash that accompanies it. Most houses are full of plastic items and that will explode into flames from the flash up to 15 miles (ca. 24 km) away. That's a 30-mile diameter. The ensuing fire storms will be unstoppable. The description of the level of destruction of the cities will probably be done by nuclear weapons. So when you leave the cities, make sure you consider the drift of radiation. Even though modern nuclear weapons have far less radiation than the older ones, it is best to be safe. The saints need to have a rough plan of what they are going to do. I assume most Americans are familiar with George Washington's dream. He said, “I had a dream that he saw three wars on American soil”. The first was a war of independence, the second was a war of brother against brother. Then there was a final conflict where he saw the large cities being burnt to the ground. The people in the country arose and to rebuild the country. The cities will never be rebuilt. If you do not want to believe me, believe your founding father. I did not fit Revelations 17 and 18 to the prophecy but discovered it after writing the repeated story view of Revelations. The victory at the end of the prophecy is not a physical one but a spiritual one. The reason Satan has so encouraged the Rapture concept is to make the Christians in the USA unprepared for the last battle against the Antichrist. If you are unfamiliar with the prophecy, go to YouTube and type in George Washington's dream. I believe a large city could be as low as 120,000 people. The population of Nineveh in Jonas time. It probably will be 250,000 as that was the population of Babylon, but it did go up and down. The USA will rebuild spiritually, but the cities will never be rebuilt ever. Who will your attackers be? Germany, UK, France, Russia, Italy and two others. It will take too long to give an explanation, so go to the whatofthenight blog and 'Revelations repeated story' then down to Daniel 7's beasts. Germany just received twenty nuclear weapons from the USA, and they could end up destroying American cities. The scripture is Rev 17-16 And the ten horns that you saw, they and the beast will hate the prostitute. They will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her up with fire. This is the horns of the beast from Rev 13 and not the beast from Rev 17. They sound the same, but if you look closely, you can see that they must be two beasts.
It is interesting that the merchants of the world get a mention. The current collapsing economies are caused by a few reasons. A big one is too much wealth getting into the hands of too few people. The problems caused by multi nationals or more precisely the people who own the multi nationals running unchecked and manipulating things out of natural balances. Politically and financially. They will be on the outer and greatly harmed.
The Rev 13 Beast with 10 horns only lasts three and a half years, so that means there will be less than three and a half years before the Antichrist appears on the scene. Once the Antichrist appears, there are only eight horns. When the Antichrist appears, the tribulation starts and the great calamities that shake the world.
What will happen to the American Christians and alternative news media? If they have a plan, they can keep broadcasting. They will be the main news source and can have a dominant position in what the American public hears. They need to look at what will be the consequences of this attack with internet feeds and electricity. I would suggest they buy a boat or two together, or move some hardware to Canada or Mexico. This will need divine guidance.
Now the good news.
The USA in the tribulation. I am basing these thoughts on when the bible talks about an eagle it is a symbol, and we see the symbol for the US is an eagle. Now The USA has had its cities destroyed. The military will get destroyed if they attack, and because everything has got so high-tech, it would quickly lose all functionality without the logistical support. Because of corruption, most of the US military are for show and not for war. Russia, with a relatively small budget, has produced superior fighter aircraft. Hopefully, I will not be a lone voice, but the Lord will get this message out. Even though the USA will not be powerful, it will be the main opposition to the Antichrist and possibly a safe haven. I get this from where the eagle is mentioned, so let us have a look at where the eagle pops up. Rev 9 Then I looked, and I heard an eagle crying with a loud voice as it flew directly overhead, “Woe, woe, woe to those who dwell on the earth, at the blasts of the other trumpets that the three angels are about to blow!” That could be an American satellite or TV like Day star over the internet, but most likely radio transmissions or even a ship on the ocean broadcasting. I am suggesting that Christian radio from the USA will still be broadcasting at this point of the tribulation. The next mention Rev 12. The woman is given eagle wings to escape from what comes from Satan's mouth. This is the Christian Israelis escaping to somewhere safe. Do two or three American Aircraft Carriers send in planes and helicopters before Jerusalem is given over to the nations? The Antichrist is trying to hurt them and the Americans are rescuing them. This means they are enemies. If so, it is great news for them for of all the inhabitants of the world, only them and the 144000 are safe. A broken USA and a few other countries fighting the Antichrist to the end and the day of the Lord. This doesn't preclude a section of USA society is in the hand of the Antichrist and a battle is still in the land.
Now let's go back to the 144000 and Rev 14. The first angel flying over head says, “Fear God and give him glory because the hour of his judgment has come, and worship him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the springs of water.” This is what the 144,000 are preaching, and it must come before the fall of Babylon. The second angel cries “fallen fallen is Babylon the Great.” I am starting to see the fear God and repent and judgment has come being preached more and more. For more about the 144000, go to the blog “Fear God” the cry of the 144,000. If you have an overwhelming desire to preach “Fear God and give him glory because the hour of his judgment has come, and worship him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the springs of water.” You could well be part of the most select group of people that creation will ever see. The problem with knowing who they are is their lack of numbers. 144000 in a population of around 8 billion is one in every sixty thousand people. What they are saying will not be reported in the media or the vast majority of Mega churches. The Media these days is so controlled they could be active right now, and we are just not hearing it. This is a great worry to me as they are a key to times and dates. Keep an eye out for people teaching Fear God.
I often hear and read leave the USA, emigrate. But I am sure the USA is the place to be for Americans. Just make sure you can leave the cities and go to a place you have prepared. It is when the female president is saying I am no widow and have not suffered the loss of children.
So, in summary, we will look at the sequence of events.
Things will be revealed. We are seeing this in the current USA elections.
144000 cry Fear God and repent.
Financial collapse.
The queen declaring she will never be a widow or poor. Likely a female President. The last American President.
Violent attack.
Mega churches are in the large cities, so they will be no more.
The Christians in the country who lived there or fled there are going to have a move of God that will be indescribable. Never before and never again will such a thing happen in the flesh. This is not in the scriptures but a prophecy.
The USA becomes the nemesis of the Antichrist.
Christ's return.
There are some things in Revelations that are over a longer period, like the white and red horses. But there are some things that are the beginning of the end. The sign of the women in the heavens and the great calm before the 144000 appear.
This is happening now with the current USA elections. What we have seen with the Democrats and Republicans' corruption is mind-blowing. Because this is a spiritual thing, we are only just beginning and as the US heads to the November elections we will be shocked at what we will see.
The End is here now, we are living it, so be prepared.
Who are the hundred million in Revelations
You may be asking yourself what is the title about? They get a number of mentions in Revelations and once in Daniel 7.
In Revelation 5 they just get mentioned as a number 10,000* times 10,000 sometimes called myriads of myriad or one hundred million and as a great multitude. This number is also mentioned in Daniel 7. Let us pick out the scriptures that mention this group of people and put some light on them. The following is a list of scriptures that mention these saints. I feel a quick look will help clarify the subject.
Rev 6 9 When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained.
10They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” 11Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters, were killed just as they had been.
Rev 7 9 After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. All the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures. They fell down on their faces before the throne and worshipped God,
saying:“Amen! Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honour and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever. Amen!”
Then one of the elders asked me, “These in white robes—who are they, and where did they come from?”
I answered, “Sir, you know.” And he said, “These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
Therefore, “they are before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple; and he who sits on the throne will shelter them with his presence.
‘Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat down on them, nor any scorching heat.
For the Lamb at the centre of the throne will be their shepherd; He will lead them to springs of living water. ‘And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes”
Rev 14 . There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name.”
This calls for patient endurance on the part of the people of God who keep his commands and remain faithful to Jesus.
Then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labour, for their deeds will follow them.”
Rev 15-2 And I saw what appeared to be a sea of glass mingled with fire—and also those who had conquered the beast and its image and the number of its name, standing beside the sea of glass with harps of God in their hands. 3 And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb,
Rev 20-4 Then I saw thrones, and seated on them were those to whom the authority to judge was committed. Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshipped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands.
They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. This is the first resurrection.
Blessed and holy is the one who shares in the first resurrection! Over such the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with him for a thousand years.
Daniel 7-10 A stream of fire issued and came out from before him;
a thousand thousands served him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him;
When you pull the scriptures out about these people you get to understand how honoured they are. This hundred million are the first resurrection. It is pretty obvious that this is going to be the very opposite of the rapture. If you are a big rapture fan you are not going like the outcome of this essay.
Why 100 million? This number gets mentioned twice, once in Daniel 7 and in Revelations. The multitude standing before the throne. In Rev 5 it is a little unclear as to who they are. It mentions angels and then two numbers. Thousands of thousands and 10000 time 10000. Elders, angels and others. It would not make sense to say millions of angels and a 100 million angels when other scriptures say an uncountable number of people.
Just to side track for a moment this give us some idea of how many angels there are. If we say this is the same description as Daniel 7 then it is only one million. He says one a thousand thousands. That this thousand thousands served him and the 10000 times 10000s stood before him. This description of standing before him is the same as Revelations 6-11. This is the saints coming out of the tribulation.
The description of standing before the throne is also linked with standing beside the sea of glass. The picture of the sea of glass and before the throne means that they are no longer on earth, they have died on earth.
How do they die or why? These are they that have come out of the great tribulation. Not before and not after but during. This is saying that 100 million saints are going to die during the tribulation. But why? Rev 15 describes it as 'those who had conquered the beast and its image and the number of its name, standing beside the sea of glass with harps of God in their hands'. Rev 20 says 'those who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands'. When the tribulation has started and those who can stand and be killed for that stance will be regarded as having victory over the Beast. This is very similar to Jesus as they killed him and thought that they had won but it was Jesus that had the victory because his purpose was to save us. He saved us by dying for our sins. Are there going to be internment camps and gas chambers? Maybe, but I suspect that not being able to buy and sell well kill most people. Starvation no access to medication, no power for heating will kill tens of millions. But violent deaths will take its toll as will.
What is so important and so blessed about these saints. The first idea they they are something special is Rev. 14 Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labour, for their deeds will follow them.” Then we get the real story in Rev 20 Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. This is the first resurrection.
On one hand you have the rapture story saying we are not going to go though the tribulation. That every thing is going to be lovely and happy and who knows where you will end up. On the other hand we have a hard death but staying true to Jesus during this time will result in you coming back to life and reigning with Jesus for a thousand years. I speculate that this will not only include the thousand years but when we enter the new earth as well. There is another group that well rise in the first resurrection. Those who had their heads cut off in the name of Christ. We see horror stories from the Middle East of beheading. These people will rise again to reign with Jesus. We get a chance to apologise for not coming to their aid. According to legend, Paul was beheaded so you will get to met him.
The rapture is truly an evil doctrine. It is making people completely unprepared for what is about to take place over the next ten years. It is making the saint in the USA ill prepare to be the only country fighting the Antichrist. Making the saints in the rest of the world weak for fighting and dying but gaining victory over him.
So do you want to be part of the first resurrection or do you think that your calling is to go through the tribulation and be part of the new world. There are two different types of people left. I hope you will take my word on this because working through the word will take a lot of work. The scripture I will use is that there are two people working at a mill, one is taken and one is left. Firstly, there must be enough people to use the product produced from this industry. Secondly, the person left is an Israelite how is taken to Israel. Then there are the other left to populate the world. The word says these people will be rare as gold but gold is not that rare. If you want to survive I will give you the only advice I know. That is to remove Google, Twitter and Facebook completely out of your life.
Why is the answer to did creation take seven days or 14 billion years Yes
Why is the answer to the question was creation done in seven days or 14 billion years yes. That's a unusual statement so lets see what the crazy man is talking about. The answer is in genesis 1. In the beginning God made the heavens and the earth.
Let us start with the earth and go back to the heavens. The Hebrew word used here for earth is haaretz this means earth, land, soil, dirt etc.. Soil is made up of mixtures of elements and each element is made up of atoms. Atoms are made up of electrons spinning around a nucleus of protons and neutrons. Our main subject is this realm but let us have a quick look at the heavens.
Paul tells us there are at least three heavens. This third heaven that Paul tells us about is a place where Jesus dwells. So it is highly unlikely there would be a fourth heaven above it. If we look at scriptures you see three very distinct heavenly places; Paradise, Sheol, (called Hades) and the other we will call the kingdoms. The kingdoms are places that surround the earth and Paul tells us about them in Ephesians 6 – ‘For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.’ So we have three distinct places, three distinct heavens.
If we look, can we see any effect that these realms have on us physically? We have shown by modern science that we can only see 1 to 3% of our universe. The rest we describe as dark matter and dark energy. Dark matter being 30% and dark energy being the remainder, even though invisible energy would be a better description. However, we can see the gravitational effect dark matter has on us. So we can guess that one or more of the heavens has gravitational fields. They were all made at the same time and all disappear at the same time. The second heaven or kingdom is very close because beings can move from one to the other with ease. Often you will read that the heavens are made up of paradise, the stars, and the sky; paradise being a realm that God promises as a home to those who know and love Him. However, the stars and the sky cannot be called the heavens in a Genesis 1 sense because these are made up of atomic particles. These came into existence when God made the earth not the heavens.
Let us get back to the 14 billion year or seven days problem. The bible doesn't tell us much. It says God made the universe that
the earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Hebrews 11.3 says so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.’ and several times it says that the universe was stretched out. The big bang theory of the creation of the universe is the current accepted science model. It has a few problems and gets more each day. It is popular because it seems to be in direct opposition to the bibles seven days. Number one on the list of problems is that if there was a big bang the universe would have a particular shape to it. But it doesn't and there is an amazing evenness to the galaxies, the brightness of the most distant galaxies is not right and to the non Christian they are all moving away from us which makes the Milky Way the centre of the universe. It was argued that it is an optical illusion caused by even expansion. However I was watching a lecture by an atheist called Lawrence Krauss, a genius and a gifted speaker. He was saying that none of the arguments for us not being the centre of the universe were any good but his one. It seemed really good but when you looked closely at it, it required the galaxies directly in front of us to be travelling at twice the speed of light. This is not possible and he effectively proved we are the centre of the universe. I was a bit overwhelmed to think that we are the centre of the universe. Static universe does not fit the maths, expanding universe does not fit the observation. It is as though some guiding hand stretched out the universe in a controlled manner so that every thing was even and in the place it should be. Fits the observation, the maths and the scriptures. What about the universe being made of things unseen. We can not see individual atoms or the protons,neutron and electrons they are made up of. However, when you pile them to get in a big enough pile you can see them. That is you and me. There has been a lot of news about a thing called the Higgs boson. This is a particle produced by the Higgs field that gives things mass. This field and the bosons are completely unseen and we can only see the results of it. Hebrews says things, plural, so in time I speculate that they will be saying that the Higgs field is just one of a number of fields that give the universe substance. This Higgs field was found at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. CERN being the name of the agency a hadron is a name for a group of particles that protons and neutrons are a part of. They have been zooming the protons around and smashing them into each other. They have shown that Hebrews 11.3 was a very accurate description.
Now this description that the earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Is this a description of matter floating around the universe waiting for gravity to join it together. The maths says that is impossible as 14 billion years is on where long enough. So it must be a description of the earth itself before the sun ignited. The land had no shape and there was no life. The world was covered in water and it was dark.
Let’s have a quick look at time and our galaxy. Time is a puzzle because it is actually minutely different for everybody. Time is affected by the speed you are travelling at. So if I go into the kitchen to make my wife a cup of tea, the act of walking into the kitchen slows down my time zone. You can also question whether time rally exists at all. Everything around us is just a sequence of events that start with the smallest things reacting in their natural parameters affecting the next thing and so on. Each thing affecting the next and larger thing. We measure these things as time as one thing moves to the next. But rather than giving empirical value to time we say that this perception of time is just in the mind of the observer and in fact has no empirical value to the sequence itself. That when went things travel faster it is not time that is slowing down but a kind of resistance is forming that slows the sequence down. This resistance is probably caused by the Higgs and other yet unfound fields. One of these wave fields is acting like fiction. The down side to time not having an empirical value and is nothing more than a though in the mind of an observer of sequential events is that both time travel and space travel will be impossible. All those Scifi programs will be ruined.
Some of the latest string theory is removing time from its equations.
We have two perceived time zones, the one we are aware of that changes with speed. There is also the time zone that our spirit has. Our spirit is from God and God’s realm has a time zone. Because even in heaven things happen in a sequential manner. Time in effect is the measure of things that happen in a sequence with each event affecting the next in the sequence. We measure time in terms of the rotation of the earth but in the beginning there was no rotation of earth so the beginning of Genesis is a sequence of events that happen not in our time, but in God’s time. The time man is allotted to live is in relationship to our spirit’s time. I reason this because we are now aware that the speed of light is slowing down. A day of our time could appear as billions of years in the past. If the relationship of our spirit’s time is changing to our flesh time our life expectancy is going to change. If light is slowing down then time is speeding up. Our ancestors would have had far longer life spans than ours although our spirit’s life span would be the same. This view of our perception of time can explain how we get seven days or fourteen billion years being yes but we will soon see a better reason.
Lets get away from time and back to the universe.
So when God said let there be light it was not a big bang experience but he ignited the sun - now let’s see what happens.
God saw that the light was good and God separated light from the darkness. What can this mean? Let’s speculate. To separate light from darkness is not just separating day from night for all night is shadow and our nights are not without light but just a lot less light. As we discussed previously, four places have been created ... and one is a place without light. So there are no electromagnetic waves hitting Sheol, they must pass straight through.
Then Genesis 1:5 ends with the most overlooked words in the Bible by far. The real reason why the answer to the question is yes.
‘And there was evening and there was morning on the first day.’
Evening comes before morning. The day ends at sunrise which makes the first day any amount of time you want it to be because it does not have a start. The first day could be a billion years long or just 15 minutes. Now the sun is ignited and the solar system is starting to warm up we should see the results.
The second day and from now on we are dealing with actual days or one rotation of the earth.
‘And God said let there be an expanse in the midst of the water, and let it separate waters from waters. And God made the expanse and separated waters that were under the expanse from the waters that were above the expanse. And it was so. God called the expanse heaven and there was evening and morning on the second day.’ The earth is heating up and the sky is getting cloudy. Remember that the clouds were one big covering that did not rain.
The third day
The next verse describes how the process continued until land appeared. Then on the land God put vegetation. Vegetation has the same kind of DNA structure as humans. In fact we are all 60% the same DNA as bananas. We are as much as 80% the same as some trees, although after reading this some of you may think that my percentage is a lot higher.
The fourth day
When the scriptures talk about making the sun, moon and stars it is talking about positioning them to rule the day and the night. God would not have created the vegetation the day before to die in the dark. This is making an elliptical orbit of the earth to create seasons and placing the moon in the right place to create tides and things like that.
The fifth day
Everything is now in place to make the higher creatures. The DNA was made a little more complicated to virtually the same as what man was going to have. All living things have the same DNA structure. This complex double helix molecule is the base of life. The double helix molecule is a program that allows creation to maintain the same form. It is an incredibly complex series of connections numbering in the billions. The probability of this occurring naturally is zero. Evolution is now incompatible with scientific theory. Though probably not so funny when you think it is the main source of racism. Making Darwin the father of racism. There is a benefit to evolution for Christians. If you look at evolution from any science; from biology, chemistry, mathematics and even palaeontology it fails. Just pop over to the creation sites and you will get overwhelmed with rock solid proof. If you are really smart and want to believe it you have to really lie to yourself. If you are not so smart then it fails at a holistic level. You don’t need to understand the science and you can see it as a lie. Just look at the majesty of creation and you can’t help but see it was created and that is also inbuilt into our being.
Sixth day
This is the end of the creation story and the beginning of our story.
One last little point ... when the Lord gave Moses the story of Genesis and described a day - if he didn’t mean a day in Moses’ time, He would not have said it unless he meant one physical day. Light was moving faster so time was going slower and remember that there is a time zone for our spirits. At this point when God was teaching Moses they must have been the same. The average age was 120 compared to our 80. That is two thirds, so we need to multiply the five days that the Lord created everything before man, by two thirds. So that means God created creation in three and a third days of our time.
I hope you find my take on Genesis enlightening and interesting..
I am sure you want to have a go at me so fill in the comment section below. I well post them to the site. Try to be factual and not emotive.
God bless you
Find this subject matter of time and space interesting. I highly recommend Chuck Misslers Beyond series. Follow this link Beyond time and space.
Abaddon or Apollyon the only being more evil than Satan.
Who is he? It appears that he is the only character in the Bible worse than Satan. Let's look at the scriptures he appears in to see if we can shed some light on him. He appears by name seven times. Three times in Job, twice in Proverbs, once in the Psalms and once in Revelations. In Revelations, Abaddon is also described as the Angel of the bottomless pit.
I will run through each reference and give a small description. Job 26 “Sheol is naked before God, and Abaddon has no covering.” Sheol is the realm of the dead, and Abaddon is described as a different place. The word Abaddon in some texts is described as destruction. It is saying these are two different places. Job28 is talking about wisdom when we come across Abaddon this time. Job 28;22, Abaddon and Death say, We have heard a rumour of it with our ears. Death is one of the rulers of Sheol and is a Demonic being. So Abaddon is also a spiritual being. The inference is that they are a long way away, but the two of them are relatively close to each other. This place that Abaddon dwells in can hear what is going on the earth. They hear and have ears, a very physical thing.
Job 31;12 “for that would be a fire that consumes as far as Abaddon,” This suggesting a place far away or difficult to reach.
Now Psalm 88;9-12. Every day I call upon you, O Lord;
I spread out my hands to you.
10Do you work wonders for the dead?
Do the departed rise up to praise you?
11Is your steadfast love declared in the grave,
or your faithfulness in Abaddon?
12Are your wonders known in the darkness,
or your righteousness in the land of forgetfulness?
David is asking God, does he work wonders in the lands of the dead? The grave is often used instead of the name Sheol. It is a different place to Sheol but in the earth.
Proverbs 15;11 Sheol and Abaddon lie open before the LORD; how much more the hearts of the children of man! This is talking about where God can see. He sees everywhere.
Let us summarise what we can see so far. That Abaddon is both a person and a place. To be more precise, Abaddon rules a place that gets to be called by the rulers' name. He can hear what is going on in the world, even though it is far away. There is some form of physical link. The main characteristic is it is a place of faithlessness.
Now Revelations 9;11 They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer). A star fallen from heaven is given the key to the bottomless pit. This is not Satan because he had already been thrown out of heaven before the tribulations began. Four events of the calamities of the tribulation have already happened. This star has a key to unlock the abyss. That would make it a prison. Elsewhere, it says the angels in the abyss are bound in chains. It is not part of Sheol as that is the realm of the dead people. That is a place where people go and not Demonic beings. Not that there aren't spiritual beings, that exist only there. The Legion of demons asked Jesus not to be sent to the Abyss, so he sent them into a herd of pigs who then died and that would have put them back into the Second Heaven. Two places Jesus could send them. The Abyss and the second heaven. It was not part of the second heaven, but somewhere they did not want to go. It is interesting that Jesus showed mercy to these creatures. God created the heavens and the earth in the beginning. Not the heavens, the earth, and the abyss. So the Abyss is part of a heaven, and we know it is not the second heaven. It is not part of Paradise so that only leaves it as a prison in Sheol. The first heaven is below us, so on the earth the second heaven is around us and the third heaven is above us.
The Abyss is also called the bottomless pit. In physics, you cannot get a bottomless pit unless all gravitational forces are even. The only place that happens is the centre of the earth. So the bottomless pit is almost certainly at the centre of the earth. A section of Sheol.
If we go to Revelations 17, we find the beast that the woman rides came out of the bottomless pit. We know that the bottomless pit is a prison, and it is only just been opened. It is highly unlikely that another powerful fallen Angel has come out at the same time and not get a mention. This beast is also described as “The beast who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction.” I find this interesting as there are only limited amounts of opportunities for this to occur. The earliest mentions of him already have him in the Abyss. The only place I can see that he could exist on earth was before the flood. The angels that were the fathers of the mighty men got thrown into the Abyss for not keeping their correct place. Abaddon must have been one of these, and probably the most powerful of them. This is why he is called the angel of the Abyss. So why is he called a beast? He may not be the shape of a human like angel. The Seraphim and Cherubim are types of angels, intelligent beings, but John called them beasts earlier in Revelations because they do not have human shape. Abaddon actually gets to walk our earth, so it will be remarkable to see. This means that from the Abyss he must be able to impose some effect on the world. He has some authority in cosmic geography. Firstly in Babylon and on through to when he is released from the pit and has direct control. Job 28;22 says he can hear what is happening on the earth, so it is only a small step to believe he can do more than that. Once he is out, he becomes the eight heads. The USA is the seventh head and has been destroyed by fire. The Antichrist has arisen and we have one world government. The great cities of the world still exist, and Abaddon is on the earth and has full control. It is in this situation that he kills the two servants. Either Moses and Elijah, or two people who have the ministries of Elijah and Moses.
The gap in the first heaven that leads to the bottomless pit. Where is it? I believe that this CERN large hadron collider is the door. The site itself used to have a temple to Apollo or Apollyon the destroyer. At the front entrance, there is a statue to the Indian god Shiva. The god is known as the destroyer or destruction, which is also the name of Abaddon.
So that Abaddon the most evil being to ever roam the earth. Satan may be the father of lies and the main protagonist to the works of Jesus, but for pure evil, Abaddon's the man. Abaddon the Antichrist and the False Prophet are the first recorded beings thrown into the lake of fire. Evil does have its rewards.
Who are the biggest drug cheats.
As we head into the end of the age we will find it impossible to tell what is true and what is false. The current controversy of drug cheating and the Russians is dominating the current Olympics. Are they or is this politics can we get a little discernment from this?
Drug cheating in sport despite huge efforts to stamp it out is at epidemic proportions. High profile sporting events like the tour de France have been severely tarnished by scandals. Jokes like "Tour de Pharmacy" and "When I was on holiday in France I hired a cycle for exercise. When they eliminated all the drug cheats I got third place in one of the stages"flourish. In the past the old USSR and their satellite states where cheat to gain political advantage. The athletes got a very distinctive muscle structure. Today you see Serena Williams and Sir Chris Hoye (a British Cyclist) with muscle structures that scream drug cheat. You also get people who where average performers all of a sudden becoming world beaters. The name we all have heard is Usian Bolt and a whole British cycling team. They suddenly had a dramatic change in results. The Chinese swimming team also had a dramatic change from. When asked about it what caused this they said they had a new natural diet. Someone told them to stop eating the fruit of the Anabolic Steroid tree it is cheating. Host nations can often get a small boost in medal counts.
There are no magic wands in sport. Some have small advantages but in general the results should be consistent with each other. For a country to get a vastly better haul of medals it is just not possible. With the destruction of the concepts of honour and integrity cheating is just a normal way of life.
Currently with this scandal about Russia's organised drug cheating and they are going to ban their athletes. With politics in sport out of control and cheating virtually impossible to uncover is there a way of getting some idea who is cheating. Most countries around the world will have similar coaching and facilities so you should see a similar pattern in medals won. The smaller and wealthier the population the more likely to get better results. Large populations and poorer counties should do worse but lets see. I will do a list of medals to population to see if Russia sticks out. It should be getting similar results to say Germany, Italy and France. The order is descending from the total medals won at the last Olympic Games in London.
Medals per million people.
USA .32
China 06
United Kingdom 1.02
Russia .56
South Korea .56
Germany .54
France .52
Australia 1.40
Italy .47
Hungary 2.00
Japan .31
Ukraine .44
New Zealand 2.90
Sweden .80
Brazil .08
Jamaica 4.44
Holland 1.10
You can see that Russia is either not doing anything different from other European counties or they are the worlds worst at drug cheating. Given their Soviet history in organised drug cheating that is not possible. The whole thing looks like a political setup. Ruining the Olympics to score brownie points against Putin. If the games were in a close ally and not Brazil this would never have arisen. So Russia is not cheating, or minimal cheating, what of the other unusual results. I will give them a cheating value based on their result out of the norm. New Zealand and Hungary. Both small countries that did particularly well in one sport. Hungary won seven or nearly half of their medals in Kayaking. New Zealand did very well in Rowing and well in water sports in general. These results are not particularly surprising. Australia puts a lot of money into sport. It has a great climate and a population of just 25 million. Still that seems a bit high. Recently some of their high profile sports people have produced positive drug results. There has been some scandals in the NRL and AFL with organised drug abuse as well. With all that money available and results needed the temptation is to much. Drug cheating is not organised but still a significant amount going on. Jamaica, it is common knowledge that there is a lot of drug cheating going on. There is big money around for top sprinters. This country of 2.7 million people is producing better sprinters than the USA with 50 million African Americans alone and with their college system it is completely unbelievable result. Wide spread drug cheating probably not organised. That brings us to the United Kingdom. It won medals at twice the rate of other European countries. It was winning medals at an expected rate up until ten years ago. Then all of a sudden there was a dramatic increase in results. At Bejing their cyclists who had not been performing outstandingly won every track cycling gold medal. Completely ridiculous result. Now we are seeing some positive test results for drugs in their top performers. The United Kingdom has wide spread and Sports Association supported drug cheating. I was watching the news the other day and Sebastian Coe was giving out information about Russian drug cheating. In reality it is his own country that has the most organised drug cheating program in the world.
The worst performance was by India with .004 medals per million. It is amazing to see just how easy it is to cheat and not be caught. Lance Armstrong only got caught by people selling him out. This was under the noses of officials in the most scrutinized event in the world. We will see the Rio Olympics start shortly and for most of the events all we are going to see is who is the best drug cheat. The prizing giving ceremony will the go like this. The winner of the 100 metres goes to Joe Blogs and his team of chemists. Who's ingenious use of steroids has produced a time a half a second faster than the champion mare Starlight. Well done and it is a crying shame you will die aged forty two of an agonising and virulent cancer. We really have grown into a now generation that will be so easy to manipulate in these end times. As far as the Olympic games is concerned, turn it off and watch a Christian TV channel.
Climate change arguments. The four choices
You hear this endless debate about climate change. Is it a man made event by pollution and the use of fossil fuels or are they natural changes that follow historic weather patterns. I am going to look at these two reasons for weather change and two more that do not make the news but are real reasons the weather can change. There are four reasons for the dramatic increase in unusual weather events. Some explain the dramatic weather but others explain why we are also getting a dramatic increase in earthquakes and volcanic activity. The two extras are the collapse of the worlds magnetic field that protects us from the suns radiation and the last but most likely is in Leviticus that the land will reject the people because of their wickedness.
Global warming caused by humans.
This has been pushed hard by the Globalists. They see it as a great tool for reducing countries sovereignty. Paris climate accord is a very effective weapon in their armoury to achieve their agenda. Why is this theory the lest likely to be the cause of the increasingly wild weather? The good aspect of global warming is that it does target pollution. No matter how much you disagree with it the planet still ends up better off.
We will start with the current rate of CO2 is 400ppm. To get some idea that is 4 cents to $10,000. This gas has been increasing and it is probably true that some of this increase has been caused by human activity. Because it is a small amount a doubling of the CO2 would give only a fraction of 1% temperature rise. During the last Ice Age the CO2 was ten times higher than today. So CO2 is a tiny part of our atmosphere that is not doing anything out of the ordinary. A man named Al Gore and another named R Pachuari won a Noble peace prize when they produced chart showing that the temperature of the Earth was increasing The graph showed an increase of .8 degrees. 80% of one degree. This rise will continue unless we do something about the man made pollution. Three problems jumped out at this proposition. When the formula of the maths behind the graphs was studied it was found to be wrong. It was not a scientific formula but one for show. Made so they could add a small change to get the desired change. The weather is an extremely complicated thing. A list of component parts is long, more than two hundred different causes, it is not possible to get a formula. Secondly, the CO2 in the atmosphere is self correcting. The more CO2 the faster plants grow taking more CO2 out of the atmosphere. Lastly, the historical evidence has CO2 much higher than it is today without any effect. Historical evidence, which we will cover more later is that the weather we are experiencing is exactly what the historical evidence people say should be happening normally. With the science of Global warming being challenged they started to use pseudo-science or formulas that are adjusted to suit. It is called Pseudo-science but gravy train science is a better description. The most interesting thing about the Global warming arguments they use is the language they use. The evidence is incontrovertible or a Global warming denier. Worse than that is any Climate scientist who says it is wrong will loss their job. The list of people losing their jobs is very long.
Now that the science involved in this theory has been been bought into doubt or even disrepute. Climate scientists are getting bolder and more are starting to risk their careers and coming out and saying it is not happening. You also have scientists being caught time and again falsifying figures. For all intents and purposes Global warming is dead. However, globalists and scientist who are living on a gravy train are fighting to the bitter end.
One last figure is the temperature of the earth has not changed in the last twenty years. Another amusing fact is to do with the Arctic. When they started this was one of the things they pointed to was the stinking ice levels. Along with dramatic pictures of starving polar bears. Just about to the day the Arctic ice levels started rising again until today where the amount of ice is at average levels. The CO2 increase does not explain well why we are at the same time as the weather pattern changes we are seeing a dramatic increase in earthquakes and volcanic activity the same way the next three events can explain it.
Why are they so determined to push this even though the science is bad. The Globalist agenda is bad but this could easily back fire and do their plans terrible harm. There is a far more sinister aspect to climate change that we come across in the next cause of climate change, historical patterns. I have a suspicion that we may see the real answer to this insanity in the look at the earth's magnetic field.
Historical cycles
Through the study of growth rings on trees, taking sample of ice cores and deep cores into the ocean floor we can get a reliable picture of weather patterns. What we get is very consistent cycles. There are two hundred year cycles, four hundred year cycles and thousand year cycles. Some names of cycle are Solar retrograde cycle, Milankovitch Cycle and Orbital Stretch cycle. There are nineteen year cycles and cycles of the moon and cycles of the sun all effecting our weather. We have known about these cycles for millennia with the most famous weather predictor being Stone Henge. It is the reason Stone Henge rock patterns are repeated all over the globe. It is not spacemen but everyone has the same weather cycles. The thousand year cycle has nine hundred years of normal weather and a hundred years of warmer weather. We are currently at the very end of a hundred year warm period. In history you have seen unusual activity with the movement of people. One thousand years ago we saw the rise of the Normans a cold weather people who's population suddenly expanded. A thousand years before that you had the Romans expanded up into Northern Europe. A thousand years before that you had a migration of peoples from the Mediterranean into Europe. The other main cycle is the four hundred year cycle which is caused by a decrease in sunspots. This quite period of the sun is called “The Maunder Minimum”. Also known as the little Ice Age cycle. We are starting to head into one of these minimums now. We are getting a cross over of these cooling cycles and we are going to head into a mini ice age. Is this the insidious plan of the Globalists coming into effect. One of the plans of the Globalists is to reduce the worlds population. All these warm weather hybrid plants are going to get wiped out with the cold weather. The Globalists are being driven out of the USA under Trump and taking up residence in Europe. Europe is going to be the worst effected place on earth. Russia and China are well aware of the coming ice age and are making preparation. China is moving whole communities away from areas that will not be able to sustain life. Russia does not need to go to war with Europe they will just walk in when two thirds of Europeans are dead. There is a migration problem that they are not willing to face up to. Will we see this problem disappear with a mass migration back to warmer places? I think so.
The magnetic field failure.
A simple concept that as the magnetic field decreases more energy from the sun in its various forms of radiation hit earth. This heats the earth making the weather more serve and the earth's crust more active. This does not happen evenly causing more stress in some areas. As we are all aware the magnetic field is vital to our survival and small changes have an effect that can be far reaching beyond weather and natural disasters. This ranges from birds and insects getting interference in their magnetic systems to holes developing in the magnetosphere leading to burst of high levels of radiation. An event that could leave a third of vegetation being burnt off. A Revelations event.
The weakening of the magnetic field has lead to a reversal of poles in the past is current theory. We have no records of what happens when a reversal occurs but it is a commonly held opinion that it is bad. But, back to the weather. The increase in radiation hitting the earth will heat the waters of the oceans and the oceans generate the severity of our weather. Small increases in radiation has a far greater effect on our weather than huge increases in CO2 will ever have. The magnetic field has been slowly decreasing for centuries but the has been a much faster decrease over the last 40 years. It is decreasing at about 5% per decade at the moment. It is suspected that this could be part of the magnetic field reversal about to happen but it is only speculation. However, magnetic field reversal is bad. There is plenty of great information about this event out there.
Why is our magnetic field changing is a hard question to answer as we are not truly certain how anything works. How the earth generates its magnetic field is pure speculation. Here is what we do know. The suns magnetic field has been increased by 230% since 1900. This expansion of the magnetic field is allowing more radiation to escape from the sun. The suns magnetic field reverses every eleven years and when this reversal happens there is a burst of plasma going out into the solar system a kind of burst of stardust. The stardust has the effect of heating up the the whole solar system. The effects are strange, where our moon had no atmosphere to speak of it now has a 6000km atmosphere of a of an element called Natrium. Mercury's magnetic field has increased to the extent that it is so protected that frozen poles are starting to form. Venuses brightness has increased 2500 times and its atmosphere has gone through major changes in just the last forty years. On Mars there were icecaps, they have now disappeared. Jupiter is changing colour. It doesn't stop there with similar strange thing happening on Saturn, Neptune and Uranus. We are seeing changes to the weather on earth the same as what is happening over the entire solar system. Also the earth's axis has tilted more in recent years. This is the cause of the vast increases in natural disasters 400, 500 and 1000% increases. There is nothing we can do about this but pray and trust in the Lord and his perfect plan. We can not work out what will this bring me back to the beginning and the CO2 argument. There is nothing we can do about the effects of the weakening magnetic field. Do the Globalists know this and gave come up with a plan get as many people to survive as possible without mass global panic. Considering how evil their behaviour is, not likely.
The real reason for the natural disaster. Wickedness.
Leviticus 18 6-28 Jeremiah 32-34
There are sexual sins that are an abomination. Incest, Adultery, homosexuality and bestiality. Two other sins that are an abomination, child sacrifice and setting up idols in a house that bares the Lords name. Denying justice and oppressing the poor, weak, widows and orphans also come with extreme warnings.
There is not a lot you can add to this. The warning is plain that if you behave wickedly in the above areas the land will reject you. The Israelites were warned that this is one of Gods principles. The wickedness today easily meets the evil of the people who were driven out of the land before the Israelites. We have child sacrifice (abortion), no justice, sexual immorality in all its forms and oppression of the poor, widows and orphans. It is so far beyond the wickedness of the past we fall into the area of judgement that has an effect on the very earth itself.
“Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgement has come, “ This is the real reason for the dramatic increase in every type of calamity coming upon the earth. In greater numbers and power. This is going to get worse as time goes on. Get ready for a rough ride into the end of the age.
This is part three and final part of the series “Another Gospel” but first I would like to recap the first two parts. These are the Age of Laodicea” and “The White horseman”. These two parts lay the foundation of how the new Gospel comes about. The age of Laodicea lays the foundation and how it creates an environment for the White Horseman. The meaning of the name Laodicea means 'the rights of man'. This age elevates man's importance and lowers God's importance. This is done in two ways. Firstly, though, a worldly attack with the rise of Darwin's evolution theory's and Marxism with the concepts that there is no God and religion is the opium of the people. The seeds of doubt being sown. Then the industrial revolution started creating much more wealth, and until the last decade, each generation has been wealthier than the previous. Rev3 17 For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked. Money, the enemy of the modern Christian. It makes us lukewarm, as Revelations says. We now have this poor environment for the White Horseman to raise the New Gospel. The horseman starts out in the 1840s, as the age of Laodicea does. Firstly, the Catholic Church is attacked, will the doctrines are, and this moves out to the other mainstream churches and to all the churches. We saw the rise of the pseudo Christian churches and, to complete the destruction, the introduction of new translations of the Bible. The Scofield and the Darby versions would be two of the worst. If I were to try to put these events into a sentence, I would say that this period stripped us of our fear of God. This is what the 144,000 have been preaching, “Fear God“ for judgement is coming. All the groundwork for another gospel is laid, and now I will show how this works out in the real world. Corinthian2-11/4 mentions this Gospel plainly and elaborates on it a bit. It is not just another Gospel, but also another spirit and another Jesus. Whenever I mention another Gospel, I also mean the other two as well. Revelations 10 is where I believe Revelations covers the subject.
The mystery of the seven thunders. Did God say these things in the thunders, then change his mind. Then he forgot to take it out, or is there something crucial in these apparently messed up verses. If a mistake is not possible, then what is God saying to us in Rev 12. Let us see if we can glean some information out of it. There is an interesting angel that has the book in his hand “Another mighty angel coming down from heaven, wrapped in a cloud, with a rainbow over his head, and his face was like the sun, and his legs like pillars of fire.” A powerful and important angel. In fact, the most powerful and colourful of all the angels mentioned. It has a heap of symbolism. The rainbow above his head is only seen elsewhere in a picture of Jesus on the throne. However, I can only speculate on the meanings and I want to keep speculations down to a minimum.
After the seven thunders speak and John is told not to reveal what is said, he says that the mystery of God would be fulfilled, just as he announced to his servants the prophets. When this angel appears, it says he has a book in his hand. At this point in the chapter, John is given the book to eat. It tasted sweet as honey, but was poisonous or toxic and made John's stomach bitter. So what happened here. A book has words in it that give some kind of information. So it will not be the book as such that is toxic but the words or to be more exact, what the words say. They also have to be toxic to John. This is John as a servant and prophet of God, so the words should be the opposite to the Gospel. Revelations 10 describes it as a scroll that tastes sweet but is bitter to the stomach. Before we look at some out workings of the false gospel, I want to talk about an intermediate step.
It is called the gospel of Christian Universalism. “Christian Universalism” is the position that all mankind will ultimately be saved through Jesus, whether or not faith is professed in him in this life. It claims that God's qualities of love, sovereignty, justice, etc., require that all people be saved and that eternal punishment cannot exist. That God's love is unconditional. There is no deigning that God's love is unconditional, but salvation from the consequences of sin is very much conditional. It is this deigning of conditions for salvation that allows a doctrine to take any form it wants to. Some examples are 1) Once you have salvation, you cannot lose it. The Scriptures say you can and in certain cases can lead to no chance of repenting from rebellion. 2) Unity is everything. This quest for unity, not the unity that Paul talks about but unholy unity that leads to compromise, the doctrine of accommodation. These compromises usually come from giving importance to our human traditions. Happiness and self-fulfilment idols. That if we follow the agenda of giving, praying, reading the word etc. we will not get problems in any area of our life.
These good characterises of God become a difficulty because they remove the characteristics that they do not like. God is a judge and there will be consequences of our actions. That there is a requirement for obedience which starts with confession and repentance. If you take only the positive aspects of God, then there is no need for repentance. Let us look at a few of the common out workings.
Divorce is rampant and adultery, but the stand-out is the promotion of homosexuality as some kind of acceptable norm. To think that this is promoted by leaders within mainstream churches. One day, these people are going to stand before the throne of God to be judged. We will get to see the unimaginable horror on their faces as judgement is handed down, and they are thrown into the lake of fire. I get no joy from the thought, only regret that I could not do more for them when I had the chance.
This Gospel has been attacked from all directions, and it is not difficult to find an excellent expose of it. My view is that no growth or maturity can be gained unless hardship is encountered. The idea that you will have trouble in the world again and again. But these problems come for our benefit and growth and should be rejoiced. The out working of this Gospel is if things are going well with you, then you must agree with God. The opposite side of that coin is, if things are going bad for you ,you must be out of tune with God. This leads to judgement of others on flimsy reasoning.
Extreme Grace Gospel. Or Hyper Grace.
Hyper-grace teachers maintain that all sin, past, present, and future, has already been forgiven, so there is no need for a believer to ever confess it. Hyper-grace teaching says that, when God looks at us, He sees only a holy and righteous people. That believers are not responsible for their sin. This is the total rejection of the adverse issues we can suffer as Christians. Once a Christian, always a Christian, and you cannot lose your salvation. A rejection of the judgement of Jesus.
For the most part, we understand that there is no salvation but through faith in Jesus. Not we get salvation because we have done good works, but we do good works because we are saved. However, there is a Gospel of works that is not so obvious. For example, the church is full of people because we have a great pastor. He is very capable and so must be blessed by God for what he does. The Pastor down the road is struggling because he has suffered for poor health. Because of this, God must not be with him. A rejection of salvation by grace.
The teaching of a Gospel that people want to hear. Do these churches exist because a Pastor has practised modern marketing and manipulation. Or has the rise of this kind of preaching been the result of the average Christian only intending to hear this Gospel. I think the latter. People flocking to what they intend to hear. To further inform yourselves, read articles about the New Apostolic Reformation.
Christchurch's killings, a look at the facts.
Tragedy has struck New Zealand, with dozens of Kiwis having their lives terminated before their time. We have one life, and it is sad that it is taken by broken people. The Government has tried with unbelievable zealous to hide every bit of information apart from their narrative, while the alternative media speculates widely about the facts and conspiracies. There is information out there, and this is an attempt to inform the average Kiwi and people of the world about what has happened. The information was gathered from mainstream corporate media and mainstream non Corporate. The information about the Israeli Defence Force came from an award-winning alternative site.
Brenton Tarrant
Brenton left Australia in 2010 to travel the world on the death of his father. There are two stories how he funded these travels. He inherited money from his father's estate, less than $50,000. This may have funded travels for a year or two, but thereafter, he needed some sort of income. The following has been hard to cross-check, but his time overseas goes like this. He travelled for two years and ended up in Israel. There he got dual citizenship and joined the Israeli Defence Force. He left after three years, but still had some connection to them. In 2018, there was a break in at the Spanish North Korean embassy where he was travelling at the time and was on the suspect list. He says, he funded his travels through a cryptocurrency called Bit Connect. Bit Connect did not appear until 2016 and was a scam, everybody lost their money. However, one story told by an acquaintance in Australia said it was Bitcoin, which would make much more sense. It only helped him in the past two years of his life. The last time he was in Australia, he made several donations to far-right groups. One of them, called The Lads, has been banned from Facebook. The Australian Security Service said he was not on their radar, which is incredibly unlikely or for some reason they were telling lies.
The closest thing he had to a trade was as a person trainer and a soldier, if that information was correct? The owner of the Gym where Tarrant was said to have worked denied that Tarrant was ever there. Tarrants father and mother emigrated from Israel to Britain to escape poverty in Israel, according to the UK Guardian. From Britain, they went to Australia and in 1970 became nationalised. Brenton was born six years latter, which makes him 42. He was said to have had little to do with women and spent a lot of time on the computer. He was liked and genial in his behaviour. His family said there was a dramatic change in his personality after travelling overseas. The photos of him in Pakistan do not show a person in a lot of stress from physiological problems. In fact, his statements about Pakistan showed he still had an appreciation of beauty.
He lived in NZ for five months before this event and was unemployed. He came to New Zealand twice but travelled all over the world in between visits. Countries visited by Tarrant included Pakistan, North Korea, Turkey, parts of Africa, Israel, Portugal, Spain, France, Afghanistan, and China. After he left Israel in 2017, he came to New Zealand and obtained a gun license and left again. As a foreigner, he could not get a permanent license unless he was a resident. The licence requires two references to be given. Who were they? this information is not available to us, but the situation is very wrong. He returned in October 2018 and kept a low profile before the shooting. He lived in Dunedin, a city of 120,000 people and about a four-hour drive from Christchurch. In court, he was seen making a hand symbol which the media claims is a symbol of white supremacy, but it is not. That sign that looks like an upside down 6 is the sign of 666, particularly when it is made in front of the crutch area. It is a demonic and Satanist symbol. These satanic symbols come up again and again.
The video and shooting.
This video was quickly scrubbed from Facebook. Anyone possessing it in New Zealand was subject to up to 14 years in jail. They were very keen that nobody see this video, and we will explore the reasons why. Hardly anyone actually saw the video live, but it did have a wide distribution and many people outside New Zealand recorded it and have studied the content. These are the conclusions they have come up with. There is a mountain of ideas bouncing around the net, but nearly all are wrong. The pictures were most likely shot on a phone. The poor quality picture was the reason it looked like CGI, with items disappearing and appearing again. The video was real all and the terrible things that are shown are real. Of the five reviews I read of the video, all the reviewers showed a level of shock. The police were right to ban it. However, the video showed some significant information. Before I started this review, I saw a picture of a gunman who was at the site, and it was assumed was an extra shooter. The thing that surprised me was he was wearing red. This is not a colour that makes you blend in. As I gathered more info, it started to make sense. The colour red comes up again and again. The pictures show another man wearing red overalls. On his way to the site he stops, and a woman comes up to him and gets very close, and she is dressed in red as well. There were red cars everywhere. During the shooting, twice someone spoke to him. The first time saying 'watch your back' clearly, the second one was not so clear. Most of the victims were trapped in a room because the fire exits were jammed shut. That took a person on the outside to do that or incredibly bad luck, but it was not Tarrant. It was probably the taller man with blonde hair and the red shirt. One of the glass doors was broken and a few escaped. Once he had shot everyone in sight, he suddenly left the building to chase a woman who was fleeing. A car similar to the one Tarrant was driving that had been by the front door when he arrived was gone. That car was a Toyota Wells and the number plate was recognisable in the video. Someone was filming a police road block after the event and a Toyota Wells drove up the side of the queue of traffic, showed the officer something and was waved through. The car had the same number plate as the car in front of the mosque. He had to have got a message that this was happening. He races out and shoots her. The mosque had a fence around it, and these people in red were inside the fence and not shooting like everybody else. Then the most obvious reason it appears he was getting messages, for he suddenly runs around to the other side of the building which he could not see and shoots a man 40 metres away as he tries to escape out the back car park. It is then we see the man in red overalls. There were at least four different perpetrators involved. The man in the red shirt with a gun, the man with the red overalls and a woman in red who walked up to the car and possibly gave him something when he was stopped and Tarrant seen in the video. Tarrant then left the building and drove to the other Mosque, where things went wrong. A person at the mosque shot the man in the overalls dead, which caused the others and Tarrant to flee. They were being shot at by the person who had somehow got a gun and fired five shoots, according to a witness, Mark Nichols. This incident of the person getting the gun and had to shoot at the attacker was reported in the New Zealand Herald and other sources. One of New Zealand's main propaganda news outlets. (Someone was not in the loop.) There was a video of the man lying dead on the ground and being rolled over by a policeman's foot. There were survivors at the second mosque and multiple shooters were seen and one was said to be a woman. Why did Tarrant take the video when it would show exactly what happened, and it was not the act of a lone madman? I am sure he was not meant to take this video. Was this a cry from Tarrant that he was not responsible and was being made to commit the atrocity. This was a certainly a planned operation, and we could well see it end up in the highest levels of government. With the whole mind control story, there are some anomalies. However, the video showed some critical information. The video seems to showed how an MK ultra mass shooting works. It will be used as an example of how a false flag works with MK ultra for decades to come. The use of colours and music and how they are used to control the victim. The result of Mk ultra usage tends to level the victim stupefied and not able to carry out the attack with the effect the controllers need. They often have other shooters which have been caught on camera and by many eyewitnesses. Brenton carried this out easily by himself. This was a planned operation, and we could well see it end up in the highest levels of government. The gun that has been seen with the names of killers on it also had occult symbolism. His bag had the symbol of the black sun, an occult symbol of killing everything to bring new life. The shooting was carried out on the ides of March or the fifteenth, a significant day in occult symbolism. The number of deaths being 49 (7×7) and the changing to 50 (the year of celebration)important numbers in occult numerology.
Tarrant himself had NZ police/army issued body armour on. Now that's disturbing.
The video was purged from the world, but a USA video hoster called Brighteon as still showing several clips. They were threatened with closer, but not by anyone in New Zealand but by the Australian Intelligence Service. Brighteon had to move themselves out of the USA to keep their service going. Brighteon/Christchurch Shooting.
The rifles
There were supposed to be five rifles used. He had purchased four A category weapons from Gun City in Christchurch. These guns were purchased online. This is the first of three odd things about the rifles and licences. Buying a gun online is not like buying a cheap watch from China. Pay the money and it turns up. Forms need to be signed by the police and basically a time-consuming task and lots of contact with the police. It is much easier to go to a shop and Christchurch is only four hours by car for a $6000 dollar deal. The guns could have been bought in Dunedin. The AR-15 is an A category firearm under certain conditions or usually a military styled weapon that needs a special licence. You may know the AR-15 as the Armalite rifle from the Vietnam War. Some described it as the gun that lost the Vietnam War because of its unreliability. A normal AR-15 bares little resemblance to the one used. The particular AR-15 shown with all the marking was a Ruger made in the USA and readily available in New Zealand. It was this gun that was not bought at Gun City and the only one with the serial number removed. The second strange thing is why remove this number? The original gun licence is the really suspicious thing. A foreigner travelling to New Zealand cannot obtain a category A licence, they can only get a temporary E or D licence. It requires a home visit from police, and you need two referees, one being a family member. There is no way he could get a licence. As you will see, one of the reasons New Zealand does not have a gun problem is a highly competent police force. There may be some extremely diverse opinions about the leadership of the police, but the average police person is well-trained and highly competent. This licence situation could only happen as a criminal event.
That Manifesto. The Great Replacement.
The manifesto is nothing but clickbait. Written by at least three people and meant as a tool to get an agenda across. The manifesto is broken into three parts. The intro, where he establishes the white nationalist view point. A series of questions he poses to himself and then answers them. During these questions and answers, there seems to take a sudden change in the words and emotions he is writing about. Then a more summary type of conversation. The last part is an almost cut and paste of the uni bombers' manifesto. It is not written by him, so I won't discuss it. The first section has the appearance of something he has written just before he committed the act. The trouble is that the wording used has changed. The average person will not use more than two words of more than six letters in any sentence. People who use more than that have a much higher intellect. He was not a bright person who led an academic life. He worked as a personal trainer and a soldier. He would not have put a sentence together like this. “We must enviably correct the disaster of hedonistic, nihilistic individualism” or “even despite the ongoing effect of sub-replacement fertility, the population figures show the population figures do no decrease in line with sub-replacement fertility levels”. Someone added to the manifesto to create a narrative. This was written by someone else, but why or how this happened can only be speculated. He described New Zealand as a target rich environment and an easy target. Remember that statement for later on, it will come up again with a Mr Podesta. Despite the early white nationalist rhetoric, he then goes on to blame everybody else in the second part. Saying he is one thing or another, admires China for it has the best government. Calls himself a socialist. He has a go at everybody but Israel, a good soldier.
The Mossad
During the 2011 earthquake in Christchurch, part of a building landed on a car and one of the four occupants was killed. When the police turned up to help, they discovered the dead person had five passports from different countries. They were promptly arrested. It turned out they were Israeli Secret Service agents. They claimed they were here scouting out passports they could use. A minor infringement which does not explain why the then Prime Minister John Key received four phone calls from Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister. One of the world's more evil characters and heavily involved in the dark world of intelligence. Later as the plot thickens another even more evil character raises his head. What were they doing in New Zealand. Were they responsible for the attack or an indicator of the reasons this mosque was attacked? We are about to see they are innocent victims or are they martyrs in a fight for some cause.
The Mosques
The Al Noor Mosque is very controversial.
In 2013, two terrorists were killed in a drone strike in Afghanistan. When they investigated the bodies and who they were, they found two Europeans that had come from New Zealand. The parents of the two said they were radicalised at the Al Noor mosque. In 2014, they bought in a radical preacher who was preaching Jihad. There were complaints. These are just the things we know about, but for two European kiwis to be radicalised this must have been going on for a while. With many more preachers coming in and a lot of young Muslim's being sent overseas. Now we know why the Mossad was here. They had been there watching since 2011 at least. This raises whether they were innocent or how many were aware of their history and were they still pursuing it in some form. Was it the reason that that mosque was targeted. There would only have been two or three survivors from the first mosque. Which leaves far too many wounded at the second mosque. None of the numbers seem to stack up, but there were a large number. Are these innocent victims, or the martyrs in a fight for some cause. Whether other people believe in the cause or not, it was their cause and died in the promotion of it. Whether a front-line soldier or a logistical support person in some form. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. They were helping people get to Afghanistan to help fight an invading force who were killing many people carelessly. There is no way the NZSIS did not know about these activities. From the first call to the police and Tarrant getting caught was 36 minutes. To get from one mosque to the other (about 7 km) you had to drive through the centre of town at 2.00 on Friday afternoon. A trip of fifteen minutes. Shoot about the same number of victims at the second mosque. Then travel about another 6 or 7 km to where he got caught. That's another 15 minutes. Eight minutes at each mosque, that gives a total of 46 minutes. Ten minutes to long. The report of different shooters at different mosques starts to make more sense. One last point about the mosque itself. It is about the reactions of the people. The panic and lack of leadership caused there to be far more deaths than what there should have been. They huddled in a corner and waited to be shot. It was quite unbelievable. There clearly needs to be a trained response to this kind of attack. A guide needs to be developed by the police.
The Police
New Zealand is a remarkably safe place to live, with a major reason for that going to a well-trained and competent Police Force. They are a force to be proud of and deserve all the honour, respect, and help we can give them. However, elements of the higher levels of the New Zealand police have been accused of being some of the most corrupt in the western world.
All police cars carry plenty of fire-power, so there was no need to go and suit up, so to speak. They got to the scene only a couple of minutes after Tarrant left. The first shooting was only eight minutes long, so for all the speed they were there 2 minutes too late. There were four people arrested who were carrying firearms, Three men and a woman. Tarrant was one. Another was a neighbour who was coming to the aid of the mosque but was stopped by police and arrested. Two others stopped at a police cordon carrying guns and arrested. Interestingly, one was a woman, they were armed. They were all released latter, but the man and woman stopped and arrested was one hell of a coincidence. To summarise, from the first call to Tarrant being arrested was 36 minutes. Then approx. another 9 mins until the last two attackers were caught. One was killed at the second mosque. A total of 45 minutes, now that's great police work. The only problem was: You can drive from one mosque to the second mosque and then to where Tarrant was stopped in 36 minutes at 10 am on a Tuesday morning, as I did. However, to do that at 2.30pm on a Friday afternoon in school traffic would be impossible.
When the French bombed the Rainbow Warrior, two of the three perpetrators were caught rapidly because they did not grasp how good NZ policing is. I went back and watched the police reports from Mike Bush, the Police Commissioner. He was unsure of the facts and did not seem to have a prepared narrative to drive home. Actually, he seemed a really decent bloke. Did not appear to be some kind of villain at all. Andrew Coster, on the other hand, was the Commissioner for Southern Police. If Tarrant had been able to purchase these guns and had not already been a person of interest, then Southern Police had to be the most incompetently run district in New Zealand. He would have been fully aware of the lies being told about the number of people killed. An incompetent liar yet was made New Zealand Police Commissioner when Mike Bush retired. WOW! Now that is corruption.
New Zealand media is nearly all overseas controlled. With the main television channel TV1 being a state broadcaster. Like BBC, Australian and Canadian state broadcasters, when it comes to leftist propaganda, they are leading the charge. The only good thing about TV1 is you can watch the news and find out what's not true. You don't know the truth, but you know the lie or the narrative. All the other media is owned by the banks or hedge funds, which are just an extension of the banks. The same people who own ASB, BNZ, ANZ and Westpac.
What did we get from them? Gun confiscation, white nationalism or anti nationalism and more censorship, the same totalitarian garbage we always get. They instantly linked Tarrant to Donald Trump and all the fake ideologies surrounding him. Numerous emotive pictures of Adern with lots of anti gun sentiment. In fact, there was open attack on anyone who did not adhere to the mainstream media narrative. Books banned, websites banned, one being Zero Hedge, a financial news outlet of all things, and people lost their employment for having some vague link to racist views. The way this has been scrubbed from everywhere except for the narrative version is quite spectacular. There is no place for discussion or other opinions. Agree or be vilified. Welcome to NZ media, the only place in the world with more propaganda than North Korea.
There is now a mad dash to take away plenty of guns. All based on this incident with the call to make New Zealand safe. Will it make New Zealand safer? Let's look at the facts.
1 – New Zealand has a remarkably safe gun record. There are few incidents of people shooting each other in malice. What problems there are principally in the drug trade and this harm will still happen, guns or not. The police have done an excellent job and have made gun ownership a non issue in New Zealand.
2 – This person was not part of the NZ environment, but an outsider with the desire to kill as many people as possible. There are far better ways to kill numerous people than using a rifle. New Zealand has a massive farming industry with all the ingredients for high explosive fertiliser bombs. Maybe Jacinda Adern should ban farming. (Oh that's right she is)
3 – In the USA, with horrific gun crime, if you have a gun in your house you are eight times more likely to shoot yourself accidentally than someone shooting you with malice. In New Zealand, that figure is nearer 25 times. That is extremely rare. Therefore, any argument about gun safety in NZ is not one of being shot in malice but one of accident prevention. Gun related deaths in NZ are minimal, with 19 in the past ten years before this event. This is not a mistake, only 19 in 10 years in New Zealand's population of 5 million. It is estimated there are around two guns for every person. Nearly all the deaths are hunting accidents by people not identifying their targets or in the drug trade. Removing semi-automatic weapons would not have saved a single one of these lives. The two times there were mass shootings in NZ in living memory, both were done with bolt action rifles.
4 – So this bill won't stop terrorists and will not decrease the number of deaths from firearms. I am uncertain if the number of times firearms are presented when police attend incidents has increased, but that could well be true. What will it do? The gun industry is a multi-million dollar industry that employs thousands of people, so 75% of them can most likely expect to lose their jobs. There are around three hundred gun shops in New Zealand, so you could see half of them close with the destruction of their lives and their families' lives for nothing. Another scenario may arise where all the gun enthusiasts now have to buy new guns to fit the law. That would be a bonanza for the shops.
5- A similar gun stripping laws did nothing to stop deaths in Australia.
6- A person having a gun reduced the number of fatalities at the second mosque.
7- This is an attack on New Zealander's right to defend themselves against totalitarian government. To have an armed population is one of the fundamental foundations of freedom. Occasionally, we may require this freedom to be defended from invading forces. However, the people always have to defend themselves from oppressive government. We try to do this through the voting process, but when the voting becomes corrupted and your vote no longer counts, you reach a point where armed conflict arises. We could well be seeing this happening in France right now. This bill is a declaration of war on the people. The leader of the opposition described that passing this law was a no brainier, and he is right. You would have to have no brain to pass it.
Let us just reflect on this gun law. Start by removing the actual event and say it was a highly emotional event. Under these conditions, they ignored all the normal practices of select committees and public submission, and I am sure another 5 or 6 procedures. These procedures are in place to protect the people from out of control government. An American politician said we should be proud of how fast the law was enacted, but in fact they should be utterly ashamed. Ignored all normal practice because they were upset.
John Podesta
We are going to take a different direction now on the assumption that this was a planned event. Who could do it? How would you communicate it, and who would know of the event?
John Podesta is an American politician who is at the forefront of anti gun laws and social totalitarianism in the USA. Heavily involved in Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.
Five days before this event, John Podesta came to New Zealand and while he was here he did an interview on News Hub. One of the world's darker, more evil characters. He has been accused of being a paedophile and a Satanist. He states in the interview that the WikiLeaks scandal came out of nowhere and was a lie. But that was not true. Just from memory, I know of two cases where his name comes up in paedophile cases. The Podesta brothers have had accusations against them for decades. Not since 2016 with the WikiLeaks scandal. During the Madeline McCann disappearance in 2007, an identikit picture of two suspects was widely shown. It was pointed out the pictures showed remarkable resemblance to two well-known people often accused of being heavily involved in paedophilia, the Podesta brothers. The Podesta brothers were staying just a few kilometres away from where Madeline disappeared at that very same time. Police were questioned why they had not been interviewed. They were well known in paedophile circles at least nine years before Pizzagate. When Andrew Breitbart, the founder of the USA's biggest new outlet, was murdered for making accusations about paedophiles in 2011, it was John Podesta he was naming. His boss Hillary Clinton was in New Zealand in the last year and is due again this May 2019. Hillary Clinton has had many accusers of the same types of things over the decades as will. Though most of them are dead now. She was once described as the Queen of Evil, and John Podesta is an Arch Duke. John Podesta described New Zealand as a “Juicy target” not with worry but with glee, He also said New Zealand as a target rich environment and an easy target. These are almost identical to how Tarrant describes New Zealand in his manifesto. Then the interview took a strange turn. The camera panned down to his hands and took a close-up of his hand movements. His hand were not moving in a nervous fashion, but in a way that was clearly a signal to people. The signal was “it is going down”. Four days later, the shooting occurred. John Podesta is famously been shown with occult tattoos printed on his hands. The same occult symbols and numbers were on the rifles used. Stories that have come up again and again were that he had a clandestine meeting with Adern to inform her what was about to happen, and that the Mayor of Christchurch, Lianne Dalzel was also in the loop.
Jacinda Adren, NZ Prime Minister
Jacinda Adern behaviour during this whole event has been feeble. From a sceptical standpoint, she put on a good performance. When a country suffers a calamity of this proportion, we expect our leads to be the ones to stand tall. To keep calm and not make rash decisions. But what we saw from Adern was the very opposite. From a practical perspective, she really did panic and made poor practical decisions. Changing the gun laws through excessive anxiety that will, in fact, kill more people and not stop this kind of event happening again. What's going to happen when we get a massive crisis where ten's of thousands of lives are at stake? Is she going to hide under her desk and not stop crying? Is she having a re-occurrence of the anxiety problems that put her in a psychiatric unit when she was in the UK? Or is this all just for show. She also showed pitiful judgement in wearing head scarves. This bowing down to Islam is so unsupportive to women across the Muslin world, who suffer oppression. Every year, more than 50 women are killed in Saudi Arabia for being women. Much more in Pakistan. When they cry out from their oppression for help, to see a world leader submitting to the subjugation will hate the west more. Even though Jacinda leads the supposed workers/people's party, radical totalitarianism has very little to do with the good of the people. The EU is a good example of totalitarianism. They have no compassion for the worker or people in general. Another good example of this attitude towards ordinary people can be seen in the names that Adren stated hero Hillary Clinton called people, useless eaters, deplorable's and the sheeple. These days, the world is owned by an extremely rich elite who employ a myriad of bureaucrats with totalitarian powers. This is Globalism, where these people then try to protect themselves by taking away National powers, so they can live in a world above the law. They said when they arrested Julian Assange that nobody is above the law, but the whole point of Globalism is to make this elite group and their stooges can live above the law. Jacinda is one of these bureaucrats and takes her orders from the overseas elite. Look at Theresa May to see this kind of radical in action, they care nothing for people. The term Globalist is not held with the loathing it should be, there really needs to be a new name. The new gun laws most of existed already, it came out so fast. All standard tests of select committees and public submissions ignored. Under the cover of this story dominating the news, a Euthanasia bill was put before parliament. This bill is so bad it will put any older person in danger every time they visit a hospital. Now what is coming through are Draconian laws to restrict free speech. Are we really that asleep that they can think nothing of killing 50 innocent people to achieve their goals?
My opinion
This is only my opinion based on my search for facts regarding this shooting. The facts have mainly come from articles in the mainstream media. There are numerous options as to the reasons for this crime.
1- The mainstream narrative. That Tarrant was a lone psychopath and white nationalist who was able to kill numerous people. In the video, eyewitness reports show multiple shooters. He had no funds to travel the world or to life his style. The inconsistencies in the narrative make it nonsensical.
2- That it was a revenge killing by the Mossad. This would he out of character for them? There is lots of circumstantial evidence around that suggests them. They were aware that young people were being radicalised at that Mosque and being sent overseas to fight. Tarrant was a Jew. But I get the impression that if this went wrong, and they needed a new story, then a whole Jewish/ Antisemitism narrative was the back-up plan.
3- That this was a self-inflicted killing to use it for some agenda that only made sense in some pretty broken minds. There is no evidence pointing to this theory.
4- The inside job. This is a false flag event that has a very malevolent agenda. The most likely organisers of this event are the Australian SIS. It makes no difference what party is meeting their agenda. The NZSIS is A-political and has not worked in New Zealand's interest or even for New Zealand in a very long time. It is a foreign agency. This event was arranged from overseas in typical false flag style. Crisis-reason-solution is the way it always happens and very fast while peoples emotions are stirred up. This one was done very fast and poorly prepared. Maybe they thought that because New Zealand has no free press to speak of, that they could get away with it. The ruling political party was Globalist and the Prime Minister a radicalised totalitarian capable of anything. Clinton and Podesta's involvement is frightening, as they are a Globalist group that is renowned for its awful sexual depravity. These people have been buying large amounts of land in the South Island, as has been reported for a long time now. It was always thought that they were doing this to have a safe haven in the face of financial collapse.
What worries me is this may not have been carried out as some ideological tenet where they get a bigger kick out of the people being defenseless. Are they aware of some major event going to take place that will cause an uprising by the people? A collapse of the US dollar that will make the US banks close down. All the main Australian banks are owned by the US banks, and nearly all NZ banks are owned by Australian banks. What happens when you cannot get food. There certainly are enough doomsdays out there claiming catastrophic events are about to happen. It certainly looks that way.
I will finish with what JFK said, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable. Remember this moment in time. This is the point that the coming civil war became inevitable. Maybe they will just poison us all with some toxic vaccine.